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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. How to fix one type of 550 error!This one is because you started the hosting with a sub-domain of Xisto (or a different domain name) and then you changed it to a new domain name or to a sub-domain name.If you had setup and was using NeoMail with your old domain / sub-domain name all settings will not be automatically be updated when we change the domain name for you. WebMail have custom settings that you setup first time you use it so the custom setup is what we don't update when we change the domain name for you.So open up NeoMail and click on the "USER PREFERENCES" setup. The icon looks like an open ended wrench (fix your car not the email) now you are in "USER PREFERENCES" setup and you have to make sure the "From" and "Reply-to" are valid emails.The issue is that the "From" part of your emails domain name is updated but the "Reply-to" stays the way the old "Reply-to" address was.This should take care of the 550 issue. This was tested using NeoMail but should be the same for all the web-mail clients in cPanel.Nils

  2. the email address you are using to send and receive has to be created on the server. You can't just invent a email address and add it to the outlook express, the email address has to exist on the server.I changed the setting in neomail, you have to change your settings in outlook / outlook express yourself :DI sent the email to your email on file for cPanel and I cc'd it to myself. I got the email so I hope you got it also.Any settings you have setup in neomail etc. will not change when we change your domain name. That is a custom setting in you webmail and you should update it yourself (I did it for you :( )I can PM you a "REGEDIT4" file so you can update your registry settings for outlook express. I'm not going to post it here because the only thing missing is your password :DNils

  3. This is from my SMTP log outbound:

    Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:26: Session 7651; child 1Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:20: Parsing Message <c:\mdaemon\remoteq\pd50000021852.msg>Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:20: From: nospam@<removed>.comThu 2005-05-05 16:12:20: To: <removed>@vjgamer.comThu 2005-05-05 16:12:20: Subject: Testing emailThu 2005-05-05 16:12:20: Message-ID: <427A7EDB.3@usarecycle.com>Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:20: MX-record resolution of [vjgamer.com] in progress (DNS Server: 2005-05-05 16:12:20: P=005 D=vjgamer.com TTL=(240) MX=[mail.vjgamer.com] {}Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:20: Attempting MX: P=005 D=vjgamer.com TTL=(240) MX=[mail.vjgamer.com] {}Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:20: Attempting SMTP connection to [ : 25]Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:20: Waiting for socket connection...Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:20: Socket connection established ( : 2711 -> : 25)Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:20: Waiting for protocol initiation...Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:22: <-- 220-panda.unixbsd.info ESMTP Exim 4.50 #1 Thu, 05 May 2005 13:14:37 -0700 Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:22: <-- 220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited, Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:22: <-- 220 and/or bulk e-mail.Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:22: --> EHLO <removed>.comThu 2005-05-05 16:12:22: <-- 250-panda.unixbsd.info Hello <removed>.com [***.***.***.***]Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:22: <-- 250-SIZE 52428800Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:22: <-- 250-PIPELININGThu 2005-05-05 16:12:22: <-- 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGINThu 2005-05-05 16:12:22: <-- 250-STARTTLSThu 2005-05-05 16:12:22: <-- 250 HELPThu 2005-05-05 16:12:22: --> MAIL From:<nospam@<removed>.com> SIZE=944Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:22: <-- 250 OKThu 2005-05-05 16:12:22: --> RCPT To:<<removed>@vjgamer.com>Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:23: <-- 250 AcceptedThu 2005-05-05 16:12:23: --> DATAThu 2005-05-05 16:12:23: <-- 354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itselfThu 2005-05-05 16:12:23: Sending <c:\mdaemon\remoteq\pd50000021852.msg> to []Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:23: Transfer Complete.Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:26: <-- 250 OK id=1DTmk2-0003N1-AhThu 2005-05-05 16:12:26: --> QUITThu 2005-05-05 16:12:26: <-- 221 panda.unixbsd.info closing connectionThu 2005-05-05 16:12:26: SMTP session successful (Bytes in/out: 469/1055)Thu 2005-05-05 16:12:26: ----------
    So the email should have reached you :(

  4. karlo, you shouldn't throw rocks while sitting in a glass house. You need to optimize your website a little, check your code and links.

    from 96 page hits, total of 353 hits you have

    Files type Hits Percent Bandwidth Percent gif Image 192 54.3 % 130.72 KB 10.6 %
    html HTML or XML static page 64 18.1 % 218.57 KB 17.8 %
    jpg Image 57 16.1 % 344.55 KB 28 %
    php Dynamic Html page or Script file 23 6.5 % 262.08 KB 21.3 %
    Unknown 9 2.5 % 160.14 KB 13 %
    js Javascript file 8 2.2 % 110.84 KB 9 %

    your images are slowing you down and this :

    HTTP Error codes* Hits Percent Bandwidth404 Document Not Found 52 59.7 % 0
    302 Moved temporarily (redirect) 29 33.3 % 7.79 KB
    301 Moved permanently (redirect) 4 4.5 % 1.26 KB
    403 Forbidden 2 2.2 % 0

    52 404 errors thats a lot? same for the temporary redirects.

    Maybe you need to optimize your mySQL database. Compact it or remove unused or old data. 132.20 mb for 17.8MB website.

    Disk usage  17.80 / 150.00 MB      SQL Disk usage  1.16 MB 
      Disk space available  132.20 MB 
      Bandwidth usage (current month)  8.86 / 5120 MB

    You have no trafic to talk about this month? maybe it's because users can't find your website due to the missing index.html folder in your root directory. What other scripts and settings do you have that would slow you down?

