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Posts posted by Caveman

  1. Ehhh...I'm not a Linkin Park fan by any means. I used to have their first CD before I heard "One Step Closer" for the millionth time...then it just became too much for me. If you read their lyrics, they actually write the same song over and over again...all this whining and crying about being neglected and the whatnot...very sickening...As for the DJ thing, I think some bands can incorporate them and still sound good. A good example is Incubus. Listen to the song "Battlestar Scralatchtica"--you'll understand!

  2. I have a psychotic black cat named Norman. He's about 3 1/2 years old now, and has already gotten in enough fights with raccoons and other cats to call himself the Rocky of the feline world (plenty of war scars, too!). He brings me plenty of gifts too--everything ranging from dying bunny rabbits to rotting bird corpses. My goodness, how incredibly thoughtful! Regardless of his barbaric behavior, I love my cat and will continue to do so. It certainly beats those boring hermit crabs my brother has :rolleyes:

  3. A haircut every 15 days?! Yikes...I haven't gotten one in nearly 6 months, and I don't feel THAT much stupider (yet)...Anyway, my style has gone pretty much out of control. I sport the just-got-out-of-bed look a lot of the time...Occasionally, I'll brush it down for the surfer-do...There's so much chlorine in my hair (I do a lot of swimming) that I can pretty much manipulate it whichever way I want. It can be advantageous, but at the same time, it's a pain in the neck to wash and comb. Sometimes, I can't even be bothered with either :rolleyes:

  4. I've always felt like Red Bull tastes a lot like cough medicine, but that's just my opinion...anyway, I'm not a huge fan of energy drinks, but normally, I'll stick to soda to get those caffeine blasts in my blood. Specifically, Dr. Pepper does a fabulous job, and although there's no caffeine to be found in it, Sprite is excellent for giving a so-called "jolt" to the system.

  5. Why did I pick this user name...? Hmph! Well, I wouldn't expect anyone to understand immediately why this particular one was chosen, but the fact of the matter is...I AM A CAVEMAN! Yes, it's true...My closest descendents include the woolly mammoth, the saber-tooth tiger, and the Loch Ness Monster. No joke. If anyone would like to further inquiry, please go ahead. I can tell you anything you want :rolleyes:

  6. So here I am. It's Sunday night, my last free hours of this Christmas vacation before I head back to the old grind that is high school. My philosophy book is cracked open, and as I decipher the mysteries of psychological egoism I can't help but think how DEEPLY DEPRESSING it is to be a teenager in today's society. There's so much opportunity, yet so many expectations. So many right paths to take, but just as many wrong ones. Your glittering future can be dangled right in front of your gleaming eyes, but there's little margin for error. All I can say, as a university-bound high school senior, is that I wish everyone could just chill out. Everyone misses the essential point these days, and its disturbing to see it happen over and over again.Coming from an affluent suburban community, there is an enormous amount of pressure to perform. Kids in my school have been pounding and pounding the books with little regard to their physical and social health. It's all about getting the highest test scores so you can get into that prestigious Ivy League university so you can snag a job with a 6-figure income so you can spend the rest of your life bathing in green in a mansion on the water with a half a dozen cars in your garage and a butler to polish your shoes as you slip in the door. You know, if this is all life is about, then consider me an outsider, because I don't want to be a part of it. Every once in a while, I daydream back to my times in elementary school where I didn't have a care in the world. Nothing to worry about except who to schedule the next playdate with and what type of potato chips to stock up on for the next slumber party. Life was FREAKING GOOD back then, and the VERY LAST thing on my mind was the distant future. Life was all about NOW. Having fun while you still got the chance. And it's not like I wasn't a bright kid, either. I was damn sharp, I tell you. I pretty much burnt out in the fifth grade, and I've managed to hold my own since, but nowadays, coping with the STRESS of post-secondary planning is becoming obnoxious, and I'd give just about anything to see it all go away...I highly suggest that all of the overachievers out there get themselves a nice girlfriend and try falling in love. It can really work wonders. When you're falling head over heels for somebody, you pay little regard to the material world around you. Life reverts back to the pre-adolescent wonder years, except instead of playdates and potato chips, its romantic nights on the beach and red roses. Seriously, people desperately need to prioritize more efficiently. We shouldn't be doing things for ME ME ME. Ideally, we'd see our lives revolve around US US US, so that instead of comparing our wallets and pocketbooks, we might choose to seek improvements in our character. Call me bitter, call me elementary, but money CANNOT buy you happiness. I recommend that everyone summon the inner child in themselves for at least one day. Get out and play in the sandbox. Go roll around in the mud. Suck down a couple ice pops and go for a bike ride. Come home, flop on the couch, and take a freaking NAP. Finally, top it off with a nice, long bubble bath, because bubble baths are just so damn cool. Liberate yourself, that's all you need to do. You'll feel refreshed, I guarantee it.You want happiness? THAT'S where it's at...

