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Everything posted by sweet_princess
I think you are right. Islam comes from the root word "salaam", meaning peace, God tells us not to fight until they fight with us because war is a sign of the last day and it is supposed to happen but Allah tells Muslims not to set the fire but try to put it out when it is burning.Allah says that the Muslims in the world will be a minute quantity compared to the world as a whole (only 1 person from every 5 people in the world is a Muslim), and from those who are Muslims there will be a minute quantity of those who believe, and from those who believe there will be a minute quantity of those who have knowledge, and from those who have knowledge, there will be a minute quantity of those who are truly pious and righteous and the closest to Allah.You can straight away see that Osama and Al-Qaeda etc. are obviously not those who have knowledge, they are hypocrits, they say they are Muslims but only Allah knows if they truly believe.O people of the book, I am not pleaded or forcing you to embrace Islam, but I am in search of respect for our religion, it isn't right to be dissing us when you do not have KNOWLEDGE of our religion.And I think "arnz" is correct, among those who are Muslims, there is only a MINUTE QUANTITY of the pious and righteous...Is there even any religion left? No, not much, another sign of the last day. Salaam Alaiykum
Maybe Allah is trying to tell you to embrace Islam. I don't think that you should be proud of them though, I think that they are a sign of something bad about to happen. But that is what I think. Whenever I think of my Grandma (May Allah be pleased with her) I ALWAYS get goosebumps...It's relly creepy and I get freaked out a lot.
All you need is Allah, I used to be angry all the time but ever since I've become more mature I've always felt real happiness and inner peace. All these kinda so called "methods" can never work when you're angry, because there is too much on your mind at that time...You need to learn a little thing called SELF CONTROL.
what is sunderland?
Changing Legal Age For Driving
sweet_princess replied to Robbie Rotten's topic in General Discussion
Have patience, BUT GOD I WOULD LOVE TO DRIVE...it'd be like heaven ...can't wait! I'm only 14. -
Christians say that Nuns are married to God. I think this is illogical and whoever assciates partners with God is making a huge mistake. Why are they not allowed to marry and have children? (Hazrat) Mary, had a child (in virginity) and she was married, so why not nuns? And if God was the father of Jesus, then why did Mary marry to Joseph? What about Priests and all them kinds of people? Why are they not allowed to marry? Why are they not allowed to have a sweet blessing of a child? Priests and Nuns are really nice people.But I have to admit, not all Christians are nice people and some gamble, go to midnight clubs and drink alcohol, do drugs but there are black sheeps in every community and even some Muslims are no less. However the overall religion of Christianity is OK. The overall religion of Islam is logical and excellent and NONE of the principles of Islam go agianst humanity if you understand it properly (do not associate terrorism with our faith please...Many Muslims hate Al-Qaeda and Osam BinLaden etc. and if homosexuals can recieve respect then why is it so hard for Muslims to recieve respect?)As I was saying, if the worst people of Christianity are allowed to reproduce but the best people are not allowed to grow, then the bad people will grow (from the bad environment of thier bad parents), However the good people will not be allowed to reproduce(the good people will become less and more less), so after a while, won't your religion just be a whole load od drunkens, gamblers, prostitutes etc.?That is why all of our Muslims are allowed to have children and we are allowed to teach our children and love them and I can't believe Nun's are not allowed to have a blessing of a child...how sad.By the way I think that the whole Nun thing is illogical.
I will, they scare me
Is Homosexuality Right Or Wrong? your views
sweet_princess replied to wakelim's topic in General Discussion
How can you people say that homosexuality is OK? It is not!!! It's NOT OK, but I'll tell you what it is, it's a sign of The Last Day. Allah said when Homosexuality is considered normal, then the last day will be near!Sorry I can't give a reference, becuase I can't touch the Qur'an right now. (it's a girl thing) I think we should ban homosexuality and it it so disgusting and I have to stop typing cus i need to go and PUKE!!! -
Google,a Great Search Enigine? is it?
sweet_princess replied to SharpShooter22's topic in Search Engines
I think google is much cuter -
LOL, you jokaaaa! Did you know that google earth works when you're not on the internet, so how they spying on us then? LOLLLL!
