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Everything posted by byrdhouse

  1. Well, let's see...I cleaned windows for three commercial businesses (I own a window cleaning business), went to various stores not finding what I wanted and not wanting to go to sleep yet (I also have a fulltime job working third shift--worked last night)...STILL haven't been to sleep yet . Read a few pages in a book I just bought. typing this reply to you ...all of this will eventually catch up to me and I probably won't wake up until 2006! .In dreamland,Rip Van Winkle
  2. One very effective way is to make a new friend with a person who speaks the language you want to learn and ask them to mostly speak their native language to you. Then hang out with them when they go to social events where others are speaking the same language. Ask alot of questions and try to learn the language conversationally, especially since you are planning on going to another country. Learning how to write it can come later. Also,, their are some fairly good language software programs that you can buy fairly cheap. The nice thing about these is that you can work at your own pace.Hope this helps,Adios,Byrdhouse
  3. Under Life Talk I noticed it said, "no post count". What does this mean?Thank you,Byrdhouse
  4. One thing that I've found is that my degree (BA in Psychology) got my foot in the door so I could get the job/experience. The places that I've worked expected a degree or they wouldn't even consider me. However, most of what I've learned in Psychology was out of the classroom. I don't think that my education really benefited me that much on a practical level. Also, It has been 15 years and I'm still payng on my student loan (paid for college on my own). Another thing I've found is that in order to make any money in psychology you have to get at least a bachelor's degree. Something they didn't tell me until I graduated and started working. I'm not in this field of work anymore but I draw from my education/experience and apply it to everyday situations and relationships...so on that level it has greatly enhanced my life. . As you can probably tell I'm not super-gungho on formal education...I think it prepares you for a job and keeps you under someone else's thumb, allowing that someone to determine your future. Being an entrepreneur opens up worlds of possibilities and challenges you to break free from society's boxes. Ok, I'll step down from my soapbox now. Freeing the mind,Albert Einstein
  5. Well, I would have to say the Bible. It not only has changed my life but it continues to offer good wisdom about how to be a better Christian. And lately I've been reading books about Jesus and his personality...how he handled events, relationships, his role, etc. I just finished a book titled The Traveler's Gift, Seven Decisions That Determine Personal Success by Andy Andrews. Andrews has the main character go back in time and talks to famous figures like Abraham Lincoln, Anne Frank, and so on who impart one of the seven principles of success. If you think that you can't change the world this book will convince you otherwise. Anyway, I really enjoyed it. ...on to my next book, Ciao, A librarian's worst nightmare
  6. My mom has shared how she and my dad met and how they ended up together. It's an interesting story...maybe I'll share it some day. Anyway, they've been married for about 44 years now. One thing I remember when I was pretty young was looking inside a footlocker my mom had and seeing tons of letters my mom and dad wrote to each other. My dad was away from my mom in the military at the time. I opened up a few just for curiosity sake and read them (even though I should have respected their privacy, "BAD DOG, BAD!!" ). I got a sense of how much they loved each other. It's hard to see that spark nowadays because they're olds farts (just kidding), but I don't think they could be without each other. Well, that's my little spiel for now...Take Care,Cupid
  7. First, I want to say this is a good topic. Second, I agree with what's been said so far so I'll try not to repeat. From my own experience playing the guitar I can get lost in my playing and feel a connection between my emotions and my playing. It's a very personal thing that can't be duplicated by something that's programmed or on a groove track. One thing that I've found however is that my music on an instrument like the guitar is limited to my talent as a player. This isn't necessarily the case with dance music or synthesized music because by its very nature you can explore different sounds, moods, tempos, settings, etc. In other words, it seems to have been created to force you to expand your music ability and at times with very little musical talent at all. Does this make sense? Personally, I will go see a live band before I go to a club...not simply because I'm well past the club scene but because I would rather spend my money on a group that makes a living out of entertaining others. I think there are too many DJ's taking money away from groups because they can bid a lower price to the establishment. Also, when I was growing up my dad played in a country and western band and I have fond memories of watching him play and was fortunate to play with him on stage.The important thing to remember is that no matter what form music comes in its main purpose is to entertain. Well, I hope I didn't confuse you even more with my ramblin'...Take Care,Amadeus Mozart
