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Everything posted by Mjay06

  1. If you get a sec could you take me a screen shot of a blank post showing the moderation buttons?ThanksPm me & ill give you my email.
  2. The mysql database stores all user details/posts etc, basically anything that is typed into your site. It records user post counts/forum titles/categories/even down to the smiley codes. Without it your website is just an empty shell.
  3. Yep, your best best is to start with the subSilver theme files you have from the install & modify them to whatever you want. subSilver contains all the forum files too, so it should make life a bit easier.Remeber to back the files up first though...
  4. How exactly does that work? Surely you either have internet access or you dont?
  5. Yea it would help if you were a bit more specific.Normally you would only edit nuke files when installing mods, & the read me files are normally pretty good & explain exactly what you should/shouldnt be playing with.Whatever you edit, I recommend you copy the original file to your desktop first. That way if you mess up you can just copy the original back. It's an awful lot easier than trying to undo edits manually.
  6. Thanks guys, i'll give them all a go when I finish work. I beginning to think its msn related as the dates in the files update to tally when I login after starting the pc.I'll post here a bit later what I find
  7. I did what ive suggested a couple of weeks ago when I upgraded the fantastico nuke to nuke-max.With your ftp, manually move all your nuke files to the top level (you should be able to drag & drop), that way you know you wont lose anything. When the new installation is done just drag them back & it should automatically overwrite duplicate files.
  8. Did you not have a backup of your sql tables? If not, & you can access your cpanel, I recommend you do one now.
  9. With Nuke you dont have to specify a directory, you can install it directly onto your domain. Just leave the directory section blank when you install it.I appreciate that doesnt help with your current problem tho.If I was you I'd do a quick sql backup, backup all your nuke files, uninstall your nuke, install it again on your domain & just overwrite the nuke files in public_html with the ones you backed up. Do the same with your sql tables & the only difference to your site you will notice will be the new url
  10. Since this morning, two new visitors has camped out on my desktop. One is lcapi0.log, & when you open it you get: My system wont let me delete either file as it says they are in use (even when nothing is running), & I havnt installed today anything which would require either of them, whatever they are. Has anyone come across them before? Or has any idea what they are/do?
  11. I cant access my databases at the moment, & when I load my site I get Give it a while & it should go back to normal.
  12. I apologise, I was a grumpy git that night
  13. Are you sure it has actually been deleted? Sometimes I cant access my databases, but this usually sorts itself out after a while & I can get back in.Keep trying it before panicking too much.
  14. I dont think ive seen more than 30 online at any one time before. There must have been some pretty spectacular threads on the go that day I guess.
  15. I do on occasions, but I certainly dont use them on everything I type. Some people really can go overboard with them. For instance on msn, when someone just posts or something I immediately shut the window - how are you supposed to reply to that?Txt speak is a big pet hate of mine. It was 'invented' to make text messages on phones easier to write, & save character space. There is no reason why someone with a full qwerty keyboard has to use it. One of the Cambridge unis did a study on it a couple of years ago, & found using txt speak on proper keyboards not only takes longer to type, but on average 3 times longer to read. I've even encountered people that actually say 'lol', I mean in conversations in real life. Thats just plain idiotic.
  16. Online relationships can & do work, although they can be hard to keep going for obvious reasons.A few years ago I met someone online who lived in Monaco - we got on great etc & eventually met up. We ended up begin together for over a year. It was hardly the perfect relationship as we only saw each other once every 2 months or so, but was fun while it lasted.We split up as I couldnt spend as much time with her as she wanted. It was a shame, but we are still good friends, & still meet up when she comes back to the UK.If you get into an online relationship, be prepared to put in a lot of effort to make it work.
  17. If they do the crime they should be prepared to pay for it. Kids here get away with murder.Last Friday night/Saturday morning, four teenagers decided they would steal my car. I caught them pushing it away from my house. Two ran off, but two decided to try their luck. In the true spirit of 'defending my property', I gave them both a bloody good slapping.So now here I am with an undriveable car (they bent the doorframe to gain access, then smashed the steering mechanism in a retarded attempt to start it). The two that ran off got away, & the two I hit got a caution (it was classed as attempted theft as they were too idiotic to know how to do it properly), & are now trying to press charges against me for assault.If the twats hadnt been stealing my bloody car I wouldnt have hit them!Where is the justice in that?
  18. Tyry this before doing anything too drastic: flashgot Its a souped up download manager for Firefox, ive been using it today & its pretty good.
  19. It appears to be a proplem with the image. Try saving it as a .gif or .jpg & see if that sorts it.
  20. I've had that a few times with Firefox. Most of the time it was my fault because I was navigating away from the page before the download starts.Press Ctrl-j & make sure the download actually starts before you do anything.
  21. This is something i've been playing around with today, & the result is pretty good. If you want to give your members something to do, place some music videos/any videos/.swf files into posts on your forum. By incorporating a poll they can vote on them aswell. First, in the admin menu/configuration, find 'Allowed HTML tags' & make sure it shows the following: b,i,u,pre,embed,object,param name,value, An excellent source of practically unlimited free material can be found at youtube.com & they are even kind enough to give you the code to embed the videos. As they are giving this code out to anyone (& providing instructions for ebay/myspace etc) i'm guessing is must be free of any copyright restrictions. You will get something along the lines of: <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-dAr_QKAv4 src="youtube.com/watch?v=Z-dAr_QKAv4; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> To make it look like it has been designed to suit the forum/post, remove this part of the code: <param name="movie" value="www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-dAr_QKAv4/"> You are left with a perfectly scaled video window which looks nice & neat, & as the file is hosted at yourtube it wont waste your diskspace. Enjoy
  22. Its weird why some people seem to have problems & others dont. The last two people before you both had problems logging in - one didnt get the email & the other did but couldnt access 'your account'
  23. I am having issues with members joining my site. Some say they are not receiving the activation email, some say they get it but cant login for the first time, others say they are getting nothing but a blank page.Would a few of you mind having ago & tell me what happens? Fortunately the site isnt live yet (im not actively after members just yet as it is far from finished) but id like to get this sorted asap.The friends who have joined to test things are not experts in websites, & trying to get an informed answer out of them about what is going wrong is a bit tricky.If you do get logged in, try the arcade out, it rocks http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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