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Everything posted by Mjay06

  1. Would it be possible to delete that particular thread? It appears to be my hosting application.Thanks
  2. You sound almost evangelical with this, its all a bit 'manufactured' self help for me. Why are you so interested in other people's relationships? Thats if it is your work obviously...
  3. I see your point, but to be fair I dont lie when I join sites like this, & as a rule you wouldnt expect details like that to be splashed all over google.
  4. I just googled my site, & game back with masses of information regarding myself & my membership to Xisto - not my site. I'm horrified, is there anyway this can be prevented? & can you please at least delete this page, as soon as possible! http://forums.xisto.com/topic/38676-free-web-hosting-mjay06-free-website-totalstudenttrap17com/ Thankyou
  5. Something else you could do that you may find helpful is to click View/page source in your browser menu. This will show you how individual pages are coded.Do this on a few different sites & you will see what is involved in programming different things for web pages.
  6. This isnt too tricky to recitfy: 1) Download the Auto Cookies MOD (get it here: https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=228741) 2) Upload the 'install' folder in the zip to your phpBB's base directory 3) Run cookie.php by pointing to the cookie.php file in your browser (http://ww38.yoursite.com/{phpbb_root}/install/cookie.php) 4) Follow the instructions 5) Delete the install folder 6) Clear your browser's cookies and cache. Restart your browser
  7. Win at what? eating baked beans? playing scrabble? running a marathon? The answer to all three is neither, being that they are pixellated characters.
  8. This would probably make more sense to the novices amongst us if you explained why you would need to reset your bios. Some of the younger members may not have the first clue what you are on about.
  9. I have been playing this 'game' for over 10 years longer than you have been alive, & trust me its no game. You have no control over who you fall in love with, it just happens.You are still a teenager, proclaiming yourself an expert at relationships is arrogant to put it mildy.Can I ask where you copied & pasted all that nonsense from?
  10. Open your cpanel, go to pre-installed scripts, then Fantastico & install Xoops. I recommend this particular script as from experience it is the easiest to navigate/setup. If you are just playing around for now, I recommend you set up a sub domain (cpanel/site management tools/sub domains), & install it there. Xoops works on a 'modules' system, where you can install pre-coded sections of website (forums/arcades etc), & quickly get a working website. You can find a huge selection at http://www.xoops.org/modules/ They are extremely simple to install - you just ftp them to public_html/your site/modules, & activate them from the Xoops administration menu. I found this to be an easy way of learning the basics of ftp use, & will give you a good lesson in navigating the cpanel file manager. Once you have mastered the basics of using the cpanel, you will find it much easier to upload & get your own coded webpages online.
  11. I use itunes on my pc, i have a script that links it with windows live messenger/messenger plus. Its pretty good - your display picture is the album artwork of whichever song you happen to be listening to.For mp3s, I use unreal player on my P910, it saves having something else to carry around, & the sound quality is excellent for a phone.
  12. Umm, you are telling us this why? Its not the sort of thing you can casually drop into everyday conversation...
  13. 500 times is a big boast. Your internet connection is physically limited by the quality of the cabling into your property - no software can upgrade that im afraid.
  14. Yes, after 3 weeks of giving it the benefit of the doubt, i've finally got rid of Netscape 8.1 & gone back to Firefox.It is a shame, as Netscape has the potential to be an extremely good browser. The built-in security centre is excellent, as is the password manager.I've just grown tired with how slow it is, the amount of times it randomly crashes etcAnyone else found the same thing, or am I just unlucky?
  15. As pcs go its more skoda than ferrari, 128mb ram, 1ghz processor, 30 gb drive, but even so, its running slower than a Comodore Pet now :S
  16. I had an auto update telling me I needed to install service pack 2 earlier, this I did. How I wish I didnt :SI am a Mac man through & through, but I use the pc at home for pratting around on. Since installing the update my computer has gone extremely slow, msn took 8 minutes 34 seconds to open & log me in, before it was pretty instant :S All 3 web browsers I have now work in one gear - reverse.Is there an easy way to get rid of it? I tried the last restore point but its still them same.
  17. Did you bookmark the cpanel address, then change the colour scheme/theme? I did that & had the same problem, I had to go through my browser history until I found the correct cpanel address. When you change the theme, it changes the address - bizarre but true.
  18. My personal opinion is large signatures make the thread look messy & detract from the post text - which is kinda defeating the object. My members will be limited to a 50 x 50 animated gif avatar up to 30kb, & a 150 x 50 signature.
  19. Socket errors are normally connection problems, or the FTP host address may be spelt incorrectly, or your firewall may be blocking it. As Pixieloo said, I imagine its a connection problem, thats the usual cause.
  20. You mean someone went to all the trouble to hack your site, just to write 'kuwait hacker'? Some people need to get out more...
  21. I doubt many people on here would remember, but the little dude with torrets from Battle of the planets was hysterical.The best cartoon character by far though is Johnny Bravo - if you've never heard of him I recommend you google it. Utter class.
  22. It has taken me 3 hours to get it kinda sorted :S I usually use netscape as my browser, so I tried it with IE. This let me access google, but not gmail. Next I tried Firefox, again that let me access google (but wouldnt actually search), but not gmail. I have a gmail notifier script on my msn plus, & that kept coming back with an error message.I tried a full system virus scan, & all that found was a trojan & a virus in the sun/java folder in local settings. AVG said it wasnt possible to quaranteen these little buggers as they were 'imbedded', so I just deleted them manually.I can now search with google in all 3 browsers, access gmail in IE & Firefox, but not Netscape. Ive tried re-installing it but its still being a pain. Its also a pain having to open another browser just to get to my gmail.Before anyone says 'swap browsers then', this will be a huge hassle as Netscape has all my passcards saved.To make it even more annoying, my gmail notifier in msn is working again & is constantly telling me I have unread mail.Tis a bugger to put it mildly.
  23. Is anyone else having problems accessing gmail and/or google? I havnt been able to open either all day.
  24. Its awful. Ive been struggling with it for about 3 weeks now.Its incredibly slow to open, well its incredibly slow to do anything. There is no way to select multiple mails, & when you link that with a spam filter that simply does not work it makes using it a nightmare.You also have to endure a multitude of adverts on every page view. One click slightly off target sees you being directed to some crap website or other. Gmail is infinately better in every single way, as is the new Window Live Mail (replacement for Hotmail). Ive been using Live Mail for about a week & its pretty good so far - not quite as good as gmail but not far off.
  25. I was unfortunate enough to watch the Hulk the other day. Its been a long time since ive seen anything quite as dire as that. Utter rubbish.
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