  8. Galahad, I'm sorry for what happened to you. It makes you think, "What was this person thinking?" Just curious...was anything taken? It's one thing to be vandalized but it makes it even worse when someone continues by stealing from you. Personal experience: when I moved into town I had most of my stuff stolen from a storage unit and was not able to recover it. I was angry and hurt so I've experienced the same feelings.Both vandalism and stealing create the feeling that you have been violated, stripped of things that are a part of you. And the interesting thing is that it is mostly pre-meditated, a planned act, making it even worse. And it's creates a false sense of power or control in the abuser, especially if they are not caught. I wish that people would think about how much damage is caused not only on the physical level but on emotionally, socially, etc. levels as well. (Sorry, I didn't mean to necessarily get into psychological rhetoric about this subject.) I hope that things have calmed down...may you find another window soon. Take Care,Byrdhouse
  9. Anything that flaps, huh?...never heard of that one. Yeah, I was the same way with Algebra , but I attribute it to the teacher who was like Hitler in cramming all that nonsense in our brains as fast as she could (wanted to get through two HUGE textbooks in a year) I would have failed and would still be paranoid about it if I didn't have extra tutoring. I believe it was a mental thing because I tended to not do well with subjects I didn't like. What also helped was that when I went to college and had to take Algebra over again I said to myself I'm not going to stress and I'm actually going to try to like it. I ended up with an "A" in the course...go figure. So, I guess this goes to show that you can overcome your fears by facing them head on. BOOOOOOOO....
  10. Thanks MaRiOnI for taking some time in listing the steps. They seem to be in line with what I'm reading. Ciao
  11. Milk, there's alot I could say on this subject and Lord knows it's been batted around a few times, but not only as a Christian but also as a human being I am totally against abortion. While I do understand the aspects of rape, making poor choices, protecting the life of the mother (which this is very rarely the case), etc., I believe that other choices after the child has been born can be made. But systems must be in place so that the mother is not venturing it alone. I don't believe that most mothers and fathers who have decided to keep the child ever regret that decision when they see this beautiful gift that God has given them. At the same time I believe that people experience a great loss that may last for years and may never recover from when they decide to abort a child. We (wife and I) have five daughters and they are alot to take on sometimes, but we receive so much more out of life because of the choice we made to have them. I know my opinions/convictions aren't popular but neither were Jesus's. Take Care, Byrdhouse
  12. That is very interesting, I've never heard that one before. Your description reminded me of a story about a guy who was afraid of flying, wouldn't even get near a plane. Well, his therapist took him through various stages to overcome his fear. First, the therapist would have him just go to the airport. Then later would get him to stand at the terminal where a plane was going to take off. Then the therapist would have him sit on the plane all the way to the point of having him take a flight on the airplane. Apparently this took quite a long time, but the point in this is the approach. Fears are probably best handled when taken in stages rather than having an incident forced on you...it's too traumatic. To relate to your situation, it sounds like your taking it in stages and possibly understanding that no harm is going to come to you. Well, I hope that you conquer your "eye" phobia...I'm sure it would make Johnny feel a whole lot better. Here's looking at you, kid, Betty Davis
  13. I'm kind of curious to see who out there has any legitimate phobias or fears. As for myself I'm afraid of heights. However, I challenge myself and go to high places anyway (ie: roofs, The Arch in St. Louis awhile ago, climb tall ladders, etc.) I think it is really healthy to face your fears and not be limited by them. So, are you going to give your opinion...or are you too scared ? Hauntingly Yours, Stephen King
  14. Yes, I have a cat that I've lazily named, you guessed, it "Kitty". I've had her for approximately eight years now (probably a gazillion human years old). Anyway, she's a medium-sized cat and despite her laziness has kept her figure quite well (probably secretly doing the Atkins Diet or some carb thing ). I think she was abused as a kitten because she's somewhat skittish when people are around. However, over the years she's mellowed out some. One complaint though...she never does any of the chores around the house (again, the laziness issue). Well, enough of this silliness...time for a catnap! Byrdhouse Yuck, I think I've found a hairball.......KIIIIIIIIIIIITYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
