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Posts posted by Caveman

  1. I mentioned Portnoy in my post. Indeed, he is a magnificent drummer, and indeed, Dream Theater is a fantastic band. If I could recommend a single album that defines the band's unique sound, it would be Scenes From a Memory. No CD collection can be complete without it. I urge you all to run out to your local record store and snag a copy today!

  2. If I know how to actually start my site, I might spend a little more time on that, but for right now, I'm addicted--a self-proclaimed trapaholic! Yes, it's true...What can I say, though? I just love you guys so much! :D I've heard such a disorder can cause syphilis, but I'm not 100% sure. In that case, I'll be sure to keep my trapping in line!

  3. Pennie was pretty sick, as was Shaq. I used to collect the 1996 Dream Team cards, with the likes of the aforementioned Magic crew, Grant Hill, John Stockton, Karl Malone, David Robinson, etc. etc. Those were some good times. I also had a nifty Jason Kidd card (not a part of the Dream Team set) that had a peel-able plastic cover on it. Must've been valuable. I ripped it off :D Space Jam was an awesome movie."I didn't know Dan Akroyd was in this picture!"Classic. :D

  4. The Bulls may be able to come back, but they'll never be able to match the dynasty they had with Jordan in the nineties. That was an unstoppable force...a bunch of guys that worked hard and played their hearts out while never forgetting that they were a single unit--a TEAM. I have never been a huge basketball fan, but there are certain dynasties that must be acknowledged in the sports world. The recent Chicago Bulls are one of them.

  5. Hmmm...good question.I can't avoid the obvious. Rush's Neil Peart is a legend, there's no doubt about it. Unfortunately, I don't know enough Rush material to make a valid judgement, but the stuff I have heard DOES demonstrate Peart's incredible talents. Dream Theater's Mike Portnoy is a very technically proficient drummer. The stuff he can pull off is simply mind-blowing, and he is an animal with that double-base pedal :D In terms of mainstream stuff, Danny Carey is absolutely wicked. Swallowing some of Tool's stuff hurts my head with him pounding on the drums :D Yeah, I'm not a drummer, so I can't answer for sure. The three I mentioned are at the top of the list though.

  6. Oh yes...the best time to come is the middle of summer, when the BENNY effect is in full force (our shores become infested with desperate beachgoers from Bayonne, Elizabeth, Newark and New York who pollute our beaches and eat our children!). It's a truly unique experience. There's never a dull moment :D That's pretty neat how some of your buddies were in that movie...haha.

  7. I don't really think they're comebacks...a lot of those bands spend a lot of time touring, and don't really get too much studio time. Thus, coming out with a new album is a much more extended process. U2 has had it's share of recent big-time gigs (i.e. the Super Bowl a few years back, which, BTW, was an absolutely mesmerizing performance!), so they would be the LAST band I would designate a comeback with. Green Day, I'm not so sure with...what the heck was their last single before "American Idiot"? lol

  8. Geez, it can't be THAT bad. Although if it's anything like the book/movie Friday Night Lights, I'd be inclined to stay far, far away as long as possible (I'm not a huge football fan, haha)Hmmm...okay, well I need to take a trip to Texas eventually...I just can't resist, haha. Show me around one day, won't ya? You can take the tour of the Armpit of America a.k.a. New Jersey. It's a ball here. I swearP.S. - My birthday is September 5th. Quite possibly the worst day to have a birthday ever--it's always the first day of school! Yuck!

  9. That's a dangerous habit. Everything Amby said is true. It releases the pressure that builds up inside, either by stress or heartache or any other form of negative energy that causes substantial emotional pain.I had no idea some of those people did that. It's such a shame...I guess that's kind of what happens when you're in the spotlight...There isn't really any margin for error. Sometimes, bearing that weight on your shoulders can be too much to cope with :D I like this idea. Heightened awareness is the best way to prevent the possibility of a future tragedy. It's about time we started this...It's been long enough!

  10. I'd have to go with Geoff Tate from the band Queensryche. Incredible range, very unique voice. When coupled with the thoughtful lyrics from Seattle's "thinking man's metal band," it combined for some truly powerful stuff.Freddy Mercury is certainly fabulous as well. Revolutionized the frontman position, and gave it a whole new meaning.For some beautiful vocal melodies, check out the Beach Boys' earlier stuff. Brian Wilson is a musical genius, and it really shines on some of the classic tracks (i.e. "I Get Around" and "Don't Worry, Baby") and albums (most notably Pet Sounds).Phil Alsemo was great in his prime. Cowboys From Hell is pure insanity, and his screaming at the end of "Cemetary Gates" is enough to send chills down your spine.The late Layne Staley, formerly of Alice in Chains, has the most harrowing voice I have heard in my entire life. All of his work is simply mindblowing. The EP Jar of Flies is some of the most heartfelt music to ever grace the industry, and Staley's vocals are what spearheaded this.The Piano Men, Elton John and Billy Joel, are both very respectable composers and vocalists. While they serve as a gateway to the past, there is another, relatively newer Piano Man that is bound to launch himself into the same league as them, and that is Ben Folds. Simple, yet beautiful, Folds is quietly carving his niche in the music world. Check out "Brick" and "Evaporated" from his former band, Ben Folds Five, to hear what this man is all about.Some excellent lesser known vocalists include James LaBrie from Dream Theater and Doug Pinnick from King's X. Reigning from progressive rock roots, these bands have highly devoted followings, and at the pinnacle of their innovated sound lies the unique contributions of their respective vocalists. I highly recommend anything by either of these bands--you won't be disappointed!Other male vocalists worthy of note: Bono from U2, Chris Martin from Coldplay, Sting, and a personal favorite of mine: James Taylor.Unfortunately, I don't know many female vocalists, but I'll give a shot at my favorites: Carly Simon, Bonnie Raitt, and Sarah McLaughlin (my goodness, listen to "In the Arms of an Angel," amazing!).Bah! I almost forgot! "The Man With the Golden Voice"--Boston's Brad Delp! What an incredible voice! For his best, check out anything from Boston's self-titled debut album. You won't be disappointed!Phew! That took a lot outta me...haha. Enjoy!

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