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Posts posted by Caveman

  1. Hey! I think it would be a good idea! Us English-speaking folk could get as much training in foreign language as the Spanish-speaking folk get in ours! I wouldn't throw the idea away immediately...Someone should try speaking to a mod about it, because I'm sure a lot of people would agree that it is in fact a worthwhile investment. And heck, if there's enough for a French subforum, then so be it. I think they would all be great to have :P

  2. There are plenty of places I would love to travel to, but above all, my dream destination would be Venice, Italy. Such a very romantic city with so much history behind it...and I'm sure the food is excellent! From a broader perspective, I would just like to visit Europe in its entirety...I haven't been out of the country once (I live in the U.S.), and I'm sure the experience would be amazing. I hear Ireland is beautiful, I've studied enough of Spain to know that it is one of the coolest countries in the entire world, and Switzerland seems simply breathtaking. Germany's got some neat stuff, I reckon. About the only place I wouldn't feel inclined to visit is France--it doesn't seem like too much goes on over there :P . I guess I could make a stop at Paris for kicks...hehOne day when I can support myself, I will visit all of these places, and I anticipate it will be quite a spectacular and fulfilling experience.

  3. I'm not too far from you, StonedMetalJewelry. I'm at the Jersey Shore, where it is currently 19?F. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of this supposedly monstrous snowstorm, which could dump several inches of white beauty on our terrain (no school Monday, hopefully! Wear the jammies inside out!). Can't say there's much to do here in the winter, but it can get to be pretty hoppin' in the summer. God bless New Jersey, the armpit of America.

  4. I had several interesting results. Here are a few examples...Builds Bonny Caveman.Biting the Hand that Feeds Caveman.Gonna Be a While? Grab a Caveman.The Better Way to Start the Caveman.I Can't Believe I Ate The Whole Caveman. Can't say I like any of them too much. I bet you could have a lot of fun putting dirty words into the generator (I Can't Believe I Ate the Whole WHAT?!?!?!)...might keep you occupied for a few hours hours :P

  5. In a word: YES. I saw the article for that beast the other day, seems wicked cool. And believe me, the reception would be unbelievable. The upper 1% will gladly make their international business trips on this luxury airliner with no regrets. I find it to be a phenomenal craft, and there's not a doubt in my mind that this thing is going to have a HUGE impact on the way we travel.

  6. I thought my user name made my gender clear...after all, if I was a female, I would've been inclined to operate under the name Cavewoman, but it's an understandable misconception, if I do say so myself :rolleyes: Anyway, thank you for the wonderful list. I only knew about three of those, so now I can start building on my extensive lexicon of romantic language (whether or not I'll be able to pronounce it correctly is a topic unworthy of discussion). Haha, very cool stuff dude.

  7. Title is everything these days. Quite simply, if you're competing with an individual for a particular position with a company, if they've got that Bachelorette or Master's and all you've got is a high school diploma, it won't take much figuring to determine who gets the nod. I believe that college is a worthwhile extension of educational pursuit, yes, but it's not what everyone makes it out to be. It doesn't matter if you go to the Ivy League-prototype Harvard/Yale/Princeton or a community college, your education is what you make it out to be. If you take your studies seriously, there will be inevitable benefits in the longrun, but if you just brush off college as a time to party and jerk around, you're not going to be a happy camper when the end of the first semester rolls around. So, ultimately, yes. College does count, in my opinion. However, we shouldn't treat college as a mere transition to the work world. Rather, we ought to recognize that it is a learning experience, one that is capable of teaching us about ourselves and the world around us. It is under by following this path that college will count the most.

  8. They have video games for the Olympics. Heh, weird stuff. I can't imagine what kind of controls they have to utilize for the different kind of sports...I mean, how the heck are you supposed to swim? Press A and B to move the arms and L and R to kick the legs? I really don't know...Or like Track & Field? Will someone please tell me how that works?They could have just settled on making another carbon copy of Madden Football, but NO, they had to make things SO much more complicated! :rolleyes:

  9. It is very true that we take our parents for granted sometimes. It ought to be understood that the relationship is a learning experience at both ends of the spectrum. Guidance is a necessity for a child, and what's equally as important is that the parents are able to construct a specific empathy for what their children can cope with. Both parties tend to go overboard once in a while, but that's just the way things are--it's unavoidable. When our parents hold a grudge against another person--or even worse, against each other--it comes as a shock simply because they have always been figures of love in our life. It has to be understood that they are not immaculate beings, as much as we'd like them to be. Conflict is inevitable in a world of greed and tension, and no one is immune to it. By trying to put our parents on the same level as ourselves, we may come to understand these sort of occurences and the circumstances surrounding them. They must not be simply discarded as careless.

  10. *sigh* Yes, I am a Yankee fan, although it's very discouraging to see Mr. Steinbrenner invest in all of these superstars...Yankee Stadium has now become the scene of a recurring All-Star game, players who have come from all over the globe and have a difficult time adjusting to each other...The only homegrown talent the Yanks have left are Jeter, Bernie, Posada, and Mo. Coincidentally, they have the most World Series rings out of anyone else on the team (albeit Torre).I was thrilled to see the Yanks pick up Tino again. Granted, he isn't a product of their farm system, but the man did a brilliant job in taking over Donnie Baseball's 1st base slot. Not a big budget player, but he gets the job done, and he doesn't need subtances and juices galore to prove that he can play some ball. We should snag Pettitte back while we're at it, and maybe even lure Paul O'Neill out of retirement for old time's sake. Drop A-Rod, convince Wade Boggs that the Hall of Fame shouldn't be enough of incentive to retire to Florida, and for Christ's sake, Jimmy Key was just damn cool! I miss the '96 Yankees. Those were some good times...

