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Everything posted by Mjay06

  1. I had a similar thing appear when I tried to do mine. I just left it a few hours, tried it again & it worked ok.
  2. I get it too, so I ran a quick search on it & got this: They appear to be some kind of I.P. address provider: http://www.iana.org// Notice from BuffaloHELP: If it's not your own words, use the QUOTE tag.
  3. Im using AVG & Ad-aware on my pc, both are pretty good at what they do. The best way to avoid viruses though is to go out & buy a Mac
  4. Note: All the images/information below are freely available to anyone with internet access. Images courtesy of multimap.com (click to enlarge) While randomly browsing the net I decided to check out some aerial photos of where I grew up on https://www.bing.com/maps?FORM=MMREDR. Out of curiousity, I thought id see if the RAF Airbase near home would be visable. I was amazed to see this: What you are looking at is RAF Marham, home of No 1 Group Strike Command, which comprises of: II Squadron - Flying TORNADO GR4/A Strike / Ground attack aircraft IX Squadron - Flying TORNADO GR4/A Strike / Ground attack aircraft XIII Squadron - Flying TORNADO GR4/A Strike / Ground attack aircraft 31 Squadron - Flying TORNADO GR4/A Strike / Ground attack aircraft 39 (1 Photographic Reconnaissance Unit) Squadron - Flying the Canberra PR9 - the actual Squadron/aircraft which took every image used by multimap. All the above have seen action in the Balkans/Iraq/Afghanistan After figuring this out, I thought id see how close you could zoom in: Here you can see numerous hardened aircraft shelters which house the Tornado GR4s I began to wonder what else was visable, so a few clicks later I was hovering over: This is RAF Lyneham, home of Air Transport Command, flying four Squadrons (Nos XXIV, 30, 47 and LXX), using the C-130K/J Hercules. Again, all have seen active service recently, & again you can get in pretty close: Surely the American Military wouldnt allow this.. Yep amazingly they do USAF Lakenheath, the 'Liberty Wing', & the largest USAF Fighter base in Europe, & home of the 48th Tactical Fighter Wing & the F-15C & F-15E Strike Eagle. A few miles south of the highly secretive Lakenheath, you will find: USAF Mildenhall, which is inhabited by: 100th Air Refuelling Wing - the main USAF Air Refuelling Wing outside of the US, flying KC-135 tanker aircraft: 352nd Special Operations Group 727th Air Mobility Support Squadron 95th Reconnaisance Squadron 488th Intelligence Squadron The words 'Special Operations' & 'Intelligence' give you an idea of what lurks inside the perimeter fences of this place. Now using Google Earth/Nasa Worldwind to view these sites gives a blurryfied version of the images, which is why I was so suprised at the detail you can see on multimap - access roads, perimeter fences, individual aircraft (admittedly aircraft have a tendancy to move so the photos soon become redundant if you were planning on sabotaging one), but for identifying aircraft types at a particular location it certainly does its job. I could have continued for hours & gone into much more detail regarding aircraft types/their useage (especially for Lakenheath & Mildenhall) but id rather not have the American 6th Fleet appear in my garden. If you fancy a browse yourself, I recommend RAF Fairford, where the USAF base B-52 Heavy bombers when they are needed in Europe/Middle East, Faslane, where the UK nuclear detterent is based, & there are a multitude of Army, Navy bases etc which can easily be tracked down Surely in these times of suicide bombers & the like, some things are better not being shown off?
  5. Erm, India arent playing, Pakistan are, We got off to a flyer! I fear pakistan may have a tough test ahead of them...
  6. For work I have photshop & illustrator on my G5 mac, I was considering getting photoshop on here to (i use my pc for the net) but after playing with paint.net for half an hour I think ill keep that instead. For a free program it looks pretty good.
  7. Do people use Paint as a design tool? I always thought it was something for 5 year olds or old age pensionsers to play with.
  8. Ahh, I think I know what I have done. I bookmarked the page when I first had access, & the last time I logged in I changed the colour scheme, but didnt edit the bookmark. Now its trying to open a page that no longer exists...Any ideas anyone?Panic over - using my sherlock holmes-like powers of deduction I went through my browser history till I found the right url
  9. When I try & access my Cpanel I keep getting a 404 Not Found error. Is this something I have messed up somehow or is everyone suffering it?
