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Posts posted by lemonwonder

  1. If I had a million U.S dollars....


    I would sureley die of a heart attack, but if I didnt.... well i woodnt die of a heart attack for real.... just 4get about it.... anyways if i had a million u.s dollars i would:


    Spend 10,000 on each of my pets.

    Give 10,000 to each family member

    Buy a windows Vista computer, with 2gb ram xD

    Buy a ps3

    Buy a cool new phone, with all the features and 3G

    Buy my own butler

    Put the rest in the bank, and spend it on random goodies like lava lamps etc when I bump into em (I love random stuff like that, oooo and electric globes!)


    Thats whot I would do <_<

  2. All the adults such as my parents and people who are more... ancient than us would love to see the internet disapeer, excvept for my grandma and grandad... wow they are stuck, there is this girl who couldnt write or read handwriting, everything had to be done on computer for her, she knew how to create proffessional websites and she was 5, her parents had taught her from an early age... i am sorry for her.And me without the internet, well i wouldnt be bored because I wouldnt know i was missing out on anything, I would prolly be playing games on a CD, I only play internet games tho, coz computers to slow to run sims and stuff, I needa get more ram, only 32mb.. O well, I love the internet, and i dont spend all night and all day on it, but it is a very good resource

  3. Yeh, I own a psp and I recon that the firmware update and inetrenet are amazing! I really love the psp for that, and the wireless gaming... its range.Also, my friend owns a nintendo, he plays psp more than the nintendo... because he likes the games and the tools, and the look, and the controls of the psp, I have grown up with sony, ps1 was my first console, and I am sticking with them, the nintendos are cheap, and look a bit skumgy. I would vote for psp because of the look, coolness and funess of it! (also the games!)

  4. Yeh, well I think that instead of having 1 credit for every 1mb downloaded, it shud be like... the amount of bandwidth used divided by 10 and then, that amount of credits are taeknn away, but then again, if its a file that will be downloaded alot, you shud be able to upload, and it then sends a request to have extra/unmetered bandwidth allowed for that specific download... only if accepted

  5. ok, my favourite is BOBWe made p bob is year five.... heres how to play:You need 4 or more players (must be equal number)Every player teams up with anotherThen go you off and discuss a secret signalYou then get 4 cards each, dont let eny1 else seeThe admin of game puts 4 cards on ground, grab whichever ones you need to help you make a set of 4 of the same kind (u can also add starights etc)When u have 4 of a kind you have to do your secret signal, and get your buddy to notice, if you buddy see's they say BOB, and if someone who is not ur buddy thinks ur doing a signal, they say COUNTER BOB, whoever says BOB or Counter Bob, their team wins. You can not do fake signals, but you can start off sitting or jumping in an odd way, and then you may change it slightly, and that wood be ur signal... changing it slightly.Its a neat lil game... havnt plaid in years but yeh... :)I also like snap, and I hate solitare, I also like, ohh I forgot it, but its that 1 u have to get 4 of a kind, and u can make others pick up with a five and block an attack with a 3 and then have multiple turns with a 10... that 1

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