  7. Hmmm...if that's the new PS2...then I definately can't wait to see PS3! That console is seriously going to be nuts...I forget when this thing is slated for release (something tells me next holiday season, unless that's XBOX 2?) but I think we're in store for a pretty big surprise...I'll be the first in line to snag the next GTA installment for this upcoming console...should be something pretty phenomenal!

  8. I guess the length of the silence depends on the sheer enormity of the tragedy...for 9/11 we had quite an amount of time, and that was for several thousand...However, in America, we never had any sort of silence for the earthquake in Iran, and that left over 30,000 dead...Here, we have three minutes for a toll closing in on 150,000 people...I don't think any amount of time will be able to do such a horrendous event justice, but it's a small token, nonetheless...

  9. OMFG! THE SPIRIT TEMPLE! THAT MUSIC WAS KICKIN'! Haha, no joke. That sax was sexy. The music was one of the things that made the Ocarina of Time so memorable...the upbeat tunes of Kokiri Forrest, the grand overture of Hyrule Field, the soothing island style of Zora's Domain, the aura of mystery in the Temple of Time, the Spanish flavor of Gerudo Valley...goodness gracious, I could go on and on...just a very memorable game, overall. The music was just the icing on the cake! Yummy! :rolleyes:

  10. My goodness...the devastation this event has caused is astronomical...there are currently 118,000 deaths accounted for, and there are still areas to explore. It's a deeply depressing situation, and sitting at my desk halfway around the world, I feel so freaking helpless :rolleyes: . At first, the initial toll was estimated to be 11,000...it has since increased ten-fold...can you believe that? This is terrible, a universal tragedy that won't be forgotten anytime soon...

  11. cute :) . When I first read the topic I thought you meant 101 different languages, but you proved me wrong, I reckon. Nice list, though. I have picked out quite a few favorites :rolleyes: heh heh. Maybe I'll try using a few (or all) of them some day to hit the sweetheart's sweet spots...I'll let you all know how it turns out (if you'd like to, that is!) :)

  12. I'm in a similar dilemma myself...I am definately leaning towards a notebook, however. What you plan on studying may impact your decision. I want to be an architecture major, so I'm gonna be scurrying about transferring files to and fro constantly--the laptop makes this much more convenient. For entertainment purposes, notebooks certainly have the edge, as well. You can't lay in bed with your desktop computer and watch movies :rolleyes: Go with a notebook. You won't regret it.

  13. Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi...if you're willing to change it, I'd like to put in a request for Sunny Delight...man, that stuff is good! I haven't had it in a good five or six years now, but a riddle involving it may provoke my desires ;) . So go ahead and change it please, and THEN I will give you a legitimate answer to the riddle...no joke...!...I was just kidding, I really don't know. Haha, these riddles make my head spin ;)

  14. Ron Artest is screwed as it is...it's a Kobe-ish ordeal. His image is tarnished, his reputation is in ruins, and there's very little margin for error from now on. Getting on an NBA basketball team is going to be enough of a challenge...who's going to want this bad boy as their teammate? Suspension may do him justice, but the reprecussions extend far beyond that...On the other hand, Artest's newfound status could give him an edge on his upcoming rap album. Strategic marketing tactics...almost diabolical, in a sense. I can see his debut being a smash hit with the recent controversy. Pretty soon, he's going to be teamin' up with Snoop and the gang with some killer Death Row compilations *snicker*

  15. ALWAYS read the book before you watch the movie...you can spoil yourself early if you do the opposite! Often times, the book IS better...The only exception I can really think of is Romeo & Juliet. Now I am not a huge Shakespeare fan, but I think Baz Luhrmann's modern rendition of the play was simply fabulous. Yeah, yeah, I know, it's Leo and all, but still! Give the kid some credit! That was some excellent acting there! A splendid success, in my opinion!

