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Good Grief Graphics

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Posts posted by Good Grief Graphics

  1. This woman has absolutely no credibility and simply spouts nonsense.  She is quite simply a political extremist.  She is basically the same type of person as bin laden except that she uses different techniques to attack people.


    Bin Laden vs Ann Coulter


    1) they both believe their "cause" so blindly that they will say or do anything to prove their point.  Mr. Bin Laden resorts to physical attacks but Ms. Coulter goes the phycological route.  She calls ALL democrats "traitors" to the USA.  Trying to turn people against democrats.  Democrats are literally SCARED to voice their opinions for fear of being labelled a traitor.  How is that the land of the free???


    2) they both are religious to the Nth degree!  Mr. Bin Laden believes it is a holy war against the west (mainly christians).  Ms. Coulter is glad to oblige.  One little quote of her mental state is below:

    She is a religious, political extremist no different from Bin Laden and his gang.  She is not credible and really makes herself look STUPID to ANYONE who has half a brain.


    I'm guessing that you haven't read too much of ann coulters stuff, going by how you just quoted her. I don't even believe that she's a christian, but what she was saying by that quote, if I remember correctly, is that it's the only thing she's seen that works, as in, christianity calming people down. It was something like that, It's been a while since I've read her latest book.

  2. My first computer was an old ibm, using that old os they had. I have no idea what the specs were, it was one of those all in one units. Then I built a computer with a 133mhz intel I believe... 512 mb hd, I can't remember. Then I built a computer with an AMD k6-2 w/ 3dnow (Not that that helped much :) ) and I had either 32 mb of ram or 64. It had a 6 gb hd. I think. I had an 8 mb ati graphics card, I think 16 was the biggest at that point.Now I have a computer I built with an amd 64 3500+ (had to get the 939, I have the future in mind :) ), 1 gb of pc3200 ram, 80 gb hd, 128 mb ati radeon 9800 pro, dvd burner, and 19" viewsonic crt monitor.

  3. I use lol only whne I actually laugh or think somethings funny. "haha" sounds too sarcastic to me when I just read it, so I don't use that. True, lol isn't exactly proper english, but it's kind of hard to use english right on a message board or on an IM.

  4. The posting part is kind of annoying, and I hate it hwne people try to cheat the system. But, nothing's perfect, and it is free isn't it? One of the better free hosting sites for sure. I kind of liked way they did it before, without the credits, but that took tons of tiem to control and this is far easier on the mods and admins, well, other than when people cheat the system. I guess it would be easy to copy and paste things if it wasn't for google.

  5. Just realied how pixely the heads look on it, everything looks worse whne it's not viewed on my 19" monitor at 1600x1200. (I'm on a laptop now.)As I said before, it was more of a test image, and it came out close to what I wanted. The text on the left I made manually pixel by pixel, I don't really know why, but probably because It's the look I wanted and none of the pixel fonts I had had it. It dosen't even go with the image, but I didn't really care. On the larger version I did (3rd post in this topic.) I make it look real on the left side of the hand? I am asking because I took the thumb off of the image and had to shade the right side to match the edge of the right side, so It looked like there wasn't really a thumb there. I came up with "It was as if time stood on dead air" off of the top of my head, I'm pretty good at comin up with weird sayings like that that make you stop and think, "what the heck does that mean?"And Shinjuru, you don't sound stuck up at all, I posted this for critisism from people. Obviously I want to improve my work, and this is one of the best ways to. I won't listen to everything people say, but I welcome critisism.Oh and forsaken, I couldn't really do that with the self-portrait I chose because of the hair. I was oriinally going to do it that way though.

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