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Good Grief Graphics

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Posts posted by Good Grief Graphics

  1. The website has already been commented on so I shouldn't have to worry about that.

    Reccomendation though: Create the entire site in photoshop, then slice it, save for web. (Or export to imageready, etc.)

    As far as the portfolio, I see potential, but the images lack something. What I think I see is great ideas that aren't expressed as well as you want them too or not as well as they could be. The ideas for some of the images are excellent, but I just don't like how they look right now. For example, on your image "Mindscape," I love the idea but can't stand how it was done. The typography isn't done well at all, which is usually the most important part of an image with text in it. The way that the 2d images were combined with the 3d wireframes messes with the whole image.

    Of course, it appears that you painted parts of the images, if not all, which is something I cannot do and probably will never do.

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ My favorite company, look into their work if you want to. Sorry if this sounds like too much criticism, I'm just trying to help somewhat.

    EDIT: Oh, yeah, I also don't like the idea of your use of textures the way you use them, such as in the image "Mirror Mirror." It gives a look to the mage that is too, I don't know, basic.

  2. I dont like it....Thats just my opinion....It looks like all you did for the first 2 was


    just take some brushes...stamp 'em on there....and add some normal text...Try


    some variation....Blend the images more....and add borders and such.


    Just to let you know, I used a brush exactly one time each for the first two. The ony time I used one was whne I clicked one time to make a slight variation, a box sort of, behind the text "accidental design." With the first two I started out with a photo I took a while ago, actually, all of them are from pics I took.


    I haven't experimented much with borders because the main point of my work on images isn't for signatures. If you want me to send you a psd file of the full size of the first one, then I will do that.

  3. yes, i aggree that mac is better than windows for graphics design. cause the processorr's architecture is RISC as far as i know.

    windows that using intel proceessor, is CISC.

    but for applications like office tools, i like windows. coz mostly user using that. no need converters.  ;)


    Can't forget AMD, which is what I use. (3500+ AMD 64)


    I've been using windows since windows 95 came out, and it's what I'm used to. I hate microsoft, but unfortunately, Windows is the only OS that I'm used to. I know it pretty much inside and out, at least as much as I coudl learn, and some things about it frustrate me. But, I can't do anything about it.

  4. Im more into smooth airy images and blurs then grunge personaly.. but i do like the red gun image, you should take it a little further (maybe a quote or another image?), it looks like a anti arms protest and if you take it a little further you could make it scream!


    It's not the final version of it, I just haven't had any good ideas for it so I haven't worked on it for a while. Plus, lol, I'm not against guns. (I own three guns myself, a winchester .300, remington 870 20 gauge shotgun, and of course a .22 rifle.) The gun in the image is from some grat aunt or something of mine who died, it was in her house or something when it was cleaned out. Or something, I'm not really sure.

  5. Posted Image






    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    I've never really done grunge before. ;)


    Tell me what you think.


    btw, I use 1600x1200 on a 19" monitor, so the sigs may seem a tiny bit big to you.


    They also all started out as pictures, and all but the last two sigs (I think) use a combination of several pictures. That's why they look like crap, as my dig cam sucks.

  6. Sorry for the late reply.

    I actually used different pictures (from the music videos basically) and thought of a collage (oh well somewhat!). I think its a good idea about the different font thing, but I don't know why I like to pick a single font for whatever I make, and I also don't like all those fancy fonts either. I like simple fonts like "Arial, Impact, Verdana and so on. Appreciate your comments. ;) Thanks!


    Typography can make or break an image, sometimes it can be more important than the image itself. I'd reccomend looking at examples, from somewhere such as http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (My favorite design company.) or the computer arts magazine. http://www.creativebloq.com/computer-arts-magazine

  7. Tablets are pretty much useless in programs that don't allow the pressure-sensitivity and tilt of the pen to dictate size or opacity of the brush. It's possible to get a good paintingi n paint if you go pixel by pixel, changing the hue, luminosity, and saturation of each pixel perfectly right. But who's going to spend their time to do that?

  8. well there are many things like that ppl say they had dvds before cds but they just didnt wanna release it because they wanted make the consumers buy cd and get used to it so that later on when the dvd came out they would all have to buy that. oh and gamboy advanced, when they made it they already had sp technology but they wanted ppl to buy two different things so they added the light feature just later on...there are soo many things like that, it could be true or false but it just pisses me off the fact that they might be doing things like that.


    As far as win 95 and win 98, I doubt that.

    It's not like bluetooth is a onnection with long range, so you really have nothing to worry about. Most people have turned off bluetooth on their phone anyway, as burex said.