  16. The only King book I have read is The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon...not extraordinarily scary, but a decent read, nonetheless. The book really exposes King's unique style of writing, which does in fact extend beyond mere horror. Besides that, I have seen the movie of The Shining. It's a pretty frightening film, a lot of disturbing concepts/images. Excellent stuff ;)

  17. As a Hotmail user, even I can admit that G-Mail is certainly elite. I saw someone use all the features and the whatnot and it seems very comprehensive and very organized. Plus a whole gig of space? I don't know what I'd do with myself...haha. The only reason I'm not begging someone to invite me is because I'd feel guilty having that much space and only using 2 or 3 megs. I could cope with Hotmail fine even before they upgraded, the 250 is just a bonus. All in all, G-Mail IS better, there's no doubt. I'll just stick to what I've got ;)

  18. I spent several hundred this year on gifts for various people, but I got a lot in return to compensate for it, so I'm not justified in complaining ;) . Sorry to hear about your misfortune though, man. But that's life, ya know? Maybe next year you'll be so overwhelmed with gifts that you'll actually feel bad that you got them! Haha ya never know...just keep the holiday spirit up!

  19. Sounds like you've got some awesome plans...Writing is something that has come naturally for myself, as well. I love it...and it kills me to be in the English class I'm in now, which revolves around spitting out cookie-cutter essays to appease the standards set by your evaluators. I feel like it's unhealthy for me...hahaI'm looking at a bunch of different schools right now, and the Pratt Institute is actually one of them! Their archtitecture program is very highly regarded, and from what I understand, they've got a nice following in the creative writing department as well. Another plus is that it's relatively close to home for me (not to mention the fact that it's in the greatest city in the world!). The other schools I have applied to are Bucknell, Lehigh, Syracuse, Roger Williams, the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon, Cooper Union, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. A lot of engineering schools, but most of them have some liberal arts-based programs, as well. If you've read Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, I wrote a creative piece that adds on to the original ending of the novel. It's a bit lengthy, but I can e-mail it to you if ya want, haha.

  20. You've got to be kidding? GTA: VC was the suckzors. Ive never finished VC, yet ive finished all from GTA london up. Why? I got bored. I can't belive what im hearing. Someone who likes GTA: VC? Your crazy. I think VC was rockstars failure. It just sucks.


    Oh boy...I'm sorry to hear you think that, buddy...I thought Vice City was adored by the masses? Heh, I guess I was wrong. I may be crazy, too, but I wouldn't be inclined to go THAT far. Hmmm...well, please excuse me, as Tommy Vercetti and I have a mission of sorts...something about wreaking havoc on the streets of a certain city that is reminiscent of Miami? We're takin' the Banshee, crankin' some VROCK, and packin' all the ammunition we got. Peace dude ;)

  21. Whoops, if I had noticed srbin's post above mine, I would have commented on that, too, haha. Indeed, sex is a wonderful way to trim off some pounds. Your hip flexors will get the workout they need (cripes, if your BF does some swimming beforehand, his will be in top-notch condition, all the better for you! ;) ) in this gratifying activity, which can also have positive effects on your skin. Sex opens up pores that efficiently clean every inch of your sweat-soaked body, leaving your skin with a glowing tone :P . It can also leave you temporarily relieved from any illness you might have! Of course, this is all in addition to the satisfaction of your libido, which goes without saying...heheSorry everyone for the imagery ;)

  22. Watch the movie Rocky. No joke. Just watching it will get you working up a sweat.In all seriousness, now. The best method of exercising to lose weight has got to be swimming. It's a very aerobic activity, so you're going to be strengthening your lungs in the process. It also helps that the water acts as a sort of therapy--you won't get the same wear and tear as you would if you were to go for a run in the streets. That doesn't rule out running though...a nice 3-4 mile jog on a trail 2 or 3 times a week can work wonders. Start this kinda stuff and you will find yourself in the best shape of your life...I kid you not.Remember to watch Rocky before training though. This is key. ;)

  23. So true...the stupidity of commercials is what makes them so unforgettable. I must admit, corporate America is brilliant for utilizing such clever marketing. If I could make millions by strategically ticking people off, I would certainly take advantage of the opportunity. Generally speaking, however, I don't exactly have that talent, haha. I guess I can work on it... ;) heh heh heh

  24. If corrupt is synonymous with white, then yes. Haha, in all seriousness, a lot of junk goes in my yuppy school...lot's of alcohol, drugs, etc. One of the things that isn't too prominent is violence. We might get an outbreak in the cafeteria once a year, but nothing more than that. In terms of that stuff, we're actually pretty mild, but all in all, we've got some wacky stuff going on. Unfortunately, there's not much you can really do about it because it's inevitable. You can't build a straight-edge school, it just won't work. Kids need to rebel. They need to feel that rush every once in a while. Of course, some are worse than others, but the presence will always be felt, no matter where you live.

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