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Posts posted by Caveman

  1. I have been swimming competitively for about eight years now...I've seen all the ups and downs of the sport, and lemme just say this: knowing how to swim is a great thing, but letting it take over your life leads to inevitable misery. I love all the people I have met through the sport and I have had some great times, but it is very overwhelming...Swimming is a lifestyle here in New Jersey. The irony of it is that you have a one in a million shot to get somewhere with it. If you love the sport, there's nothing wrong with sticking with it, but be careful as to where you let it take you. Life is a question of priorities, and everyone ought to know that swimming, or ANY sport for that matter, should never be #1, as so many people have made it out to be...

  2. Just out of curiosity...because it seems like we've got a lot of young ones here (myself included, I guess, to a certain extent!). So, without further ado, I will begin this discussion by saying that I am 17 years old. Yes, I am a teenager. I'll be off to college in about a half a year. Where to? Not a clue, yet, but that's aside the point. Now, I want everyone to look deep into their hearts and answer the burning question: How old am I today?

  3. The Ocarina of Time, in my opinion, is the pinnacle of the gaming world. It was revolutionary at the time, and it hasn't been topped since. It is a mesmerizing experience, as dorky as that sounds :D. I've been captivated for hours and hours at a time with this game--it simply never gets old! There isn't one thing I would change about the Ocarina of Time, because I really believe it is that perfect. Please don't get me started with the music. It is simply exquisite, and one of the high points of the entire game :D

  4. Nightwish is excellent. Their music is very atmospheric, and the singer's voice is simply astounding. A lot of talent all around the board here. The orchestration is phenomenal, and all of it combines to make for an incredibly unique sound. I was only introduced to them recently (this past October), but they have grown on me very quickly. My personal favorite tracks of theirs include Nemo and Ghost, Love, Score. All in all, breathtaking material. I highly recommend Nightwish to anyone who is remotely interested in any sort of rock n' roll or heavy metal. They're revolutionary, in my opinion.

  5. Mine should :D Haha, just kidding. Yeah, I guess I would rather have my family and friends feel on the more chipper side with me gone. I don't know, I just love that song. Maybe Rammstein's "Du Hast" would be more fitting? Haha. And of course, the reception always has some wonderful eats, so any hard feelings will be swept away in the sugary wonderland of post-funeral cakes and goodies. :DGeez, I feel sick, now...

  6. I remembering watching Titanic in theaters with my parents when I was 10 years old or so. The infamous drawing scene caused some immense discomfort. And when Leo and Ms. Winslet got it on in the car? Forget about it.I try to avoid such situations at all costs at this point. Granted, I am seventeen, but there's nothing wrong with being a little bit extra cautious, is there? Heh, heh...

  7. I'm an American, and I'm going to have to side with the majority and say that golf is in fact my least favorite sport. Miniature golf is a different story, but the real thing? Come on, I don't see the excitement in it. Golf is what you do to charm your client/employer at business meetings or when you grow old and wrinkley and move down to Florida. Hell, there's no reason it should be defined as a sport. Not many of those guys are athletes!

  8. I'm not deeply religious by any means, but yeah, it's a very discouraging situation. We've lost so many great people over the course of the past year (Ronald Reagan, Yasser Arafat, Ray Charles, Marlon Brando, Rodney Dangerfield...aye, this is depressing :D ), and I'm not exactly willing to lose another one...I sincerely hope everything ends up in his favor. He's a tough pope, he should get through it...

  9. MSN may very well become more efficient, but the sheer enormity of Google will always make it stand out the most. Google has found it's way into the modern lexicon (let's be honest, if you said you were going to "MSN" something, you'd be met with severe flogging) and our culture (Googlewhacking is going to be the next national pasttime, next to baseball and sexual intercourse!). Google is a giant, it simply cannot be stopped.Kudos to Gates with the new search engine, although I did like the old layout better. Oh well, can't win 'em all :D

  10. I have a very strange one...I think I have a legitimate fear of dental appointments. No joke. I get physically sick to the stomach every time I'm in there. It seems disgraceful, but it's the truth...I don't like sharp objects and weird tasting substances making their way in and out of my mouth. The last time I went I came out bleeding profusely...What a way to help tame my fear!I had to sacrifice a lot of integrity to make this post. :D

  11. That's an unnecessary stereotype, but okay. I do agree that Zelda 64 has some phenomenal music, as does Mario 64, and a few others. The Spirit Temple was always rockin', and the water world music was a beautiful accompaniment to rigorous star-searching. *sigh* I miss those days :D

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