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Posts posted by lemonwonder

  1. Lol, I go to a ACG private school, it the mock exams A++ and same in all my tests... its called short hand.I on the odd occassion will have wine, a glass or two is actualy healthy, i at the most will have half a glass in a night, weather its red or white, I normally only have a little bit, i can control myself.Weed is illegal,perscription drugs are ok, as long as you follow exactly or under your doctors precise rules. And I will never never never smoke anything, wether its illegal or just ciggs, they are so bad for u! And weed leads onto things like pee and things like that! they dont maker things illegal for nothing... they wont ban computers coz people have fun, but they ban weed coz its bad and leads onto more serious drugs! And it can cause havvoc!Besides: Why the heck wood u create a site on illegals

  2. Ok well here is a short explanation:A domain is not like hosting, you buy the domain and when you type it in, it directs to the IP addy, so if we did not have any domain (not even a Xisto domain) set up with our accounts, we wood go to an IP address.https://de.godaddy.com/ is a good place, but yahoo is good also, what it does is sells you the domain if no1 has bought it yet (like personal plates for ur car) and then u tell it where to point to, so if you tell it to point to the name servers of Xisto (ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com) it will be saying to trap 17 "I am here to be assigned to an account" you then go to the process page, put in ur deiatils and ur wanted domain, the server scans to see if that domain is saying "I am heer to be assigned 4 an account" and if it is there the server will set it up with your account. After this happens you can make email address's at ur domain (eg. SOMIN@domain.com/.net/.org/.co.nz/.com.au/.uni.cc/.cc/.tt and lots more ending for ur domain r avalible. U can also reach ur website thru ur domain once it is set up. i hope this helps u to understand what a domain actualy is

  3. Wow thats a very nice template, and I am using fireofx, looks fine to me xDEven wen I loomk trhuu ur thumbnail it loks aright.I prefer to have .... lighter designs, a poll on my old site sed that 67.8 I think it was, but anyways 67.somin of the peiople liked lighter designs, but then again, that darkness suits a graphics site.And that file upload, very nice feature! Xisto needas somin like that... but maybe up to 50mbsThe graphics on ur site are amazing, simply done but amazing!Bravo.... BRAVO... AMAZING

  4. Yeh all my teachers have touch screens, it detects heat for about 1cm away from screen, mouse follows that heat (body heat) and if you touch the screen it does click.It wood get quite annoying, if u accidentally moved ur hand too far in so it clicked or whateva, but yeh about the screens getting dirty you can get ones at auto-clean the screen, one of my teachers one cleans the screen every time she closes the lid.... pretty cleverBut with that video.... quite neat!

  5. Ok,Well shes not all that great now, but when I was very young I met maddona, rmember the day clearly.we were at these peoples house, they were called nickey and steve, i was playing with the desktop pet, and then the limo arrived, I got in and had a glass of grapejuice and thort it was wine. We then got to the concert, I did not like all the singing and somehow..... somehow I managed to go to sleep, and then when it all ended, my parents woke me up right in front of madonna,we had about a 10 minute chat dad says, apparently she was poking my nose and whatnot roflmao, but yeh... pretty neat.... too bad I had a bath the next day.... well i think i didBut yeh, that was my experience I did also bump into the new zealand rugby team, thats not soo special to me but every1 at school was drooling, we stayed at the heritage in the directors suite, and they were in the room right next to us, I walked out, bumped into em, and they sed sorry, and I carried on as normal, when I got back to the room, sed that i bumped into sopme peeps from the room next to us, mam and dad sed it was allblacks, I am not a fan of rugby... but I thort i recognised 1 :) this was earlier this year

  6. very very very very very very very very very ver nice sig.Count the number of verys u got for ur out of 10 score :) I like how it is not just enclosed to a box, gives it a more... active feel, very nice colours and textures, smoothing out ht ebackround wood be nice, and yeh, and if you werent able to work out ur mark out of ten, here it is :P(if u needa read this go to math class)9.75

  7. Well for new zealanders we have a company called http://www.trademe.co.nz/ you payb trademe to list ur auction etc.Now, this is an amazing story and it is true!A guy started off with a paper-clip, he sold that paper-clip for a pen roflmao, someone was silly there! Then he sold that pen for 5 pencils. He then sold those 5 pencils for 4 dollars. he then bought a rugged old shirt with those four dollars, it has 18 seconds left in the acuktion and no bids, he sold that shirt for 9 dollars. He then bought a couple of computer speakers and then sold them for 25 dollars! he kept on doing this for a long time, he got his family involved and he did it every night after work. he bought a 3 acre propertie with the money he had made, well his children and parents. Every night they would all sell about 3 things each, and as the years went by they had enough money to retire from their jobs, but keep trading as they were for 1 more year, and then slack off completely.It is amazing what little sacrofices these people do like selling a pen for a paper-clip, and its amazing that people actualy did this. Its quite funny really.

  8. Thats alot of space lol, and if they are cheap (aka-100-300 dollars) which i doubt, but anyways think of all the hosting companys wood be able to offer, if someone cod say how much peeps Xisto has, if it is 3900 we could all have a gig each.... for a tiny lil disc, and if Xisto and other hosting companys had filled up a whole room with a server running on these discs, that wood be lotza space! They wood needa be ok to be in use for a long time, and computer running em wood needs lotza ram, maybe use 1 disc for ram, and but wow! thats alot of space, it wood take foreva to fill up one of those discs... u prolly need every mmocc in the world to fill it up... maybe more lol.But how many users does Xisto have?

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