  9. Could this infect you through the MSN messenger function of trillian? or is this just the browser program?


    Because .pif is an image format(IIRC) and ive gotten a lot of links to that or similar files, and i was worried if it worked through trilian since one of my computer non-literate parents might click it :D


    Image format? It's a format that is non-windows but lets windows run it or osmething like that. I think you're thinking .pdf, whcih is an image format.

  10. How much of it did you do, all of it, and did you use pictures that were seperate and combined them in that way to create that wallpaper? I liek the lighting effects used, except that the wallpaper looks a little washed out or something, needs a little more saturation maybe, but I'm not completely sure. Also, it loks liek you used one font for the entire thing, you should try to combine different fonts to create a better look overall in the image.

  11. huh i dont understand...what you mean beta...how can a sig have different versions??? haha oh well anyways ya the inner bevel looks funky and the picture i have no clue what game its from...oh i was wondering what that red bar thing is?? and when your other sig is done please show it to us.


    I usually create around 3-5 different verisons or so of any graphic I'm working on, and I almost never consider something ocmpletely done. I'll have to upload some of my latest work, I've done osme really interesting things lately.

  12. Removing duplicates from lists is something that you'll have to put up with if you're, say, parsing names off Outwar.


    Many delete-duplicate for...next loops are very slow, especially when you have thousands of names to loop through several thousand times for each name on the list.


    This function that I made is, in my opinion, the best and quickest way to do it without too many annoying and slow for loops (good for lists 1k +). It compares lstA to lstB. Anything that is in both lists is added to lstC. To change it so that anything that isn't in both lists is added to lstC, change the "If Not" to "If".


    You'll need this API declaration:




    Private Declare Function SendMessageString Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _

    (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As String) As Long


    And here's the function I put together:



    Function CompareLists(FirstList As ListBox, SecondList As ListBox, FinalList As ListBox)

    Dim i As Integer


    For i = FirstList.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1

        If Not SendMessageString(FirstList.hwnd, LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, ByVal SecondList.List(i)) <> i Then

            FinalList.AddItem FirstList.List(i)

        End If

    Next i

    End Function

    It's called with the code (example). This belongs in a sub or another seperate function:




    CompareLists lstA, lstB, lstC

    If you only have a single list:

    Change the function so it only uses a single list in all instances. It that case, the function will remove duplicates and leaves it with a single instance of the duplicate. You'd have to change the code within the for loop to "lst.RemoveItem i". And then you're set.


    Hope this helps.


    I never figured out the api thing in vb6, and now I haven't used it in years and I forgot everything.

  13. Hmm... what's with using reptiles as browser names? "MoZILLA"... it's pretty creative if you ask me! About Firefox...:


    I love firefox and it loads perfectly for me! It has lovely themes and I love the DOM Reader feature! Makes websites like http://www.weblockpro.com/home.php?s=&t= lose their interest! When is FireFox 2 comming out! I would so want to get it!


    And I wonder why they offer these software for free! What's in it for them?


    ~  C o r d i a l l y ,

    ~  D  O  O  G  A


    For one thing, firefox isn't like a video game where thery make verison 1, or 2, or whatever. They are constantly trying to improve the product. Another thing is, Firefox is in someway involved with google now if I'm remembering right, so there's some money right there.

  14. but let me tell u whoever ceated the coolwebsearch spyware is very talented man that spyware is eating all the anti spyware softwwares

    eating lot of system resource just to show search engine


    And the person who made cwshredder, the only tool that would get rid of the newer versions of cws, gave up. CWS was getting impossible to remove.

  15. I need to take screenshots of this awesome tut that I came up with and put it on my site. Basically, it involves a gaussian blur of about 4 or so on an image, and then edit>fade gaussian blur and use the blending mode "Lighten." Darken also gives an interesting effect. If you can learn how to combine filter effects with fading ( and Blending modes) It will help you out a lot in some images. I will post this within the next couple of weeks and here too once I take screenshots and everything.

  16. Well I thought it was a sorta unique style and not something everyone else is doing...The backround is all brush work and with imageready I made it lively. Thanks for the comments though everyone, I appriciate them.


    Go through clantemplates.com and se how most of the sigs looks so similar.

  17. It is so far one of the best Browsers made. But they joined google.... and is changing names. But they are still leading browser and still beat IE which is microsoft but i bet one day Bill gates will beat them back he always does and he always wants to be the best.


    About Microsoft... People have been complaining for years and not until sp2 did they actually put a pop-up blocker in ie... Pretty sad. Microsoft is good at dominating markets, even with horrible advertising. They aren't good at making quality products. I mean, just look at all the windows operating systems. Need I say more? Don't let me start on windows me either...

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