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Posts posted by Caveman

  1. There are two notions pulling my head in opposite directions. The first one: I firmly believe that animals were not placed on earth to serve humans; i.e. they must not be used as means to our own ends. In this sense, technically, killing an animal for its meat WOULD be morally wrong. The other one: the inevitable introduction of Darwinism into the picture would suggest that humans ARE the only animals (as far as we know) that possess a flow of logic. That is, we are capable of making our own judgements while resisting impulse. Animals cannot do that: they must give in to their primitive desires. Hence, it would make sense for us to dominate the food chain. And when you're at the top, nothing's going to stop you from getting what you want.I guess what I'm trying to say is...eating meat is morally wrong, but biologically correct. I am a carnivore, BTW. I am not a huge fan of meat, but I'll get my basket of chicken fingers here and there, a hot dog at the baseball game, a McDonald's hamburger for a quick lunch, etc. Although it's not something that crosses my mind when I'm actually eating, I have thought about it on my own time. I do feel pretty bad about it, but it's not something I can exactly change my lifestyle over...I have nothing against vegetarians, but I just don't think I'd like to become one myself. Hehe. Rock on ;)

  2. My topic was close enough...that was determining the age of everyone here. I'm currently a senior in high school. I've got a brisk three months left, and then it's all over! I'll be moving on to college. Yes. COLLEGE. Although I do enjoy making collages. They make my wheels go 'round ;) An understandable spelling error, I guess, especially for a seventh grader. Wait until you hit the big time. Then it becomes an issue!

  3. Right as Nintendo's reign as the supreme video game company comes to an abrupt close...Yeah, Microsoft might as well be taking that path, haha. Sony will continue to dominate the masses, and its competitors will crumble in a depressing fashion!Perhaps NeoGeo can take these colossal giants down. Yes, NeoGeo has the power...BELIEVE, YOU ALL! BELIEVE!

  4. Generally speaking, movie critics don't summarize the movie past the introduction...hahaAnyway, I haven't seen the movie, but from it appears to, I would probably classify it as a psychological thriller. I wanna see it at some point, though...For those of you that have only seen Reeves Matrix-ized, check out Bill and Ted or the Replacements. Best way to get the opposite end of the spectrum for this very...um...shall I say...versatile....actor. Heh ;)

  5. It's a logical idea, but it is definitely flawed. If you want to be hosted here, you have to make a small personal commitment to the community. Your hosting credits reflect that. If all you do is reap them on someone else's behalf, it doesn't demonstrate that commitment.I think the system is best the way it is now...just my opinion, though.

  6. That's very surprising to me...Kinda disappointing too, I guess. Enema of the State was my very first CD (don't flame me, please). They have a number of hooks, I have to admit, even though I have long since grown out of my pop punk roots. I do have respect for them and how they pioneered their genre, regardless of the nuisances that have come from it. Oh well, life goes on...

  7. Statistically, General Talk is the forum I am most active in. I guess you can consider it the most popular, as well. If more people posted in the Music/Movies section, I would be a heck of a lot more active in there. Aside from that, I guess throw in my two cents here and there just about everywhere. Except for the computer stuff. Those forums get me real confused ;)

  8. I don't know how credible Rolling Stone is, but this whole situation is definitely something that you HAVE to acknowledge. Based on my topic in the general talk forum, it looks like a lot of us folks here are at that age where we would be vulnerable to such a draft. I, for one, am included. I cannot say that there hasn't been the smallest ounce of worry in my head, because there has been. Yes, I am scared as hell when I think about going over there. No, I am not overwhelmed with a desire to serve my country. If the time comes for such a situation to take place, consider me gone, because I don't want to put my loved ones through that. I can't stand to think of the idea of my wife or children continuing their lives without the husband and father figure they need. Call me a chicken, call me a traitor, but my heart is more important than my country. Trinidad and Tobago looks nice, no?

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