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Posts posted by lemonwonder

  1. Robots can operate like humans, learning and developing, even respawning, by using their knowlege to find more parts to build children... therefore setting up communities.An artificial intelligence system to do just those things and nothing more would take years to make and around about 406,000 billion lines of code. It would not be the easy code like php, it would be Arti2 code... almost never used as there are other ways to make simpler artificial intelligence systems.A playstation 3 is 1% as strong as the human brain, so if we got 100 of those (expensive) and combined them together the circuits would blow! There would be so much energy and heat that they would need to be re-built with different materials. Now... thats just the brain power... a bit like RAM on a computer, next it needs a artificial intelligence system, then it needs to have all the joints in the body 360 degrees turns otherwise its impossible for no malfunction if the robot is going to learn different things, as it will be pre-programmed with the joints system, but if it see's someone or something doing something with their legs or arms it will kick in and try to learn it.It would also need to make use of the very expensive wireless power transportation system developped in 2002 in Canada, to be able to function properly.It would also need a tutor to show it how to do everything in lifeSpeaking of learning, the kids would need to either be able to learn off the parents or have data transfered to them when created.THEN LEARNING>>>> ANOTHER POINT it would need big supercomputers capable of holding millions of gigs of memory, with this the computer would be in a different place to the robot so it would need super fast Wi-Fi, nothing like what we have today.Just a few points... my fingers are sore now so buey

  2. Thanks, i also have a few more.The freezer would have to freeze you within 6.8 seconds to make sure that you dont die while being frozen, and in that 6.8 seconds it would have to be down to -200 degrees after 3 seconds and -560 in 6.8 seconds.Plus, the electricity to run this type of thing? You would need very strong, large cables and it would have to be handled very carefully, because one jolt on a human, bang!Another thing for electricity, it has to be able to be powered in the years to come, like with T.V's they have analog currently as the free to air tv, but soon digital will kick in and analog recievers cant get the tv without a digital box, the power would have to be updated to the newest ways.Another thing on power, if the electricity dies out, your dead! The defrosting would have to be about as fast as the freezing, just a little slower, these sorts of temperatures would blow even the biggest cables that are around today.Overall: When nyou cant breathe you die, so ice all around you would kill you, your guts would explode.AND! The ice would rot away your body

  3. If this was possible, it could al;so be possible that in 1000 years the human race is non-existant, as we are getting global warming, plasces are being burnt, sunk and drenched everyhere.Also, they may speak another language, and you maybe confused.Immagine someone who knows old english from a 100 years ago, they wood have a hard time... never mind 1000 years ago.All knowlege would be lost, as the brain must stay active to keep all the information. Like if you were holding dogs and then you froze, the dogs would run away. thats what would happen to your brain.

  4. Your thing about hover-boards, 3 months ago I would have said utter rubbish but yes, that is true. People have worked out how to make something that is not affected by gravity, and it would cost about 250 dollars to make a 1 person hover-board platform. Now, this could be dangerous, even though it would only use tiny litle puny fans that normally couldnt make themselfs lift quarter of a millimeter, but with the anti-grav station it is possible for about 100 of these very in-expensive fans to lift a 1 person board with a full load, and because there is no gravity.. people could go as high as they like.. this means deaths would occur. They would be great if they only went 3-4 cms above the ground... and this could be done with a built in alti-meter that would stop the fans when you get too high, and start em when you get too low, thus you would stay roughly the same height all your trip. Another thing is steering... and actualy moving(not just floating in the same spot), extra fans would be needed, this time not under, but on the sides... they would have to be much more powerful, as wind would be stopping puny fans like that, this would mean that there would be a constant sound of humm, but I am sure they can find very quiet fans. Also, at all the edges there would need to be powerful sensors that detect the height of the ground.. detecting the height of the ground for a circle of... atleast 2m radius, they would need to quickly adjust the fans to go higher and lower, and it the odd case where there is a spot with 2 little mounts and a hole in the middle, the hover-board would need to use the info from the detectors around the edge first... otherwise you would be flying all over the place, and in some cases... not flying at all. Next, we run into our next problem, we would need another set of sensors to detect walls, and small cliffs, for small cliffs (we are talking about 2m high etc) the hover-board would need to enable driver-management of height, so that you could climb up walls, and with this we run into another problem, it would need to be auto-balancing for the hover-board to actualy stay the right way up, the auto-balancing is like on those things that are like pogo-sticks... except they have wheels and you stand on em and steer. And now again more problems, all sensors would need to work together with an artificial intelligence system to work out if you are going to drive off a cliff, we cant just have sensors detecting big drops, otherwise the hoverboard would decrease altitude and drop to the ground if you were driving on the side of a cliff/small drop, and another problem, it would need to detect wheather it is just a small drop.. or a grand canyon cliff, because you want to be able to hover down public stairs without your hover-board saying NO NO NO WE ARE GONNA DIE! O and more problems, if any part such as Artificial intelligence system or fans failed, it would need to have a backup system which can slowly drop you down to the ground, it would then need to warn you of failtures. Auto-Pilot, this would be needed as the hover boards would be very quick to go fowards and slow down, and un-easy to control, so you could easily go onto the road infront of a car, this is where traffic light crossing assistance things would need a wireless transmitter to send a signal to put any hover-boards that have the AUTO button switched in to automatically switch to auto-pilot, this would automatically stop you, and when the man goes green it would automatically cross you over the road, making sure that you arent to slow or fast. Another thing, hills, the sensors are most likely to get confused with hills, AND when you go down hills the hover board would need to maintain speed and height, and it would have to slope itself on the side, another use for the artifical intelligence system, it would have to make fans at the back or front (depending if you are going up or down a hill) to be more powerfull, to put you on a slope. Well there is a few ideas, I am dead bored of typing so... yeh.

