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Posts posted by Caveman

  1. China may pump its communist propoganda throughout the globe, but without a doubt, the one country that will remain untarnished is LUXEMBOURG. Yes people, LUXEMBOURG. Home to the world's highest GDP per capita, LUXEMBOURG will inevitably rise to the occasion and tame the Big Red with its supernatural abilities. Don't ask questions, just take my word for it!

  2. I can't really say America is all that fascinating, but I find Spanish culture to be very interesting. Also, the art and history that has been borne from the wonderful Italian culture has struck me as intriguing, as well. I would love to visit both countries in the near future.brandice, excellent choice with Australia. My best friend moved there a few years ago. Supposedly, it's an awesome place. I'd love to take a trip there, as well. Japan is also a great choice, for whoever has said that. I had another friend who was born in Japan, moved here for a short while, then moved back. Again, great feedback for that country.Shackman, trust me when I say Canada is nothing to be excited about. I mean, unless you're the kind of person that just loves to run around naked in the dead of winter in a forest where no one can see you. Then, I could understand. But other than that, Canada is essentially BLAH.

  3. I think the weather has a pretty significant impact on my mental health...In the summer, I'm a very care-free person, zero stress, love to go and hang out with friends and simply have a good time. I'm a people person in the summer--you'd almost think socializing was my big thing. But once the winter comes around, things kinda turn for the worse. For one thing, I like to THINK a lot more. It's not exactly philosophy, but I have to analyze all my options before I go out and do something. I get stressed, and am very capable of establishing bad relationships with people who piss me off just the tiniest bit. Negative emotions are expanded, while positive ones contract. Kinda sucks...maybe that's what happens to everyone, though. The gloomy weather can sorta push you over the edge during tough times...oh well. There's always spring to look forward to :angry: I really wish I lived in San Diego. Then, I'd be jolly all the time!

  4. I don't know much about the band Shadows Fall myself, but my friend just went to see the concert you mentioned, and he was impressed. He's a die-hard Lamb of God fan, and his "standards" for metal are incredibly high, so I guess that kinda says a lot.Kinda surprised to see them touring with Slipknot. They're a lot better than that! :angry:

  5. How coincidential...Hanging on my wall, there is a poster of Mr. Hendrix with a purple background. But guess what color the wall is? BLUE!Blue Crush? Deep Blue Sea? Blue Streak? Varsity Blues? The Blues Brothers?Did Brian Wilson release a song called "Purple Hawaii" on the legendary SMiLE release? I think not! That's "Blue Hawaii," babe!The Moody Blues? Hello? Can't be the Moody Purples!And finally, here's a late Valentine, from me to you:Roses are red,Violets are blue,Not purple..........Word.Love,CavemanThe name of the game is "I Win." Blue is superior, let it be known!

  6. Rodney Mullen, for instance? Good God, when I saw a video of this guy, I was blown away. He can transform the sport into an art...it is simply a fantastic thing to watch...I am not big on skateboarding, but being at the Jersey Shore, it is hard to avoid getting sucked into SOME sort of boarding activity. So, given my affinity for the water, I like to get some surfing in when I have the free time in the late spring/summer/early fall. My brother also does it (although he can show me up nice and good, and he's three years younger than me!). It's a heck of a lotta fun, and contrary to popular belief, no all surfers are arrogant, bummed-out druggies that have nothing better to do with their time. Sure, it's a lifestyle, but in a refreshing manner. It's a great sport to take up if you're conveniently located by the ocean and got the dough to cover the costs :angry:

  7. I can't wait for Tool's next release. They never fail to deliver, although it's going to be a very difficult task to follow up with an effort that even compares to Lateralus. Of course, they're perfectly capable of it, so expect sparks to fly when this record hits shelves :angry: "This record's vibe is like, let's drink wine and screw."AMAZING! Haha, QotSA are pretty cool. Love the quote. Should be quite the interesting record...

  8. I'd be happy to take a few off your hands...I don't know what the familia would think of it though. We've already got one cat, and I don't know if anyone wants to put up with any more! haha...aside from that, I live all the way in New Jersey, and that's a damn long trip to make...hehAnyway, sometimes I think putting an animal to sleep is perfectly necessary. In the event of terminal illness, there is absolutely no reason to prolong its agony. Thus, to relieve it of future suffering would be the most practical thing to do...Geez, I don't want to bring euthanasia into this at all, but I can't help but think about it at the same time. I guess that's a topic for another day :D

  9. No MP3 player for me...long live compact discs! I still download plenty of MP3s, but they are more or less a means of sampling music so I can decide whether or not I want to purchase a CD. I thought about getting an iPod at one point, but...I just decided against it. I dunno, just didn't seem worth it to me. A lot of my MP3s are in my CD collection anyway, and even though storing them on an iPod is of great convenience, sometimes I just like getting the full experience of listenening to a CD straight through. Some are even constructed to be this way, i.e. concept albums such as Dream Theater's 'Scenes From a Memory' or Queensryche's 'Operation: Mindcrime.' In my opinion, there's no substitute for that, which is why I'd rather just stick to my CDs.

  10. I'm not a huge fan of NASCAR, but I just wanna say that it's a lot more intense than it looks...When you're driving in all that stuff, you sweat profusely, and your body has a tendency to become quickly dehydrated. Drivers must keep plenty of water on hand throughout the race, which can go on for several hours at a time. Imagine how bad they gotta go to bathroom after the Daytona 500...Must be torture! haha

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