  10. Its probably a bit dodgy but all my passwords are stored in the Netscape password manager. I really should make a note of them all, if my netscape spontaneously combusts ill be a bit buggered.
  11. When you go to change your Cpanel password you are greeted with this: Please do not make your password too simple, and always write it down in a safe place. Yet right below the above line you see: Don't write down your password - memorize it. Weird...
  12. Check out some of the stuff here: http://download.cnet.com/s/
  13. Id kinda like something that requires the minimum of effort on my part <_<Ill check out that site, i imagine a rank icon gif is a rank icon gif & should work on Xoops too. They are all pretty much the same kind of size.
  14. Does anyone know where you can get different user rank icons? Ive tried googling it & spent hours trawling through rubbish.I vaguely remember finding some a couple of years ago but am having no luck whatsoever now.Free ones would be nice too if possible
  15. I'm old, wisened (& a bit grizzly ) & ive always found just being yourself works.If you try & be something you are not you find yourself constantly under pressure & acting, & you dont enjoy it.Just being yourself may suprise you, ive pulled amazing looking girls who I honestly didnt think I stood a chance with just by acting normal. If they like you great, if not its their loss - thats how I look at it.
  16. Sounds like an auction. If I was going to pay to attract members I think id just give google some cash & tell them to get on with it. Everyone uses google after all.
  17. Im more into the old computers, before the days when everyone had superfast pcs & suchlike. I found an excellent website the other day: old-computers.com Takes me right back, my old 1k ZX81 with a 16k ram pack, the Sinclair Spectrum, Commodre 64, my excellent Oric 1... those were the days
  18. -M-You are emotional and intense. When involved in arelationship, you throw your entire being into it. Nothingstops you; there are no holds barred. You are all consumingand crave someone who is equally passionate and intense. Youare willing to try anything and everything. Your supply ofsexual energy is inexhaustible. You are very social andsens! ! ual; you enjoy flirting and also enjoy mothering yourmate.Thats actualy pretty accurate, though I imagine my ex would disagree
  19. Not sure if this is in the right place, but is there any chance of temporarily increasing my disk space allocation?The reason is that ive uploaded various modules (im using Xoops), & im not sure what the punters like/dont like until ive let them run for a few days. Once I get some feedback ill be able to remove the parts of the site that are not going to be used.Thanks.
  20. Ive gotta admit, ive been hosted by various 'companies' over the years, & this is in a different universe to anything else ive tried. Top job!
  21. Ive done talkwondo for the best part of eighteen years - purely to keep fit.If you are out clubbing, drunk & you get in a fight & try and use it you will just end up on your backside looking a right plonker.If you are lucky, & hit someone, once it gets to court you will get hammered by the judge for using it & more than likely struck off from whichever association you are accredited to & not be able to learn it anymore...
  22. Lets be honest here, anyone who says they dont is lying
  23. I try & avoid shaking hands with anyone if I can help it. I have quite a phobia about it.
  24. Ok, ive installed Xoops, pretty much got all the modules I want installed & working ok, ive even made a start on content.My problem is this: if you are familiar with Xoops you will know the pre-installed themes come with a humungous adverts for Xoops at the top of the page. Obviously id like to shift this & put my own on.First stop was to bin the banners using Xoops admin menu, this worked great.Next was to replace 'logo.gif' in public_html / ts1 / themes / artday-style_eng / images with my one.No problem there either, until i opened the homepage on the site to see my logo buried into the corner & a big empty white space where it should be. This ruined the page width too (you have to scroll right to see everything).Anyone got any ideas?Ta
  25. I had a play around with that earlier & kinda gave up in the end.I tried Xoops instead & i'm pretty happy so far. There are an amazing amount of modules & themes you can upload for it, & its dead simple to do - just chuck the module in the correct folder in your file panel in the cpanel. No coding or messing around doing daft things. Tis dead easy.The only problem im having is removing the oops logo & replacing it with my own. That is proving rather problematic...
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