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Good Grief Graphics

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Posts posted by Good Grief Graphics

  1. Interesting. I suppose that my design isn't all that original then. But, it's a fairly common design I suppose. As I said, you can do a lot with an X in a name. I'm sure that there are quite a few people who have the same sort of logo, with minor differences. Hopefully, it doesn't look exactly like the one you mentioned... That just wouldn't do.



    Well, the whole thing is different, it's jsut the "X" in the name was exactly the same, just flipped horizontally.

  2. That is so awesome! What did you use to make it? photoshop?

    Ive tried my hand at stuff like that, im no good :D


    yeah, I did it in photoshop, and it's now on my site. (In downloads, at adesign.trap17.com) I will be getting osme more up on my site soon, but I will probably have to wait until I can get more bandwidth and space. I'd ask now, but for some reason I doubt I'd get more. (It's not like I will ever leave this forum or anything.)

  3. Do they have to be that small? 400x150 is really kinda small-ish, even for a low-res computer. Mine is  500x100, and I like it... should I scale it down?



    Oh, plz tell me what you think too, even if it doesn't comform to the rules  :D


    Why the heck is that a png file? It's over 1 mb.




    and here's mine:

    Posted Image




    Might as well add this one to assure victory:

    Posted Image


  4. there are many reasons for this type of occurence, it could be hardware problem, viruses or trojan.  I suggest to scan your computer for any trojan program if you do have anti-trojan if the problems persists you need to reformat you hardrive.


    Are you saying to format the hd if you can't find a trojan?


    If you were to format it, make sure you back up (copy to cd's, whatever) all the files you need.

  5. I don't make amny sigs for myself because it seems that most sigs nowadays look the same. The "good looking ones" have for the most part the same text effects, and I prefer to make some that have my own style applied to it. Obviously this makes it more difficult, so I don't spend too much time on it. I made this really freakin' sweet background saturday which I'll post here before I add it to my site. (Which should be up by wednesday.)

  6. That's a very slick intro page, just the 'enter' text with the red is a bit clashing...


    I was kind of thinking the same thing. I may take the stroke off of it. I've decided on a different name though, goign for "Accidental Design."


    i think it looks good. problem is i cant click on enter lol :D


    That would be because I don't have any hosting right now. I also have to finish coding my website. I'll have to show you an image of my site, I came upon it accidentally and I think it's freakin' sweet. (Most of it anyway)

  7. What ... it doesnt even look neat...

    Anyways you can talk!! You have EXCELLENT graphics and your pixel drawings are SOOOOOO good !!!! I can't believe some one can be so good at graphics...but you're well good. Im not even kidding, You are tons better than me...and I need to improve.


    I have the same problem, believing that my work is crap. Just odn't be too critical of yourself. It is good to be critical sometimes, but not too much. That Image you did is good, better than anything I've done with the pen tool. Then agian, I haven't tried to learn the pen tool i nthe 2 years that I've been using photoshop.

  8. If it counts for anything, I'm a freshman taking calculus.Spam, as far as message boards(forums) go, are unneccasary posts posted just so that the poster may increase his post count, or just for no real reason at all.My personal view on higher level mathematics taught in school is that it is basically pointless to teach it, as very few people are going to use it later on in their life other than college courses. People don't need to know about derivatives or integrals to get an education. I also hate the standardized tests, such as the OGT (Ohio Graduation Test) which I will have to take next year.

  9. Yeh, it has a difficult interface, i had it once but just could not get used to it.  And also, the fact that a program as such is free is amazing, with so many features i think they could sell it for a good price, but let's not give them that idea.  I am newbie in Swishmax3c, its a 3d flash modeler but is just about as hard as any other too learn.  Has anyone heard of truespace?  It's pretty good but there are better.


    I sort of tried it, but considering that it was the first 3d program I've ever attempted to learn, I stopped trying after about 5 hours.

  10. I love the font lmao...is it that carpenter one ?? I always use that....


    I don't think he uses the font for like reading...it just looks nices....thats the only reason I use it lmao.the logo kind of remidns of of Chanel or Gucci.... o.O lmao


    yep carpenter, it was on the cd in the new masters of photoshop 2 book.

  11. :D

    lol yeah. It was really simple to do, but it took me forever *is a photoshop newbie*


    I just made a circle, did the clouds thing, did some lens flares, spherized it, then did outer glow and stuff.


    thanks for the feedback guys. :D much appreciated O_<


    I would reccomend using a drop shadow w/ the color setting you wanted, a distance of zero, and a larger size w/ no choke if you wouldn't want that white part to be in between the outer glow and the shper thingy.

  12. anybody interested in Gmail here,? I've 3 invitations to give away. GMail is awesome, gives u 1,000MB space, 100% uptime, NO pop-ups or banenrs, and super fast.

    Interested in it. Post here ur name & e-mail or PM me  :D


    Something wrong with being a noob to the forums? :D


    Heck, if I would have known about this site before, I'd have been here a long time ago. I want a site w/ forum(phpBB) capabilities and enough space for graphics, but I guess I'm not there yet.


    Anyway, I wouldn't mind having an invite, it sure would be nice.

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