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Posts posted by lemonwonder

  1. Lol, I find mac has the wordt tools ever, the mouses alone annoy me! I most applications are made for windows, I would not be able to do alot of the things i can do on my windows on a mac computer, unless I used that hack, but I still hate the interface etc, it wastes alot of my time, we had to do work on firefox at school, I got 1/4 of it done in 1 hour, and I did the rest at home in half an hour because windows has much easier tools, and a better interface.Safari, well thats just crazy, its slow, firefox is fast, firefox is very stable, and you can use it easily and it has a nice interface, and you can change the themes and do addons for it.We have safari at school, well... we had safari at school, and the server got a virus from a site because safari did not detect it, so the school swapped to firefox, and everything has been great ever since.I say that windows rules, mac drools! And firefox is clearly better, leading the votes... lol sfari did not even make it to the list!

  2. BTW: Its voice over IP protocol, according to google.... and skype.But yeh, I used to use Msn Messenger, it crashed on me, the noise was fuzzy, sometimes I got big eeeeeeeekkkkkkkksssss it in, and other times it refused to play the other persons sound.I then headed to skype, I convinced everyone that we shood get it, (theyr so scared of virus attaks) and we finally did get it after ages of convicing, and my parents were scared of recieving bills, they made me ring my nana who had it to prove to them that it was free. then, I downloaded it, it said only for windows xp etc, but it worked on 98, at first it crashed, i tried it again and it worked solidly, I have now found a glitch for it on my computer, any loud noise (like a very high pitched scream, like as loud as possibly with microphone practically in mouth) will crash it, well.... for the other person, no matter wat os they are using.I found skype very easy to use, I convinced my friends to get it, and now whenever someone is on msn, I tell em to jump onto skype coz I am always to busy to type over a msn. So yeh, I wood rate as follows:Msn Messenger for VOIP: 34%Skype Windows 98 for VOIP: 86% Skype on its meant to be OS for VOIP: 97.6%

  3. You dont know about these clothes, they could use the clothes that protect scientists when investigating inside volcanos, now thats hot! The jet packs would be so heavy that you would need a base station, so you land and the jetpacks rest on a surface so that they dont rip you to the ground when you land.I would like to fly a jet-pack, except I dont think I would want to land.And those engines can lift a hefty man, and have pretty good grunt at the same time, you would be amazed

  4. Sounds cvery expensive, I would rather stick with things like blu-ray discs, or use the same teqnique as UMD's but make the discs normal size, and use the whole disc without a hole, (if thyey can get a new way to spin the disc) coz the umds are like.. 1.7gbs and at the size of a normal disc, for home use they wood be great!I like to stick with the old fasioned... but not too old fasioned.

  5. About my idea of Xisto file upload service, and the comment on it, well i used to be at a hosting company, x10hosting. They offered much more space etc, but their cpanel sucked and it had ads.they had loads of things, like instant free forum hosting (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and then they also had their file uploader which they opened to stop stress on their servers, weather Xisto makes it public is a huge descision, but if they made it so that they had it for hosted members, it would be much better for the hosting servers, it would be faster, weather its just Xisto that does it or just the Xisto Corp. it would still be neat. Or maybe if you paid ex. amount of hosting credits for a years membership, and if you arent hosted you just pay with real money, like 50-60 credits I think would be reasonable, for like an account with basic features, like 500mb max file size, 5gb space etc, and have rules that you cant just use it as a computer back-up. And for maybe 200 credits could be the top account, unlimited/un-metered everything (unless the server is really stressed) I would really love a file hosting from the Xisto corp, I like the hosting, and I would like to see more things! but yeh, not everyone can juust go and set one up.

  6. Ok, I have searched the forum, and could not find a topic suggesting this so here I go.I recon that we should have a referral system put in place, and yes there are proxies etc, so we should make it that you only get points if the person posts, lets say that you get 10% of the credits they make for the first month, they woulkd still have the credits, except you would also get some of that, without them loosing any.Now, with this not one person is just going to go along and register new accounts, post and get 10% of the credits, heck they might as well just post on theirm own account!10% may seem alot, but if they make 30 credits the referrer only gets 3, so I am thinking in the range of 10-20% rates.Or we could have it really high, but only for the first week, or 2 weeks. You could also try doing a rewards system, where you can get free domains, for x amount of dollars, and you earn these by completing free offers from your sponsors, x10hosting.com does this, their hosting sucks but they have a damn good rewards system. It made me think twice before I left them, but I did leave anyways.And another thing, you should have adsense all over your forums, I like to look at atsense ads, I have found some nice sites, you can make big bucks out of that, you could put in hidden keywords that the ads find because then you will have a range of ads being displayed, they dont look too bad, even at the bottom of the site or under your shoutbox, I just vote for adsense, not displayed on your members sites, unless the member volunteraly does it, or you could have a way of a rewards system to earn credits for the ads being displayed on your site, and monitor the amount of clicks for each site and reward the owner in credits.All the above post it what I think would make Xisto a really really cool place to be, people would get more into the forums, you would have more members, and you would make revenue.Please post comments on the above post!

  7. Well I would suggest using a different uploader. I would try using http://www.filevip.com/, they do have bandwidth limits, and maximum file size is 100mb, but if you upload a file that is very busy 2 or 3 times, and have several mirrors listed on your site or whateva, they are good. I dont like ones that are crammed with ads, or ones that just try to get you to buy things all the time, thats why I use filevip.com because you can link directly to the file.Xisto should make a file upload centre

  8. yeh, if its ad free I would like to know where you got this login script from. I have tried many but they still never work or they are just full of ads, and yes youn will have to be more specific, if it is just putting in more fields or something like that I am sure people at Xisto forums may be able to help. I am not sure but whatever you need help with.... I could possibly give you a hand.

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