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Everything posted by bhavesh

  1. I agree with slushpuppy, and believe that, Bush's main objective is revenge and to aquire oil wells. Iraq has one of the worlds richest oil wells, and everybody knows the role of oil in coming future. All weapons will get ceased without oil no body can win war without oil. It has deep impact on a country's internal security.So I think what Bush has done is good as far as America is concerned, but at the same time it has generated tremendous anger among Islamic countries.
  2. One of Google's great work is firefox. It has spread like fire and the addons are one of the great features. This addon is superb, I have been using smartftp but now I will switch to this great addon.
  3. I cant understand why this topic is named Google PHP editor. this editor has nothing to do with google, eventhough it is a good editor and i love to program in it. Thanks for the link.
  4. But I like windows Vista, its cool. Linux has to improve a lot to qualify as a desktop operating system
  5. bhavesh


    Judo, I tried a lot but its not made for mine. I tried a lot but always failed to learn. I practice a lot.
  6. I use McAfee as my personal fire wall and my antivirus. It gives me a wide range of anti virus database. So I prefer to McAfee.
  7. Mine favorite comic character is "Phantom". He was a great hero. he has a lot of powers and can defeat any of his enemy. I am always ready to read his comic and I have a good collections of his comic books.
  8. I would prefer Dogs and I have one also.My dog name is Snowey. Its name is so because it has a colour of snow. Dogs are good as a pet animals. After all they are good servants who obeys their master all the time. I thought that having Cats in home is a heptic and time consuming job.
  9. Yes Google Earth can be used off-line too. As you go through the pages during online, this pages are saved on your system and afterwards you can be able to see those places even you are off-line. Google Earth captures whole world and it has all places and all the cities in its directory and in a clear form. Its really helps those who want to know more about their or other cities.Also their is one more site for viewing the maps. This is the wikimapia. It also covers the many part but not more clear than the Google Earth.Google earth is a great product of Google for me.
  10. Mine best book ever is the Harry Potter. I have all its series in my book rack, I read all of that and now I am waiting for the latest edition of the Harry Potter. I go through all the Harry Potter series and read it twice and thrice. Its a wonder full and amazing to read this books. its not only fill us with action but also makes our mind full of joy. Each time we have a new story to read. Although its a famous book among the children but it also soon to become famous among the elder ones too. They also interested to purchase and to read the Harry Potter books. As a well wisher of Harry Potter I hoped he will live long and defeat all his enemy, as I heared that he will died in the eight series of the Harry Potter.The popularity of the book is so much that is now to published in different different languages in different different countries. This book has established his own great market in the world and make the writer a millioner.Although it is a great book to read.
  11. Since I am a Indian so I loves to eat Indian type of Food basically. I loved to eat dosa, idlley, samber bada. I too love to eat pizza and bugger, they are also nice to eat. Basically foods supply us with energy and the required nutrients, which we need for the purpose of the physical work. but if foods are full of taste and within our mood then they imparts to many in us.
  12. I like the Innova and the Toyota Supra. They have a good look and a unique dash board.They have other many good features and provide us with great comfort and ease in the driving.They are mine favorites.
  13. Mine favorite operating system is Windows Vista.For Linux, mine favorite is the Red Hat Linux.It seems good to work on this operating system. they have many features in them.
  14. My best bands are the: The Flaming Lips Joy Division Sonic Youth Teenage Fan Club Franz Ferdinand They are the best bands for me and I love to listen their albums. I have a good collections of Joy Division and The Flaming Lips albums.
  15. Its good to watch the sports either live or on the television.my best sport to watch is the Rugby. It seems to good to watch it. It energies you and fill you with great adventure.
  16. A true Religion in this whole world is the Religion Of Humanity. None other religion is greater than this. When their is love and mutual understanding among peoples of different cast and states than only the human and thus their religion can exist. If all the peoples fight for their own religion than nobody exist in this world.
  17. Mine favorite Movie is the-MIB (Men In Black) series.Harry Potter series.MI (Mission Impossible) series.All this movies are very good to watch repeatedly and they are full of action, and thus good to watch.
  18. Mine favorite sport is the " CRICKET". I love to play and to watch cricket.Mine favorite player is "Ricky Ponting" of Australia. I lnspired with his batting, he always safe his team when they loose their early wickets. He stay in the middle and slowly build a big score.mine favorite team is "Australia". They have a good team spirit and a good team work, which makes them to defeat any team and win matches in bunch.
  19. Doing Meditation is good for our live, but it is a difficult job to do.One of the best and simple way to do meditation is to go in the nature where silence every where and sit on the green and soft grass and do the meditation. While doing so forget every thing, your job,your worries,your relatives, every thing. Just close your eyes and thing of a large Universe with lots of stars twinkling. Firstly you would not able to continue this for a long time, but slowly with due course of time you can able to do this for a long time. You also go in a garden for doing this where there was silence.Doing Meditation is good, therefore do meditation daily twice in the morning and in the evening. Its not only makes your health better, but also increases your mental power. You soon be notice that your memory power increases, you can be able to remember more and more things. Your physical strength too increases.
  20. hey its a good game. I played it and enjoyed it a lot. Its music is too nice. Its a color full game with a good music.
  21. Britney Spears- "A Good Pop Singer and a person who knows how to remain in NEWS".I like her. She is a good singer too. I have a good collection of her albums. I like her songs: Soda Pop and Uncle John. Every body have their own life and have their own way of living, so its bad to talk any thing false about her. She is too free to live her own life.
  22. Actually by loosing weight, we reduce our fat content from our body.Fat are the mains for increasing of the weight. Peoples of over weight mainly do a operation in which they take out their fat from their body. So fats are responsible for the weight gain.
  23. Now after all the matches Australia are look more strong to win the ICC World Cup 2007. They have tremendous strength to win and have great team spirit. Other teams need to learn from them how they come strong to other teams. I like to see the final between the Australia and the South Africa.Inspite I say that Australia win but my hearts are with South Africa.
  24. All peoples want to have a slim trim and shaped body. They go to any means for loosing their weight. But I have a simple way to loose their weight. Just follow this procedure:-* Wakeup early in the morning and go for a Morning Walk. Going for a walk is the best way for reducing your weight, its burns hundreds of calories which is the main reason for the weight gain.So go for a morning walk daily for at least Two hours.Also you should have to go for a Evening walk. This too helps you.* Used to eat low calories food. A light breakfast including one fruit (mainly apple), a good lunch including both chappati and the rice but not a heavy lunch, and a soft dinner to ends the day meal. It should be taken care that the foods or the meals are of low calories. And over eating should not be made, instead you should take small small meals after a gap of Five to six hours.* Do exercise daily for two hours in the morning and in the evening. This helps to burn the extra calories in the body.* Also do the excess of work, this helps to burn calories.So guys follow this valuable tricks to reduce your weight. This really helps you in reducing your weight, because I follow this and gain the advantages and now I have a slim and a ideal body.
  25. Story is same in every school....My school too has one computer teacher and one technician, with a broadband connection. My teacher only knows about the MS Word, MS Paint, Power Point Presentation. In internet she only knows about the Google, she do not have any e-mail account.One good thing about my school computer lab is that in each class we have a extra time of 20 minutes for doing anything which we want. Pupils mainly like to play games online in disney and cartoon networks sites.But my school has to make a lot for improving their computer level to come with other school.
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