LOL, I have a sister but shes nice. She does talk to my mum rudely too and that annoys me, but at least I respect my mum and she's not too religious and she does stupid things sometimes.I think you should tell your dad to sort this out, because he's the boss the whole family...Even if your mother says she will leave, she might not really take such a step so don't worry too much about it.Try to turn your sister more religious...It worked on me! Good Luck
that is exactly what happens in our school lol. But we have to do maths, english, science ans PSHE and apart from that theres loads to choose from, but it is still pretty dumb.
I'm a newbie too and I am SO confused! I think someone deleted my website by purpose and now i need to start all over (grr..). Anyways I think everyone has a cool website! Keep it up everyone!
Jesus Was Not Ressurected Jesus Was Not Resurrected
sweet_princess replied to sweet_princess's topic in General Discussion
Yes, I do believe that SOMEONE was crucified, but it was not Jesus From The Holy Quran, Surah An-Nisa, (Chapter 4) Verse 157 So, Allah sent down another man who looked exactly like Jesus, so he would be crucified and Jesus will stay safe...doesn't that make more sense? I do think so. -
Don't betray your friend like that, it isn't worth it. I bet this is a minor crush anyway!Good luck and don't do anything to heart your friend.......
Anger is a huge barrier in life and you have to learn to destroy it (like i did!) by remembering Allah (a.k.a God) and He will give you true guidance and now i do not ever get angry.
How Far Would You Go For A Million?
sweet_princess replied to Nani Cheri's topic in General Discussion
This is materialism, i would not do anything for money apart from earning it HONESTLY because I do not want the world, I want what is Hereafter. I want Allah to be impressed with me, I want to be among the pious and the righteous. -
Jesus Was Not Ressurected Jesus Was Not Resurrected
sweet_princess replied to sweet_princess's topic in General Discussion
The Christian brother has stated many tings above. First of all, the haven't forget about the disciples of Jesus...Think about Jesus christ please! He has not written a word of the Bible and if the Bible came much later than all the other Prophets like Abraham (Peace Be Upon Him) then how did St Paul know? The Qur'an is Allah speaking to us...Not St Paul and not any minor being, it is Allah himself. How many more of the miracles of the Qur'an will you deny? Yes brother I do know that the Qur'an says that we have previously sent down the Gospel and the Torah but they have been touched by human hands. However Allah Subhanhu Wa Ta'la has written the Qur'an in excellent poetry and nobody will be able to change it. And did you know that it is A GREAT CHALLENGE to produce a chapter like the Qur'an? The shortest Surah in the Qur'an is Surah Al-Kauther and it is written in a unique manner that NOBODY (and people have tried) HAS EVER BEEN ABLE TO CREATE ANYTHING LIKE IT! Even a group of people (Al-Quraysh), they hated Prophet Muhammad Salahu Alaiyhe WaSalaam, so they tried to make another Surah of the Qur'an and they failed to do so terribly, so even they embraced Islam later on. ANYONE WHO ASSOCIATES PARTNERS WITH ALLAH IS MAKING A TERRIBLE MISTAKE. Allah is only ONE, he has no wives, no sons, no daughters. Allah is the only divine being and he will not ever be related to a human because we are INFERIOR! And Jesus is not the son of God!!! And he never said such a thing...St Paul did, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that he said he was the son of Allah (As-Stakh-Fir-Ullah). -
Jesus Was Not Ressurected Jesus Was Not Resurrected
sweet_princess replied to sweet_princess's topic in General Discussion
By the way the Bible has been written by Humans and not Prophets, so this concludes that it is impossible for the Bible to be the word of god. However the Qur'an has been written by a unique Prophet and i think I'd rather believe a true Prophet then a guy name Paul, he is your master...not Jesus, Jesus never wrote the bible or claimed divinity. -
