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Good Grief Graphics

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Posts posted by Good Grief Graphics

  1. Definitely an MP3 player for me, I don't like iPods. I have an RCA Lyra MP3 player, and it's expandable, so depending on the size of the CF card I insert into it, I can get as much music on it as I want.  :D iPods are larger than my MP3 player, and don't even have the same capabilities. Just not for me.  :)


    CF cards aren't going to be cheap in the big sizes, I think they're up to 8gb now, butr at some incredibly high crazy price, something like $1000. (Made for photographers.) And the mini can't be much bigger, and the interface is probably a million times better, as well as the sound quality and software.



    I have seen so many errors in this topic... lol oh man. ok. First of all, the ipod is a hard drive based music player, the formats it accepts include mp3, aac, wav i think, and some of the other big ones. (Some, for obvious reasons.) I believe I read someone saying that the ipod had a bad interface or something liek that, hard to use, and trust me, it is a marvel of engineering. If it wasn't for the poor battery life, (especially on the minis, of which I have one and wouldn't give it up for anything.) I would declare ipod's perfect. The main format that the ipod uses, aac, (.m4u, mpeg4 audio) sounds at 128 kbps the same as an mp3 player at 196kbps. Not only that, but the ipods sound quality is beaten by a very select few players, one of them being the creative zen micro if I remember right. (ratio of noise to something, can't remember in detal.)


    And I have about 400 mb left on my mini, I will be able to end up putting 1100 songs on it, which is plenty for me. The ipod is simply better than anything else out there, with the possible exception of the creative zen micro being better than the ipod, but that depends on what source you read.

  2. I like your graphics and I always have, although they're not something I would make use of personally. It's just that for someone to come out and say "1/10, looks like some microsoft clip art placed on an image off of the internet" or whatever it was, just strikes me as wrong. I spent about 12-13 hours on that image actually, with 2/3 of it deciding how to finish it after most of the hard stuf was done. The tattoo part alone took about 8 layers and 4 hours to get as close as I what I wanted it to be. At least they didn't complai n about that, they just didn't like the picture and the "clipart" heart. Of course my attention to detail in some things were overloocked, because they didn't see them. I suppose that could be a good thing, but maybe not. I just posted another message there, some things I forgot to put in my last post there.

  3. I DIDN'T EVEN GET 1/10's ON MY FIRST-EVER IMAGE IN PHOTOSHOP. I've never even SEEN 1/10's EVER given to ANYONE. They take an artistic image and break it down, finding "faults" because it dosen't fit their view of graphics design. It's liek communism ,or socialism, or whatever the crap kind of system that dosen't like things that dosen't think their way. Kinda puts me in a bad mood for the weekend.

  4. It dosen't exactly make me feel warm and fuzzy, but I guess that's just me. The idea for the site has come together very well, A free hosting sight supported by ads which are clicked on by the large ocmmunity. Have you ever noticed how many guests are on the forums at one time? If we got most of them here, that would be pretty sweet.

  5. :P  Alright, I'm not a big debater on forums, but you are incorrect....I will tell you why in the nicest way that I can...


    1. The DS did not start in the US, the Gamecube DID...no *BLEEP* that the LAUNCH PRICE would be cheaper than the Gamecube....it's a system versus a handheld....a handheld with that GAY *bottom* TOUCH SCREEN. Go figure Einstein.  :D


    2.Touch screens aren't new? Tell me the last hand held console you have that is modified with a touch screen? What year did it come out?...Well *BLEEP*....Go imagine that. :)


    3.The original Gameboy was a classic, it withstood SOME time, but even that got old. I give it 2 months before the *BLEEP* out now is fried... And whatever the case is, ITS STILL A REMAKE....STILL A MARKETING BENEFIT. Therefore your comment was completely irrelated to mine, way to go champ. :D


    With that I end this post. I am right and you are wrong. As bad as that sucks for you, that's the way it has to be. :D


    for number 2, any palm pilot or something like that would come close, with a stylus instead of a finger. True, kind of far away, but the palm and windows ce machines are pretty capable now.


    on number 3, If you call it a remake, then you have to call every gaming system (with the exception of perhaps the x-box) made today a re-make, going all the way back to pong , maybe. It's a gaming console, not much you can change to make it completely different than any other gaming console.

  6. You should check out http://winsupersite.com/ for information on Longhorn. It has a  FAQ,  as well as screenshots. I for one is looking forward to it. I'll get it as soon as I can, cause I've never had any bad experience with Microsoft products.


    What? LOL!!! I didn't see that last sentence until after I posted my post. You've actually never had any problems with a microsoft product? Ever used internet explorer? I would hope you'd see some problems there. Never had the blue screen of death? I've seen it on every operating system back to win 95. (Both versions of win 98 too.) I can't remember if I've seen it on xp though.


    If you truly have never had any problems with microsoft products, then you are one of a very very select few. Consider yourself warned.


    Oh, and to those of you who were debating over the phrase "lol" in the vent forum, I actually did literally laugh out loud.

  7. Yeah I would like Xp too, the clean GUI makes it easier to use than windows98 and things like that, but some of the features are rather annoying. I have been looking for linux for ages, I got it on a disk a few months back, but I lost the disk... Hey, this is kinda off topic, but, can you install linux and windows xp on the same computer? My friend has windows 98 and xp professional on the same machine, and he uses 98 for the internet and work, and xp for games and stuff. Just wondering.


    Yes you can have a dual-boot system running both windows and linux. Linux would have its own partition on the hard drive however, xp couldn't read it, and it works the other way around too. Kinda tricky to install I think, actually I was planning on doing it, but I never got around to it.
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