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Posts posted by Caveman

  1. I don't think 'ambitious' is the word you're looking for...lolI have a Livestrong bracelet. Two, actually. It's a simple and cost-efficient way to increase the awareness of cancer in our society. Yeah, some people buy them to be trendy, and some people buy them so that they can sell them for higher than the $1.00 price tag, but for the most part, those who wear it understand its significance. They are incredibly popular (I believe tens of millions have been sold), and I think that that's a good thing. It shows that we as a society know the risks that we face, and Lance Armstrong's story is one that we can all take to heart.I've seen the new 'Support Our Troops' bracelets and all the other ones that cover all the colors of the rainbow. I think they're an excellent idea. Just please don't immediately jump to conclusions when you see someone wearing one. Everyone knows someone who has had cancer at some point in their life. The least we can do is show that we understand the dangers those we love and ourselves face.

  2. HoRuS, very true. HahaI've been suspicious of the whole scene. The frontmen are definitely fake. I don't believe for one second that 50 Cent's scars are actually from bullets. His brother might've shot him with a nail gun when they were making mischief in daddy's shed years back, but nothing more than that.It's only a matter of time before the phase fades away and something else comes barreling in...woo hoo, can't wait. Haha :D

  3. I don't Yahoo as much anymore, I have to say...lol. I used to use their e-mail service as my primary address, but that sorta fell through...I'll pop on the gaming site once in a while for a game of Spades or something, but not too often. I've outgrown it, I guess you can say. I was never a huge fan of the search engine, and I've since moved on to Hotmail. That kinda left me with no reason to even bother with it anymore...hehOne thing I still do use Yahoo for is the map system (i.e. for directions, etc.). Of course, MapQuest has easily caused it to crumble, but I'll remain faithful to good old Yahoo for the sake of being a Cyber-patriot...I've abandoned it on all other levels, I'm afraid to say!

  4. Morality is the product of the existence of rational beings. We, the humans, ARE the rational beings, and morality has since been devised in order to keep our actions in line. I don't understand how you can say that morals do not exist...If there were no morals, people would be slaughtering each other like it was there job. Morality guides our principles, and it keeps us from doing stuff that is damaging to our society. When I said that humans use animals as a means to their own ends, I find that as a violation of the moral code. Technically, we're all animals, the only thing that makes us stand out is the fact that we can rationalize. I am not completely swinging towards one particular way, I'm just trying to explain my stream of consciousness here. Yes, I do eat meat, and there are reasons that I and other people do, but at the same time I feel that I should and could be refraining from it. It doesn't make me a bad person. Everyone is liable to second-guess their actions every once in a while. Of course, when it involves food, the second-guessing doesn't have an enormous impact on you, especially when you're hungry :D

  5. Haha I just joined the insanity...Seems like a neat little program thinger, I suppose. It's interesting how they rank...although I wouldn't want to be seen near the top, I must admit...haha. It's nifty though. And kudos to all those crazy kids rackin' up 35,000,000+ keystrokes, they must be hard workers (or maybe just losers with no life :D ). Either way, I'm not removing this program anytime soon :D

  6. A lot of great selections by the academy. I was so happy for Jamie Foxx. He deserved the title more than anyone in the world, and his acceptance speech tugged at your heart. Simply phenomenal stuff.I haven't seen "Million Dollar Baby" yet, but I think it's about time that I ought to. Clint Eastwood is a legend, and I trust that any film under his supervision is bound to be great. Kudos to him and Hilary Swank!By far, the best acceptance speech was from Jorge Drexler. That was so slick! HahaAs for Chris Rock...yeah, he can be rude at times, but I think he did a decent job hosting. He avoided completely overdoing his "black act" for the most part (of course, there were obvious exceptions) and threw in some hilarious tidbits here and there to keep a nice flow goin'. Oh yeah, I was glad Sean Penn stuck up for Jude Law. Jude Law just kicks so much *bottom*. They should get him to host next year :D The tribute to Johnny Carson was a tearjerker. Very fitting, and most appropriate for a legend of such universal proportions. A job well done, indeed!I loved the introduction segment, which contained the clips of various movies in the past (it seemed liked the healthy majority were previous Best Picture winners, can someone confirm this?). Great way to kick off the show.Overall, the show was excellent. "The Aviator" was prevented from becoming a complete runaway and I believe that every film worthy of it got the recognition it deserved. Bravo!

  7. gdpglc, surely you mean Jane Eyre, right? I agree, it is a fantastic book. Very moving and emotional...it chronicles a fascinating journey. It incorporates some gothic elements and some intense imagery to capture a historical environment that beautifully fits the unique storyline. When I first saw the pastel cover (I was assigned to read the book in English class last year), I have to admit that I was very disappointed. Luckily, I was proven wrong, and it turned out to be one of my most favorite books of all time. It's classic and a must-read! Highly recommended to all!

  8. Is that the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre or the newer version? I haven't seen the original, but I did in fact see the new one. I did not find it very scary...extremely gruesome and disturbing in some segments, but never scary, or even the least bit thrilling for that matter. The worst part was when leatherface stuffed the guys amputated leg with salt. All I could do was sit and cringe. That was very unsettling.Another one of my "favorites" was when the hitchhiker pulled a gun out of her crotch and shot herself through the head. My goodness, what a vivid scene.Remind me never to see that movie again. Please.

  9. Perhaps I am overly excited because this sort of innovation is right down the alley of my prospective career path, but a recent architectural project has led to the construction of an underwater resort. They call it Hydropolis. Complete with 120 rooms and bathtubs with a sea view, this is the absolute cutting edge in the highly intensive field.

    Read the complete article here!

    Impressive, no? ;)

  10. You get out of an education what you put into it. In other words, you can pay top dollar for the top-tier universities, and if all you do is slack off and screw around, you're not going to get your money's worth. Just the same, you can go to a public university for a relatively low cost and get the best possible education you get, as long as you set your mind to it.Those who have special "talents" may choose what university they want to go to based on the reputation that school has for the respective program. I, for one, am a prospective architecture major. In the area in which I live in, Cornell University and Syracuse University consistently have programs that are highly regarded on the national level. Both are private universities, and both are VERY expensive (we're talking about $40,000/year for 5 years, and that's disregarding inflation and rising tuition costs!). However, there are a number of public universities that stay right with them (for example, the University of Michigan, and if you live in state, you can attend for a reasonable $10,000/year). In my opinion, the level of education you can is very comparable, regardless of how much you pay. Certain universities are tailored to the specific needs of their students, and it's up to the student to weigh their options and see who gives them the best deal.

  11. I'm in awe of this personal sacrifice...no, really. I am. Seriously.... ;) ...From what I heard, they are not seeking a replacement. This could mean the near end of the band. Good riddance, I say. I was hardly ever a Korn fan, and yes, they were certainly falling off the radar to this point. I can picture Jonathan Davis sitting in his bed at night, muttering, "Why is that 'Freak on a Leash' 'Falling Away From Me?'"

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