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Good Grief Graphics

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Posts posted by Good Grief Graphics

  1. it sucks


    Say something better than that.



    Anyway, you should have made the with and the pile of music bigger, as you wasted space and it makes it look empty. Sometimes that plain empty lok works, but not here. And what's wrong with emo? Well, I'm into metal more, but emo isn't too bad. (Underoath, I put them in the middle now, with the new singer they have a new style.)

  2. You know, telling us that the rest of the banner is just made up of pure brushes (although I suspected as much) kinda makes it not so nice anymore...


    I don't know, I'm one of those who never goes out to find brushes or extras. The only things I download are fonts. Always figured using your own imagination and the limited tools at hand makes the banner more special, but that's just me...


    Does the banner fit into an interface, or is it just a banner? If it's a standalone banner maybe you should make it thinner, because the white space, as Opaque mentioned, in between the bottom bit of the banner and your LCD screen looks wasted.


    Finally someone who thinks like me about that, I rarely use anything other than what I make in ps or what cames with ps.

  3. photoshop cs, with 6 texture layers with the layer blending modes of anything from soft light tolinear burn. All pics used except the egg letters were taken with a canon eos digital rebel. The sig is just a scaled-down version of an earlier version of the pic, without the eggs and with more color. It's my version of grunge, not using all that brush crap but using other methods to give a dark appearance.

  4. I e-mailed opaque, but just to make sure someone reads this for sure, I'm asking that the photoshop arena is made a main forum instead of the sub sub forum that it is now. It's difficult to find, and it's such a popular program that it should be easier to find. At least make it a subforum of the creativity forum, although I'd rather have it as a main forum. Graphics design is a huge topic nowadays, it should get a main forum. Just my thoughts, and I'm not the only one who thinks this also.

  5. To tell the truth, you can't just become a graphics designer, there are loads and only some are good.  You won't necessarily be successful even if you are good.


    "graphics designer" is kinda a broad term. I don't like the idea of just going and using tuts only to figure out how to be good, it takes FAR more than that. I suppose I'm lucky, my mom's a succesful pofessional photographer, she's been doing some things down in nashville lately. I can use her to get connections to help me in the future. Also, I will be visiting asterik studio sometime this summer, I hope to gain some connections there if I can. Ever heard of the starving artist?

  6. Back cover is good, although you might want to take off the time stamp from the photograph. It obviously could use touched up some, as far as a b&w photo, but it works. The front cover seems kinda short, did you cut it off when putting those together? Also, I hope you have it bigger, as cd covers are about 5.25" and usually 300 dpi, although you could get away with 200 dpi.

  7. Then leave the site. If they don't know how to critique properly, then they shouldn't critique your art at all. If they can only stick to one style, that's there problem. You should get comments from people who probably actually know what they're talking about. They looked like a bunch of idiots that just liked to follow suit. Lame.


    I did leave the site.



    If you didn't want they're oppinion then why post it?

    But I do agree people critisize things to much. People on forums always look for every little bad thing in my stuff. I don't really care what a proffessional thinks abuot my stuff. More of what an everyday person thinks about it.


    I wanted a real opinion, not "1/10, it blows." or whatever it was they had posted.
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