  15. Yeah, the millenium...that reminds me I think I still have a few cans of beans left in my cupboard . Time is flying by and it seems like it's going at warp speed nowadays. I agree that we only have the here and now and so we can make it memorable. As the bible says, "don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has concerns of its own." And I wouldn't focus too much on the past because our brain tends to mostly focus on the negative events in our lives. Well, that's my little spiel...Is it outdated to say, "Carpe Diem"?Still alive in 2005...Byrdhouse
  16. Hulunes, keep on trying. English is considered to be one of the most difficult languages to know. I would agree because it doesn't always follow hard line rules. I took Spanish when I was in highschool eons ago but I have been trying to develop it...mostly when I go to mexican restaurants. One time I even received a free drink from the waiter for trying to speak his native tongue...so it has its advantages. I would like to eventually speak it fluently because where I live the spanish community is growing at an incredible rate.One related question though...is "baby talk" considered a foreign language? See you on the flip side...Byrdhouse
  17. Yeah, I agree with everyone on this...Hotmail is not the greatest out there. One addition...It seems that Hotmail allows everyone and their brother to send you email. I wouldn't say it's direct spamming because you allow this open door policy by using Hotmail, but geez. To me, Hotmail and other free e-mail accounts have created a form of legalized spamming. Give me a break! I use Yahoo and I instantly received 250mb of memory, don't nearly have as much "spamming" or advertisement or am able to come back to it and use it again after being away from it for awhile. I also received the 250mb upgrade from Hotmail. (I think they felt soory for me because I kept nearly maxing out the account and they got tired of sending all of the warnings. ) I will continue to use Hotmail but am slowly progressing to Yahoo.Take Care
  18. Yeah, I would agree with what everyone else has said... The only thing that I would add unless it's going to be an additional page to your main website is to give a paragraph that describes the purpose of your website. or an "about us" or "mission" link. Some graphics and a supporting background would also be nice. Ciao
  19. This is repetitive but yes, I totally agree with this. It is very unfortunate about the disasters, wars, destruction that occured last year, but I don't think that these will stop occuring and that we have any direct control in changing them. However, I do believe we can focus on our own little worlds, our relationships, and our influence on our own communities. If you wish to check it out and respond I created a post titled "what is/are your New Year's resolutions(s)? to give my personal goals for the year. I pray that this year will be the best for you and your families...make it a good one. Ciao
  20. I mostly listen to christian music (ie: Third Day, DC Talk, Steven Curtis Chapman, etc). I also enjoy listening to Eric Clapton, Garth Brooks, John Mellencamp. I'm not into rap or grunge. I like some R&B, mostly the older suff (ie: Percy Sledge, Luther Vandross, "Q"). I grew up on music, mostly from the radio so I'm familiar with different styles/songs. And I enjoy old country songs by Hank Williams, Sr., Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash. Peace and Harmony,Byrdhouse
  21. I've never really won anything big except for those lame 4 days, 3 nights cruises, timeshares, and what ever else they can think of to eventually steal your money. I don't believe in really participating in contests or sweepstakes that senselessly cost you your hard earned money to win. (ie: gambling, lotteries, etc). About the biggest thing that I've won is a DVD/VCR player that was from a drawing at work for those people who contributed to the United Way. It was cool because it came at a time when I really wanted one.Ciao
  22. Resolutions that I've made to myself...1. Pray, listen to God more, and follow more of His will.2. Be healthier3. Strengthen my relationship with my family4. Maintain and strengthen friendships that I have and to form new friendships for the years ahead.3. Keep to my resolutions.How about you...what is/are your New Year's resolution(s)?Take Care
  23. byrdhouse

    Holiday Spending

    Yeah, it gets pretty crazy during the holidays. This year I spent Christmas and New Years visiting family and friends and considered it the best gift that I can give (expending energy, money and time to make this happen) and receive (friendship, family and creating memories). Things are nice but relationships are priceless.Ciao
  24. If you look at the reply above I think you'll get the idea as to where I'm going with this...and yes, I agree with buying it especially since computer systems have gone down quite a bit. Thank you for your input. Take Care...
  25. Well, I want to build different systems for not only the knowledge but also to possibly sell them locally and over the internet. I want to know how to custom build computers based on customers needs/desires...(so everything will be broadly based) Thank you for the input on the static electricity and power supply issues. Ciao
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