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Everything posted by bhavesh

  1. Great one more member decided to join Xisto. But I don't think you will get tired or bored by posting, this will happen only when you do things against your will. But here in Xisto theres a lot and a variety of things to post and I don't think you have some different interests which are not available.
  2. Poor guy!!!You don't know to play with rules, rules are there to be broken. But there is a art of broking it too.I have made $100 from adsense purely by clicking on my ads myself. How?I used to change the IP address by disconnecting and also cleared the cookies and then 2-3 clicks per day earns me $1-2Isn't it great!!
  3. This is the link for one of the transformation pack I use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you have enough memory to spare then its no problem to change the look to Vista. I have half Gb RAM and am comfortable to use this pack. As far as changing operating system is concerned I will wait till Vista is universally accepted like XP and its pirated copy is available easily in market
  4. This is what offered at freehostia Now a comparison with Xisto Domains 9 in Xisto while 2 in Freehostia Subdomains 99 in Xisto while 9 in Freehostia Emails 99 in Xisto while 3 in Freehostia Mailing list 99 in Xisto while 0 in Freehostia FTP 99 in Xisto while 1 in Freehostia Database 99 in Xisto while 1 in Freehostia No limit for Database space in Xisto while it is limited to 10 MB in Freehostia Bandwith 10 GB in Xisto while 5 GB in Freehostia Storage capacity 500 MB in Xisto while 250 MB in Freehostia No of files limited to 50000 in Freehostia while no such limit in Xisto File size is limited to 500 KB in Freehostia while no such limit in Xisto So everything is open now and you yourself decide where you want to go.
  5. When somebody loves other, he/she doesn't look the age. No matter the girl is older than you, I know many girls who prefer boys younger than themselves. A recent story is that of Ashwarya Rai, Miss World and now a film actress in India got married to Abhishek Bacchan who is younger then her.So my advice is give it a go and lets see what happens. Best of luck.
  6. I think Dell would be a better choice. They offer a good after sales service and also there products are great. And I don't have knowledge about the other.
  7. Good Bye JarlaxePeople sometimes find it difficult to post here mainly because they dont search the topic they like or are comfortable with. I would suggest you to come here once in a while and give your valuable posts. Because the main motto of posting here is not just collecting credits but to help each other and form a community.
  8. It will be better if you go to the sites of different laptop makers and search for your specifictions and price. Then shortlist some models and go to vendor at your city and enquire whether you can get a good after sales service there. Then finalize your purchase. Isn't it easy.
  9. Online education is only for those type of people who beleive in self study. He should be sincere enough to be able to successfully complete the course. Mainly people away from university or doing part time study prefers online education.I am in favour of Online education as far as the student is having full devotion in study. But online education for school students is not good as it will not fulfill the basic requirement of primary education that is to make the student self sustainable in society. Every thing can't be learned by reading only one must have some sort of first hand experience also.
  10. This topic is misleading please change it. I think every one might have thought someone is leaving Trap forever, that too on the eve of third anniversary of Xisto. Nevertheless have fun in holidays.
  11. Above quote taken from http://www.panoramio.com/ That means Google is aquiring another site and now Google Earth will be better and more interesting with many pictures. Now we will not only be able to see only pics from satellite but also pics of historical and tourist places taken from digicams too. This will add a new dimension to Google Earth.
  12. Happy Birthday to XistoI have been here for almost a year now. I was searching the web for a free host but every site where showing there ads and then suddenly I discover Xisto in google and become member on 22nd Aug 2006.In the beginning I was spamming the forum by cutting and pasting the tutorials as I haven't read the rules because of eagerness to collect the hosting credits. But due to the alert moderators of this forum I was warned three times but after that I have improved tremendously. But as I have been warned therefore I was unable to host even though I have required hosting credits. Then BufffalloHelp had suggest me to either wait by posting quality posts or start a new account, but I had decided to continue with my account and to win hearts my quality posts and at last was able to do so.This was the most memorable moments of my journey with Xisto so far. Here you will be punished for breaking rules and at the same time will be rewarded for good work.So long live Xisto and thanks to Opaque for making such a wonderful site and offering free services, Hats off for you.