    Another thing to remember is the time of day that you are working on your website, if it's after 5:00PM EST you are in the peak trafic time for both Xisto hosted server and the board.


  5. SystemWisdom, nice to have you onboard. Welcome to Xisto and dont be afraid to teach us a thing or two. I for one are eager to learn. :(

    If you are looking for other "Open source junkies" :( take a trip to the new site we are building, we just setup the board and are working on the modding and and tracking for any project people are working on.

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You and anyone here on Xisto or Xisto are welcome to join. Since it's in the starting phase any member have a say in the final look and feel of this community :(


  6. You will gain more hosting credits for each post if your hosting credits are below 30. After 30 hosting credits you will gain around 1 hosting credits for a post of 300 or more characters, for a one liner you will gain less or even nothing.We are looking for quality posts with substance and we reward them by giving more hosting credits to longer posts. The drawback are when we find posts that are long and copied, because when we delete that post you lose 1 1/2 time the credits you gained from posting it. And if I find 2 or more posts like that from the same user I may give another -50 hosting credits for multiple offences and terminate hosting.Nils

  7. You have a couple of problems not related to us or our setup :( As I said the last time, you have to edit your redirect files that are sending any request to the wrong URL. Because you posted an incompete URL I ended up removing and restoring your .info domain 3 times. I ran all tests but anytime I tried to get onto your web site I was redirected to the old domain name.

    In your root directory you have a file called index.html and in that file you have a link to

    <p align="center"><font color="#999900" size="+6"><strong><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ align="center">
    I changed it to
    <p align="center"><font color="#999900" size="+6"><strong><a href="http://http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.smartportal.info&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2300300503455222 align="center">

    It worked for me and make sure you remove all referenses to "smartportal.trap17.com" from your webpages.


  8. I see members with warnings I sometimes take a look and see what the warning was for and if post quality is good and it's 30 days or more since the warning I lower it. I try to go back and check members I have warned to see if they behave or not. If post-quality are good and they behaved I reduce the warning. The warning is also a tool for Admin. to see if a user should be hosted or not. With one warning and nothing serious after we will still give hosting.Warning is a tool to let members know what is not appropriate and I have posted the rules for moderators on how to warn. Anytime we delete a post a warning should be made that way I can see what happened when a member complain that their hosting credits was going down and they have no idea why it happened.The other tool we can use as members here is to give or take away reputation points, I use it to show that I appreciate a member helping out, or to reward a great post/tutorial that someone made. That way you can look at a member?s rep and see if they are helping out. As a moderator / Admin I recommend not to use the negative rep but to warn if we have a problem with a user.Then again, users can use the negative rep point to show they are displeased with spam or posts not following the rules. The problem with negative rep is that in a lot of instances it receives a "revenge" negative rep back. If I see that happening I may or may not take away 1 or both users right to give rep.. That way we will stay friends and the revenge part will not get out of hand.Nils

  9. OK, you may not like your old host and you may not like that they are down. Why do you think it's funny when they have problems? Are you the same who whine and complain when we have problems? Everyone is entitled their opinions but at least try to make them constructive. Ridiculing someone because they have a problem just show the maturity or should I say immaturity of the poster. I think it's nice that they took the time to at least try to give out free hosting, yes they may have run out of money or been hacked. It may be as simple as here where we see new "hosted" members try out everything in the cPanel and ending up taking down the server. Anytime there is mySQL problem here you all complain and in the end it ends up being a user running a faulty script.It's sad when you can't commend someone for the effort but you have to put them down. What that shows me is 1 thing, they did it and you didn't so it looks like your reaction is "do they think they are better than me", let me put them down.I think everyone of you who "can't afford" free hosting should be grateful to the people, who are giving you hosting (I mean all free hosts), be it here or at another site. Just because you get it for free doesn't mean it didn't cost any money.As for hosts shutting down after a year, yes that will happen and it happens in types of venture not just free hosting. The biggest problem are script kiddies who think they are God's greatest gift to computers and that it's their right to hack or try to hack any computer they encounter.So as members here you are not promoting Xisto by putting down other “Free Web host” here in our forum or by mentioning Xisto in derogatory posts on other forums. I am for free speech but that does not mean you are allowed to bash anyone in Xisto name. There are free web host review sites out there where you can post your opinion on any particular hosting site. If you feel the need to criticize, at least be objective and make it a review not a “spam” post.Nils

  10. When you are hosted you get access to cPanel, in cPanel there are several folders for the different options. When you upload your website, you upload it to a folder called "Public_html" this folder is also called your root html folder. So you put all the files hat belongs to this domain name "system482.astahost.com" in here, and when you get the account there is a default file (and others) called index.html in this folder. Anything you put in this folder is hotlinked to your www folder so you can get to your site by typeng

    http://system482.astahost.com/or'>http://system482.astahost.com/or http://system482.astahost.com/index.htmlor'>http://system482.astahost.com/index.htmlor http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 
    or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    There are private folder in there that you can only see if you are logged into cPanel or by ftp.

    The robots.txt file goes in that directory "public_html" and you will see your site on the web.
    spiders and robots search your
    directory for a file called robots.txt and if you put it in a subdirectory it's ignored. so putting a robots.txt files in the video_games/ subdirectory will get it ignored.

    Hope this helps.


  11. Kase everyone can get hosted here or at Xisto.com, the group is a little younger at trap so maybe you would feel like you fit in on trap easier. The only requirement is that you post in forums with post count, that will add to your hosting credits and you can get starter package at 10 hosting credits or regular hosting at 30 credits.No spam or copy paste articles from other websites. Enjoy have gun and learn :(Nils

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