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Everything posted by the_aggie10

  1. if you were to get a virus could you to a virus scan on a limited-user account? or would you have to log onto an administrator account? that would seem like a big hassle but it is a good tip either way
  2. i know exactly what you mean...and you cant hang up on them cause you need them to tell you what you called for...UGH why cant they just take 5 minutes and tell us what we want to know!!!! then they can go to whatever is sooooo important
  3. well if its not possible how was it made up? the guy that thought of it had to be GREAT at it...so he taught himself....why could we do the same and teach oursellves? im sure there are quite a few people around the U.S. that have achieved this goal....im not saying that i could....but im sure there are a lot of people in good enough physical condition that could do this
  4. i like it....parts of the cross are a little fuzzy....and his arm is fuzzy also....other than that it is good
  5. what kind of gaming script is it? is it a game that is played in a little window for fun? or a game you have to buy cause you wouldnt be able to get that in a script
  6. Rank number 2 So this idea really works, and I think we shoud start using it woud be great service. what? i didnt understand any of that...could you please tell me what you meant? im adding with so many words so its not one line.....but seriously what did you mean?
  7. im playing right now....trying to see what happens when you run out of skills.....do you know?it seems pretty violent/un-realistic....its an ok game if you have nothing to do but sit around with a lot of time on your hands....which occurs often for me hah. well good luck with the game!!
  8. i agree...everytime a "christian" is asked these types of questions they just give you a blank stare. but there has to be an answer to it....and i think the answer is that there is no god.
  9. wait....so Xisto will provide us with forums? i dont understand......how else do we get forums? is that all Xisto does is give us a site with pre-installed forums? sorry.....i was just wondering
  10. yea i dont reallylike the colors....but how do you et so many people at you forum??
  11. i have had dreams before they happend....a lot of my friends have too. is that a thing that occurs to everyone? but i cant ever tell when the phone is about to ring....but i get this feeling when something bad is about to happen.....i cant say i believe in magic....but i think that people that do it have a real love for it so who am i to stop them? i am sure many of you are familial with the show mindfreak....well not much of that stuff can/should be percieved as real....but he has a love for it and some is fake and some is real....but if he has that much of a love for it we shouldnt torment him or anything because we arent anybody to judge people
  12. have you made anything with php? if so i wanna see if not i wanna see when you do!!!! well if you stick with php you will be recognized but i dont know any of the people that were the reason to me getting malware on my computer.
  13. would blu-ray reall affect you if you didnt have a tv with hdtv? which is about 3000 dollars plus the monthly payment for the high-definition. it would only be worth it if you sat at home all day not doing anything but watching tv.....even then its a little over the edge.
  14. do any of those type sites ever work? the referreal ones? i heard they do but im just seeing if anyone here has ever done one and gotten the item.
  15. i like it! but could you make it to where we dont have to click next to look at each one? like you said if you have 1000's of clocks why put your visitors thru the trouble of that? but other than that i like it! how did you make a newsletter?
  16. Why do people even make this stuff? what do they get out of it? all i can think it does is make the person being affected very very angry! so whats the point of people making these things?
  17. whenever i get hosted is phpbb up and running automatically? what do you mean about the cpanel? not to do what?
  18. hahahahahhaha nice use of rhyming and poop...made me laugh a lot!! 10/10
  19. 8/10 it would be 10/10 but your rhyming is together.....you will rhyme every other line in one part of a poem...then you wont in the next part.....but i loved the poems!!!
  20. pretty nice song....but did you ever think maybe songs can rhyme too much? and what are you trying to get thru? maybe i could help you give it a beat? so ppl could read it and it would be like they are hearing it
  21. this post was along time ago....but is there a way to ge tthat bandwidth back? like delete the transaction?
  22. im not trying to be mean but why would we need that there? it is pretty cool that this network is growing....i would like to see google defeated muahah....but either way congrats on the expansion
  23. i dont thnk he owuld be safe at all....i hope he gets out....which he may already be....do you have any more information on this story?????
  24. wait!!!! im talking about a package two!!!! im not doing a dot net one anymore...im VERY sorry if you didnt get this in time
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