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Everything posted by the_aggie10

  1. well i d/l a theme i liked from there but when i try to load it onto my forum i dont know how to put it in the templates folder on my computer. i dont evem think there is one....any other way to put it there?
  2. i can just put that at the bottom of the html code?
  3. ok i tok it out....now look theres another one there with that message that i wrote ummm yea its in the thread...look
  4. ok thanks....is there anyway i can get that side panel off? i dont really like it....and how do i add color to it?
  5. wow.....sorry lol its this one ==> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Notice from jlhaslip: Added url tags to the link to make it clickable
  6. ok i need sonme help on the frontpage of my site....its horrible and i have no idea how to work it....and also on getting a new theme on my phpbb forums...i downloaded one just dont know how to load it onto it....yes i read the instructions at php's site.....so please comment on it also
  7. mine is a gaming site....im working on it and ANY help with the fron page will be greatly appreciated http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. why complain about it? its not like talking about it on a forum is going to change it....but they are pretty messed up
  9. well i accomplished that...now is there anyway to get that dang php logo off?????it is really annoying and doesnt look good Notice from jlhaslip: Edit title
  10. this isnt good.....do you know why the milkman shot them?thats pretty awesome that the amish people forgave the milman...
  11. if we hare hosted how do we know how many credits we have? for hosted would it have to say 30 days? rather than credits?
  12. get the newest make that cingular offers....my brother has it....its called the congular 1325? something like that...but it is VERY reliable and play mp3's i want it so bad! but he paid for it and i have no money....i hope you get it....cause you will love it to death!!!!!!
  13. Like he said....they say the universe is endless....but isnt the univers defined something like its everything (nice summary huh?) but seriously how could there be another one? if the universe is EVERYTHING then how could there be another universe?
  14. so even if i did try it the only way i would really get something out of it is if i payed money to get access to special places? it sounds like they want you to hate the free part so that you will pay for the user access part.....post a link and i will try it
  15. u reccomend doing it with ewido....the true masters of these things are at techsupportforums.com go there post a hjt log and they will tell you what to do step by step.....i hope this helps....DONT go out and buy a new virus scanner. this will just be a total waste of money....hope this helped best of luck to you
  16. so i could use notepad and save it as that? then how would i upload it to my page?
  17. where do i go to create the page index.htm?
  18. how do i create an index page so that i can have links on the side to different parts of my site?
  19. if hosted members run out of credits do we lose all of our data and stuff? or is it just like "suspended" until we get some credits?
  20. i just got approved this morning and i cant login.....i logged in earlier but now its saying that the password is wrong and im 99 percent positive that its right....please help!
  21. we can only use 10 percent of our brain?...well then maybe those people that are "magical" and stuff have a gift that makes them use 20 or 30 percent....some people can just not be so open-minded and say none of it is true....it makes it believable if you know that fact....thanks!
  22. yea i think they would have to have alot of time on there hands.....but dont some companies have people make adware and stuff so that pop-ups of there company will occur in an attempt to get you to buy it?
  23. yea i almost didnt see it cause the trailer wasnt a very good advertisment.....but it gave a good point about drugs and your life and how you shuold live with it.....advertisers should work on that stuff more if they want to keep there huge paycheck that is. makes you think why people said yes in that other topic asking if dope should be legal doesnt it?
  24. hahahah very funny....do they really think people believe all of this "news" on there website.....i sure do hope not
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