Jesus Was Not Resurrected In Christianity many people say that Jesus was resurrected but i can prove that wrong here and now. In Islam we believe that Jesus Christ was not resurrected but he will only RETURN later on. Be sure to have a Bible in hand people. Do you remember when Jesus returned to that upper room when they (his so called disciples) thought he had just been crucified and were terrified of him? The Gospel of St Luke, Chapter 24, Verse 36. Why were the disciples terrified? Because they thought that they were seeing a ghost. Clearly Jesus did not look like a ghost so why were they terrified? Allow me to explain. The disciples were not eye-witnesses or ear-witnesses of the previous three days as vouched for by St. Mark who says that at the most critical juncture in the life of Jesus was when All the knowledge regarding their master was from hearsay?They heard that he got HANGED ON THE CROSS, they heard that he was BURIED FOR THREE DAYS, so if you see a man with a reputation like that, then the conclusion is inescapable; the must be seeing a ghost?So these ten brave men were petrified. Jesus told them that he was not a ghost, . There, Jesus has just said for himself THAT HE IS NOT A RESSURECRED BODY! He said for himself that he is not a GHOST. The disciples even felt, he was still a human and he was NOT what they were thinking. But how can you be sure that a resurrected body cannot materialise physically as Jesus has obviously done? Because Jesus HIMSELF said that resurrected bodies get spiritualised and cannot go in another body! Remember the incident as recorded in Gospel of St Luke, chapter 10, where the learned men of the Jews "The chief priests and the scribes with the elders" had come to him with a number of posers and among them was a Jewess who seven husbands in turn, one after the other according to a Jewish custom and in time all seven husbands and that woman too died. The trap that the religious hierarchy were trying to spring on him was; which one was going to posses the woman on the "other side" ? at the resurrection ? since they reasoned with Jesus that the seven brothers "had her". There was no problem while they fulfilled their obligation of trying to give her a child because after the death of one that the other had taken her to wife because they were trying to posses her one by one in turn. Jesus debunked their false notation of resurrection, by saying that at the resurrection (Luke 20:36) meaning resurrected persons will be IMMORTALISED. They will not be subjected to death anymore, no more hunger or thirst, no more fatigue. In short all the instruments of death will be powerless against the resurrected body. Jesus continues to explain: that is that they will be ANGELISED ? SPIRITUALISED, they will become spirit creatures, . So to make a long story short (maybe it's too late for that LOL) JESUS WAS NOT SPIRITUALISED. He said it with his own words, now who is wrong Jesus himself OR his so called disciples who the Jews name "Christians" for an insult and you still take that name today. So who is right Jesus or his disciples? We Muslims will rather believe the master, did he not say You think that Jesus was crucified, however Allah made a copy of Jesus and they killed him while Jesus fled. It makes more sense now. And Jesus did not claim divinity, And we Muslims believe that Jesus was born from a virgin (Mary)
We Believe In The Same One God Judaism , Christianity and Islam
sweet_princess replied to kasm's topic in General Discussion
Yep, it is true that we worship the same God but we have given him different names. But Muslims appreciate God more and they prayer five times a day. Christians only go to church on Sundays and I don't know about Jews. But the special day for a Muslim is a Friday and on that day we pray even more. Christianity was not brought by Jesus Christ but it was brought by St.Paul. However the religion of Islam was brought by the 1st most influential person in history, Prophet Muhammad Salalahu Alaiyhe WaSalaam (read Michael H Harts's book). And our Prophet was also the most generous person ever, read this- Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 1 Volume 1, Book 1, Number 5: Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: -
Do not ask such a question because, the inferior human mind can not think anywhere near enough to a superior mind like Allah Subhanhu Wa Ta'la. The universe has a beginnig and an end but life hereafter (the day of judgement) and Heaven and Hell are also unimaginable and Allah has only told us what our brains can handle and understand.Peace Be Unto YouP.S Get back to me if you want to know more about Islam.