  11. I'm sure his parents are barking at him for what he COULD have done with the money...nice car, apartment, tuition towards graduate school...Hell, the tsunami happened just a couple hundred miles away, why not ship a few bucks over there? That is really sick...the article also mentioned how these type of "investments" may in fact become commonplace in the future.God have mercy on our souls. :rolleyes:

  12. If Google were to enter the free hosting business, the subsequent trend will directly correspond to that of the G-Mail phenomena. Google has the capacity to offer whatever they wish to their users, so by advertising a monumental amount of space, competing hosts will be forced to up their standards (look at Hotmail and Yahoo now!).At the rate Google's going at, they could take over the world's supply of water, electricity, petroleum, fossil fuels, and Boston cream pies and still have time and money to spare. Google is an epidemic...and it's coming for you! :rolleyes:

  13. The sheer brilliance of repeatedly using the word 'blah' is very deceiving to me...it's so poetic, so thought-provoking, and it leads me to believe that there is an underlying current of profound philosophy just waiting to be excavated...All I ask is that you please give me more! My mind is hungry! Feed me now!On a more serious note...meh...I haven't gotten anything serious to say. My apologies, but your flair for absolute nonsense was just asking for a sincere reply...so here you go :rolleyes:

  14. Hey there, I've been playing guitar for several years now, and I've got a dilemma regarding how I ought to go about doing my recordings...I've done a lot of research on 8-track recorders, etc., and I'm having a lot of difficulty narrowing down my choices to a single one. I realize that Boss and Tascam have some high-quality stuff at affordable prices, but I also hear the new Digitech systems are well worth the money...and of course, as you stated, Line 6 is always coming out with innovative stuff which I had never really considered to be useful in recording, but rather in live settings (however, based on what you said, I'm inclined to think otherwise!).So, I need a recommendation. Is there any piece of equipment you've had particularly good experiences with (aside from what you've mentioned, obviously!)? If you could get me some feedback on this, that would be great! Enjoy the POD, it sounds like a wonderful tool!

  15. These photographs are absolutely stunning. I find it simply amazing how the guys over in Europe managed to pull this one off...a seven year trip, hundreds of thousands of miles, and all the data in the world to prove that this monumental trip was not a fluke. Amazing stuff, I say, I really can't wait to see where we go from here...these are exciting times, I must say :rolleyes:

  16. I think the best way to solve this would be to conduct a seance and contact Mr. Aleister Crowley. He may give us all the information we need, I can assure you :rolleyes: In all honesty, I do find a lot of that stuff very intriguing. Psychic abilities, the paranormal, the Ouija board...witchcraft too, I suppose. The alleged power behind it is frightening, if you ask me...I'd like to try some of it one day, though, just for kicks and giggles, you know? haha

  17. Knowing more than one language is a wonderful thing to have under your belt...Besides English, I have studied Spanish for about 8 years, with the last few being the most extensive. I read the language somewhat well, I can write it even better, but I still have a lot of trouble speaking it fluently. Knowing all the different tenses can be confusing at times. Oh well, I'll keep trying :rolleyes: One day, I hope to learn Italian, and then try it out in Venice! Woo!

  18. Hmmm...all I can say is R.I.P. Dime. Pantera was groundbreaking, such a raw and powerful sound. The underlying current of pure drive was what fueled their music...it's practically indescribable. Dime was a huge part of that--the man could do things with his guitar that put him on the same level as Eddie Van Halen, Randy Rhoads, and the like...Phil Anselmo was in a league of his own, himself...His vocals on the album Cowboys From Hell are so unique, so intriguing...One can only wonder what Dime could've done if he was still alive...his death was an immeasurable loss for the music world. We'll never see anything like him ever again...

  19. Stand Inside Your Love...mwahaha. That was my song for my girlfriend a few years back...We ended up breaking up because she cheated on me, haha. It is definately an awesome song though, no question. The lyrics are very thoughtful, and the music itself is very fitting. I can't say I get the best of memories when I hear it, but regardless, it is a wonderful piece of music...The Smashing Pumpkins ought to get back together, no? I would've liked to see them in concert, or at least their farewell concert, which was supposedly an experience to remember. Goddammit, I can dream :rolleyes:

  20. A  favorite isn't even up there! WHERE'S NINTENDO 64?! Haha, God, I love that system and all of its games. Please tell me, who here WASN'T blown away by Super Mario when they first played it? Or Wave Race? Or the Ocarina of Time? All such amazing games in their respective genres...each one contains a certain magical essence that is seemingly untouched by the newer systems, who are all about cutting-edge graphics and audio.I miss the days of those magical games, whose days were numbered as soon as Dreamcast came out...LONG LIVE 64!

  21. I agree completely with alperuzi. If there's one thing you can do for yourself that will have a significant impact on your lifestyle later on, it is to pursue what you love, not what will get you the best starting salary. I posted a minor rant about this kind of junk in the general forum, but no one was interested enough to read it. Anyway...Honestly, if there's something that you've fallen in love with, do yourself a favor and just go for it. You'll find a lot more meaning in your work and it will lead you on an inevitable path to complete bliss. When you've got that going for you, everything will fall into place. Trust me...

  22. People don't realize that you need carbs to function...heh. I love those beer commercials on the radio with Mr. Over-The-Top-Carb-Counter...trying to hit that target number of zero...heh heh heh. Us Americans really need to wake up. I'm not as consistent with my running as you, ThoughtVoid, but I've had my share of looooong distance runs (my personal high is a very exceptional 14 miles). C'mon people, Atkins is a hoax! Go cross country! Woo!

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