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Posts posted by lemonwonder

  1. A system that mbProductions in conjunction with mbRewards is starting to provide is "ad-drives"These are based at "communities" rather than "one-stop" websites.You can make a very nice amount of money, for more info pm me as I dont want tonnes of copies of my system before I get it up and running.

  2. Well, We CAN live without mobile phones.Egiptians didn't use phones and they got toghether quite well, so did Romans.
    We aren't any different, we don't need phones to live.
    It just makes life "easier", but there's no more for it. Sometimes I feel that we are becoming too lazy because of all this gadgets, and I'm not against them, it's just that I know that we don't need any phone to live. We feel so because we like to feel comfortable, and technology haves that purpose "make human life more convenient, more confortable"... in the other hand they forgot to say "but more lazy too".

    I completely agree! I like a mobile phone so I can text friends, but I could go and meet them at a cafe or something. I also like it for calling... but there is payphones.

    Phones do make life easier... and people do not want a hard life because they have never experienced one, or are used to the easy life.

  3. PSI Ball



    First of all, a PSI ball can be considered magic by some, however it is properly known as a spirital skill.


    To make your first PSI ball, I suggest that you relax and just forget about the problems in your life.





    1. Immagine energy around you. Blue is a good colour to immagine it. Feel it rush into your body, and swirl into your stomache and swirl up into a ball, or a waterfall.


    2. Cup your hands into one of these positions, I prefer number 3.


    Posted Image


    3. Immagine all the energy from inside your body, rushing out of your hands and spinning around into a ball. Do this for a few minutes, some people feel tingly, some people feel heat and some evn feel cold.


    4. Make the ball of energy rush around for a few minutes, getting denser and denser.


    5. If you feel that its there, move your hands in slowly, move them closer together and further apart.


    Describe what you feel.


    You will become faster as you practise. You can also make them hot by immagining the energy and the ball as a fire or the sun. And cold by immagining energy and the ball as ice etc etc.


    Post what your results are here!!



  4. My opinion: of course they do!They are extremely active in their sleep, if you have ever watched a dog sleeping.They can wake up scared, happy and just have a range of emotions... that is achieved by dreaming. They also go through the REM (rapid eye movement) stage which is where dreaming is. If you look, you can see their eyes moving at some points in their sleep. This is where their eyes are actually moving in their sleep!

  5. People that are ignorant to global warming really peeve me off! My parents arent really caring about it because they wont feel the effects, well I will and they should care.I think that we are going to go back in time. Air travel will not exist, we will have to go back about 200 years to the simple life... and NOT have the chance to improve it. Eventually we will get tv's but everything will have to run from natural sources, eg. water cars which break down water into hydrogen and oxygen, run off the hydrogen and give out oxygen... the only clean burning cars.People say "enjoy things while u can" well if we resist, and DONT enjoy them, the effects will be less. It is CERTAIN that we are doomed unless we can find a way to split massive amounts of CO2 into Carbon and oxygen, that would be good!

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