  13. I am 25 years but haven't got sex experience so sad. Actually I was busy with my studies and after that has to fight it out for job and now I am setteled. And my parents are arranging my marriage. In India many stories of individuals are like this only. Because our culture doesn't allows sex before marriage, it's a sin here. But things are changing rapidly and people are getting first encounter with sex at an early age. This is all due to the influence of films and television.I am not against sex before marriage if and only if both the parties are matured enough to understand the pros and cons of sex. And maturity has nothing to do with age, a 15 year old girl can be more sexually matured than a 21 year old girl.
  14. So Ford got selected as Indian coach. He has proved in past that he is a good coach. When he was coaching SouthAfrica they have won 9 out of 11 test series.But Indian conditions are different, here the pressure of public is tremendous. They make hero in one day and can put off in another day. So Ford has to face the biggest challenge of his life here.Indians are warming up for England series and a new coach in last moment might not be helpful. But on a long term lets see what Ford does for India.
  15. I was also waiting for the viewbar and has just downloaded it from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ site sounds interesting and I dont think there is any harm in giving it a try. I will report in few days whether this works or not.
  16. Great News!!! Yahoo has joined the race to provide unlimited space. But I prefer Gmail because of showing only text ads and is fast too. Yahoo shows too many ads, its all irritating. Gmail gives 2.5 GB which is virtually unlimited.
  17. We have knowledge about different places of Mars by the samples collected from previous missions. But to get and analyse samples from poles will uncover many unanswereed questions. I believe if there is life in Mars it might be in poles, because it contains ice that is water and we all know first life form has generated there itself so there is high possibility that we can find some thing there. This mission will also pave the way for a manned mission to Mars because when all the portions of Mars are explored by unmanned mission then next step should be a manned mission.
  18. One more feather in Xisto's cap, great! I have been using other forums available in internet which give free domains for collecting points, but Xisto is a great place to post and I am quite comfortable here too. So I believe I can get to the target very soon. Best wishes to me.
  19. HaiOne of the best site to download the lyrics is the "http://www.lyrics.com/;. It is widely used to download this lyrics. It is most populer site to downl;oad the lyrics. So go for this site and have a great enjoy and I am sure you definetely get all lyrics yop want.
  20. Eating natyral foods rally help us to remain fit. We should have to eat this type of foods, its not only keep us healthy but also keep us fit for all the life. On the other hand eating spicey food its only going to damage our body healthy.So we all have to eat healthy food to remain fit and healthy.
  21. At last Ishant Sharma has got a Test cap, good. Now its upto him to grap these oppurtunity with both hands and perform his best against a weaker team of international cricket and cement his place.Indians have played well on the first day. Jaffar has proved that the pair in first test doesn't depicts his class, he is a good player and has proved so by his ton. Now on the second day Indians should score fast and declare on and around 600+ at tea. Bowlers have to perform well to win the match and I think if weather doesn't hinders than India will win comfortably.
  22. You can try a new email service from Zapak. Which gives id like yourname@zapak.comWeb address is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Also you can buy a domain name by your name like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ with the mail client in cpanel of Xisto you will be able to make upto 99 idslike somename@yourname.comTry what ever suits you.
  23. There might be some loop holes in Firefox 3 so its better to wait for the full version to come. Till than I will use Firefox 2, thanx for the link.
  24. So Indians are doing good in Bangladesh, after a one day series white wash doing good in test match too. Dhoni has regain his lost form which is good for Indian cricket. Also Dinesh Kartik is performing consistently well, I think if he would have been in the playing eleven of the world cup then scenario might have been different. He has performed well prior to the world cup but was unfortunate not to be included in the playing eleven. But now he is showing great potential to be a great and cool minded player.Ishant Sharma is another player I would like to see in the second test match, this Delhi guy is wonderful and should get chance.
  25. Link is not working please check it. As fas as making money online is concerned the best way which I prefered is to make a website and show Google ads and earn money from it. Even though you dont have enough traffic for the site you can yourself got to the site and <- snipped -> yourself from different ip address ( by disconnecting and again connecting in the network will change the ip address ). So by this way you are not violating the Terms of Condition of Google and at the same time earning money.}
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