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Everything posted by AeonLan

  1. Post count: 500Member rank: Trap UserPost count: 1000Member rank: Professional TrapperPost count: 2000Member rank: TrappedPost count: 3000Member rank: Trap All Day and NightPost count: 4000Member rank: Trap Until The EndPost count: 5000Member rank: Trap Elder XXD
  2. LMAO!!!! ~Don't click the show/hide mxweb... XXDLesson to be learned: Analyze codes line by line before asking for help .
  3. Way too cool. I imagine systems being wireless internally. Communicating to each other through wifi.Very kewl! ~~^_~
  4. Omg! XXDOwned..~ pew pew
  5. Nicely done. Good job.^_~Remember, even if you have solved the problem, try to think of better solutions to that problem. Until Satisfaction is met.
  6. AeonLan

    Kidnapped Domain?

    Some sites that offer redirection and subdomains implement ads pages before the main page of a certain site after a few days of subscripting to their free(most are free) packages. TRY TO AVOID THEM!One is Dot tk.
  7. You should try to visit php-nuke's website for porting scripts.Many CMS and BBS host third-party scripts that can port from one to another. THe bad news is that you can only port some of the database. Like members, post, and pages but not extensions, mods, and functionalities. ^_~
  8. WELCOME! To avoid unimportant talks, i'll be straight to the point. I found this at a Website where I am currently registered too. This helps, really... Things to Avoid in C/C++ -- gets() , Part 1 I've given part one, there are ten parts... Just go down the page to see other parts. It is from: GIDNetwork ^_~ Happy Coding
  9. yeah, SMF from simplemachines.org rocks. But stability was not that good at SMF. I have to be careful just to update the SMF Board.About the topic, I would chose the free one due to the undeniable fact that it is free!
  10. I see. Third-party scripts are more preferred as they have been tested many times and continuous maybe available. :)Well ~Happy Coding.
  11. You will still have to learn basics first if you want to be in depth on programming languages.. ^_~ Take note concepts like:-base conversion-levels of programming languages-how to program(in general, i.e. Write, compile, debug, develop..)and many more...Never stop learning. Computer Science is a science that grows. Every second Computer Science expands.
  12. Nice tips. It is true that we have to conserve energy now!We have to do this for our future and the future generation's future.
  13. Building your own computer based on your liking is my preference.Also when acquiring free softwares it is much more easy to have an open source because it is always developed and maintained. ^_~
  14. Blue Gene? Is it the descendant of Blue Deep ? The first supercomputer to beat a Chess Grandmaster? ^_~
  15. Oh I see.... What you posted is an HTML file. You need to have a PHP file to run this codes. Does your host support PHP? If yes, make an index.php and put this.. inside <?phpglobal $this_browser;function browser_detection( $which_test ) { // initialize the variables global $browser = ''; global $dom_browser = ''; // set to lower case to avoid errors, check to see if http_user_agent is set $navigator_user_agent = ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) ? strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) : ''; elseif (stristr($navigator_user_agent, "msie 4")) { $browser = 'msie4'; $dom_browser = false; } elseif (stristr($navigator_user_agent, "msie")) { $browser = 'msie'; $dom_browser = true; } elseif (stristr($navigator_user_agent, "mozilla/4")) { $browser = 'ns4'; $dom_browser = false; } else { $dom_browser = false; $browser = false; } // return the test result you want if ( $which_test == 'browser' ) { return $browser; } elseif ( $which_test == 'dom' ) { return $dom_browser; // note: $dom_browser is a boolean value, true/false, so you can just test if // it's true or not. }}//Redirection$this_browser = browser_detection('browser');if($this_browser = 'ns4'){ header("Location: forum/index.php"); exit();} else { echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; <head> </head> <body> <center> <h1>Your browser does not support this site</h1> </center> </body></html>';?>
  16. Yeah, C was pretty popular this days. C++ was popular back ahead before Java...The problem is that C was developed open-source and not for commercialization purposes. Java was a bit flexible and defeats some leaks that C and C++ have... Moreover, Java had a commercial version of their Language. So development and standardization(?) of Java was not that hard.And yeah, I use C. I use C for basic programs that require mid-level programming with high-level programming... It was fun learning C..Data structures has to be implemented by the programmer themselves in C.There are pointers that can manipulate memory. While some languages dont have pointers and data structures was defined by the authors and developers of the language themselves so it defeated the purpose of having a more imaginative and creative mind(IMHO). But in large system scales that requires you to focus on data construct than the logical construct, OOPL's are a must. ^_~
  17. Our university once teached course with the help Turbo Pascal. But due to high popularity and effectiveness C Prog. Lang. was made default teaching langauage for Computer Science Major Courses... XD
  18. Declare the function definition inlined with other function definitions of your php page or just simply put it on the top. As for the usage, you can place the if(...) statement where you would like the script to be executed, like: /* Log in and verification or something you want to be executed first *//* Continue *//* Then if you want to detect browser now use the browser detection */ /* Sample */$this_browser = browser_detection('browser');if($this_browser == 'msie' || $this_browser == 'msie4'){ // Redirect user} else { // continue loading page}
  19. Do you mean that the antivirus shut down itself? Some worms have their own small SMTP server that can send emails to a huge number of account... Or maybe your game requires intensive data input and output?Still, im betting on the upstream or downstream being blocked due to unknown reasons. Try to find a program that will help you know what enters and leaves your PC. ^_~ Maybe that'll do.Try Search and Destroy for additional scans.
  20. Nice to meet you too.. ^_~Care to cite some backgrounds and likes?
  21. I thought you might want to look into this. I got this code snippet a long time ago. ^_~ <?phpfunction browser_detection( $which_test ) { // initialize the variables $browser = ''; $dom_browser = ''; // set to lower case to avoid errors, check to see if http_user_agent is set $navigator_user_agent = ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) ? strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) : ''; elseif (stristr($navigator_user_agent, "msie 4")) { $browser = 'msie4'; $dom_browser = false; } elseif (stristr($navigator_user_agent, "msie")) { $browser = 'msie'; $dom_browser = true; } elseif (stristr($navigator_user_agent, "mozilla/4")) { $browser = 'ns4'; $dom_browser = false; } else { $dom_browser = false; $browser = false; } // return the test result you want if ( $which_test == 'browser' ) { return $browser; } elseif ( $which_test == 'dom' ) { return $dom_browser; // note: $dom_browser is a boolean value, true/false, so you can just test if // it's true or not. }}?> The above function can be called by: $user_browser = browser_detection('browser');if ( $user_browser == 'opera' ){ do something;} or you may want: if ( browser_detection('dom') ){ execute the code for dom browsers}else{ execute the code for non DOM browsers} and so on.......
  22. You have to consider checking if there are old sessions stored if no old sessions are stored then it is time to create a new session. IMHO, your script generates a new session everytime it loads. like: if(empty($_SESSION['new_login']) && isset($_SESSION['old_login']) $_SESSION['new_login'] = $_SESSION['old_login']; Something like that. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Use the proper bbcode!
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