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Everything posted by the_aggie10

  1. ok thanks....could you walk me thru how to install it? cause i dont think i will know how
  2. i agree with all of these except the your for you're thing...that never really caught my eye....the thing i cant stand the most is when people spill something and just leave it there acting like i need to clean it up!!! yea it happend a few times...this is a good discussion!
  3. ok sorry to ask all these questions but if i were to achieve my goal of getting package to how would i put this onto my fourms??? https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=94055&start=0
  4. so what are you saying? are you saying that everything has changed from the time it was originated to now?
  5. i agree but "bless you" had to originate from a religion so wouldnt that make it religious? im not jumping on you cause it is a social thing but you cant really jump on him cause it is from religion...
  6. yea you did...thanks a lot.....so would putting a forum on my site count as bandwidth or space?
  7. whoa...i feel almost exactly the same as you..... i used to be cool with people saying stuff like that....but not its just as if they think everyone believes the same crap as them....it is pretty annoying dont ya think? im not to the point to where i think they shuold take "under god" out of the pledge cause i respect there beliefs i just wish they could respect mine
  8. well. this happend to me....i thought it was the power cable to my hard drive...so i just opened up the computer jiggled it around and it worked after that.....if none of these people help you try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they are very good with problems.....hope this helps!
  9. ok what is the big difference betweed space and bandwidth?? it is pretty confusing to me...thanks for answering
  10. google will do ANYTHING to get attention.....but i use paypal alot with eBay if the google checkout was a way to pay/recieve cash on ebay i would try it out....but i havent yet had any problems with paypal
  11. i dont personally use google. but i would NEVER pay for a search engine...theres so many more out there so why would i need to keep paying 5 dolars a month to use google?
  12. blu-ray isnt all that great....it will only affect you if you have like a 3000 dollar tv .....blu-ray company just gets about 1000+ dolars off of a player that cost them at most 100 dollars to make....coporations....
  13. well. you said you love him....i think he loves you...but also loves the bottle i think you should give him a choice between beer or you....that sounds mean but wouldnt you want him to love you more than beer?
  14. if shes sees her mom a few times a year chill out and let her see her mom....but it sounds to me like that may not be the case....which is me saying you should follow her and see what she is up to....not in a stalkerish way either....
  15. a dwarf PLANET well if its called a dwarg planet shuoldnt it still be a planet? astronomers dont seem to be as smart as they are presented....but i think it should be a planet
  16. oh ok i think i got it now....cou i access this thru the cpanel thing? or would I have to access it thru the forum control panel? sorry for all these questions.... but i also would like to know if its possible to change the layout of the domain Xisto gives you? like could you use one of those html type like they have on myspace and stuff?
  17. does it cost money??how much do people usually make ? Notice from BuffaloHELP: Contribute with quality and length. Short, brief and one liners are spam to our board
  18. jeez....i didnt know there were different "themes" but i use the difault one....hah
  19. oh so if i get package two then it wont be in the format http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/? how did this guy get it to be http://www.ipodforum.co.nr/? it doesnt say anything about trap 17
  20. why not just give it here? i smell a scam here people!
  21. ok if i get package two will they give me a website thats just a forum? or can i make it like a real site i want? which i will most likely make it a forum...but i just wanna keep my options open
  22. sorry...im calling it gold cause thats what it does in d2jsp forums. does the admin of the site control all the points/gold?
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