  5. The psp is great! They hopefully will release official RAM chips so we can upgrade the ram and run high quality flash games etc, so you will be able to do all ur gaming homebrew in flash, thats a good way for them to take out homebrew, by official RAM upgrades, only working with like... latest version... so if they released it today, it wood only work with 2.8 and up

  6. Ok, I have tried everything like Kapersky and norton, all those top ones, and I say none of them compare to NOD32, every time I hop on the computer, it says it was sucessfully updated, it updates (not just scans.... actualy updates) the scanning system about every 2 hours I had norton, and our computer was so badly damaged we had to get loads of new parts and paches on it before it would start, then we put NOD on and it fixed about 37 viruses that our 3 scanners didnt find! NOD32 for life!

  7. Ok,

    I have found some wav sounds, some of em made by me, but I will not say which ones are.

    They are random things, such as the lemon song which goes:

    Everybody loves lemons

    Doop Da Doop De Doop

    They are sweet and sour

    Doop de doop de doop

    If you dont like lemons then come see me and Ill sort u out with a great big beating


    Everybody loves lemons.... YEH!

    Here is the link to dowload them as a ZIP file, if you dont have an unzipper watch this space, I will add links for them as .wav files... only on request though!


    Mirror 1

    Mirror 2

    Mirror 3

    Mirror 4

    If you have any funny wav sounds, PM me them, or if you have a microphone bring up sound recorder and start playing! Then of course send it in via PM!

  8. Well.....


    Game I would like to live in:


    *The sims, very fun and exciting life.

    *Habbo, neat lil game

    *Pacman- Dunno why

    *Drivers ed- Cool mini car driving game


    Games I wood not like to live in:


    *Runescape- Too violent and ugly for me

    *JAK games- Scary and horrible if u lived in it'


    *Monopoly junior- too old for that


    And thats basically the list of games I would/would not like to live in (decided in just a few minutes, to get true thoughts)

  9. yeh i used to play runescape... and it got bloody boring after a while... i was rich... had good enough gear.. and still i was called a noob, I worked hard and yeh... boring... I thort about going on agen not too long ago, and then yes... i did go on and yes... it was boring like watching grass grow... (actualy watching grass grow in x10000 speed is quite fun! but runescape is boring like watching grass grow in -1000 speed)

  10. Well BlixCity was reccomended this service by me, they got accepted and are very happy! I would love to use this service but, my site is not big enough yet, but I may possibly use it in the future, it is very neat and clever!

  11. I have seen it, downloaded it but never used it, mainly because its not avalible for windows 98, I would do it on my windows xp but I am very limited with whot I wana do on there seeing as my mum and dad use it and go nuts if they find a new thing ior somin wrong with it..... they would never say yes to downloading or installing it, so i just put it in the trash can after downloading

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