Is Christianity Just Another Religion Or Its Superior
sweet_princess replied to nustadventist's topic in General Discussion
CHRISTIANITY, it was a true religion until the people altered the Bible and they went astray. I have proof that Christians have changed the Bible and added there own words to it, all of you Christians, take a ANCIENT VERSION of your Holy scripture and read this- "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli" From the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 3, Verse 23 Now take a MODERN VERSION of your Bible and it says- "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli" WHY WAS "AS WAS SUPPOSED" WRITTEN IN BRACKETS? Because your translators felt that wihtout this interpolation the "little lambs" not well grounded in faith, might slip into an error of believing that JOSEPH the Carpenter was the actual physical father of Jesus Christ. Some other versions of the Bible HAVE TAKEN AWAY THE BRACKETS. IF THIS WAS A TRUE HOLY SCRIPTURE THEN WHAT RIGHT DO PEOPLE HAVE TO CHANGE THE BIBLE?? IF GOD SENT DOWN A HOLY SCRIPTURE HE WOULD MAKE SURE AND PROMISE THAT IT WOULD NEVER EVER BE ALTERED BY HUMANS....LIKE THE HOLY QUR'AN! YES, IT HAS NOT BEEN ALTERED FOR MORE THAN 1400 YEARS. If people think that a virgin giving birth to a baby is impossible, then so are we. How did humans form? The first man did not have a mother, it was Allah who created him, it is he who has created all of mankind. Islam is a superior religion and it is the fasted growing religion in America and the U.K! "In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of worlds, Owner of the Day of Judment. Thee alone we worship; Thee alone we ask for help. Show us the straight path. The path of whom Thou hast favoured; Not the path of those who earned Thine anger nor of those who went astray." From Surah Al-Fatihah, Chapter 1, Verses 1-7 Peace be on ALL of you and may Allah give you guidance! I will pray for all of you and if you want to know more about Islam, then get back to me -
I have the answer to all of your questions, Husker.Yes, the world will come to an end and it will be on a friday. The apostle of Allah (Prophet Muhammad SAW) told us some signs of the last day and most of them have past but yet only a few to come which you can find out about later but this is what will happen on the last day. And by the way, nobody knows the date of the last day but Allah because if the date was stated then the people who lived before us would not care as much and the people who will live near the date will not believe in it. Because if someone said to you that the world will end next friday then i don't think you would believe it LOL. This world will one day come to an end. 2. Besides Allah Ta'ala no one knows the exact day of Qiyamat. Only this much is known that on Friday the l0th of Moharram Hazrat ISRAFFEL (Alayhis Salaam) will be ordered to blow the soor (Bugle). 3. The sound will cause every living person or creature to die. 4. The earth will be shaken up. The mountain will become like flakes of cotton wool the sun and the moon will crash. The stars will lose their shine and the whole universe will be destroyed. 5. The approach of Qiyamat will be known by its signs shown to us by our NABI HAZRAT MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA . 6. Some of these signs are as follows:- (a) People will disobey their parents and disrespect respect them. (b ) Breach of trust. (c ) Singing, music and dancing will become common. NOTE: singing was frowned upon 1400 years ago and whoever did it was severly punished (d) Illiterate people will become leaders. (e) People will speak ill of their ancestors and the previous pious people. (like Islam_ (f) People of low means will begin to boast of high buildings. (NAKED, BAREFOOT AND DESTITUTE HERDSMEN!! - DOES THAT REMIND YOU OF SOMETHING??)(g) Unworthy people will be given high posts. (h) People will consider homosexuality as a normil thing (there are 25 million gays in America)(i) Illegal sex (fornication, underaged and adultery etc.) will prevailalso a major signs are - the return of Isa (Jesus christ) who will fight the Dajjal, Imam Mahdi will come,gog and magog will descend from the moutain (Yuj and Majuj)and many more which I haven't put up but if you want to know more, get back to me