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Everything posted by Bkag

  1. Buffalo has announced that the reason the server was taken offline was indeed to update the cpanel! yey
  2. Yeah i have the same thing and the flood controls are going crazey, noone can post or search the forum :)Ps. Servers are back offline, hopefully to sort this out!
  3. Lol i have about 75 feet of magnesium ribbon, just laying around (I used to / still somtimes import it in huge rolls and then sell it by the foot), Screw fire hazards
  4. One thing that i can suggest is a description of what the site actually is, i think it is a game you download but then the online shop lead me to believe it was somthing different?
  5. I had my first site probably 4 years ago, it was on geocities and was pretty bad generally. My second site was basically a flaming forum, i can't actually remember what is was for but it was there! For a 2 years or so i didn't do any websites but then i caught the eBay bug and was selling a lot of stuff and buying a lot of stuff. Then i decided to open my own online store, the first one i opened was a zen cart store on some weird host (can't remember which one) and ditched that after a week. Then i found Xisto, opened an oscommerce store and ran that for about 6-8 months i think. I then ditched that site for no reason what so ever except that it was easier to just sell my stuff on eBay . Then i thought i should open another site, a forum on Rc! So now i am running my forum, it has been open for 4 weeks or so and has only 22 members and 735 posts. But we hope it will take off since it is much different than any other rc forum i have seen. Our Google positions are lacking but our msn ranking is good, No 2 for the search "rc forum" on UK search and 11 on international.Well that is my incredibly boring website history!
  6. Ok so here they are: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. ***sorry to bump but it seemed pointless to make this into a new thread*** Hey guess what a dell laptop has just exploded in yahoo hq check out this article (by engadget) Pic
  8. Size: 800 X 104 Theme: Rc cars (onroad or offroad) Render: Whatever you see fit Render Theme: Rc Color: Something that fits my forums theme (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) Text: Yes http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Other effects: Up to you! Other: The background needs to be able to be scrolled I have made some attempts myself at this but i guess i dont have the skills or vision to do it, here are some of my earlier attempts http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png + my sig + the one we are using. Thanks Ben
  9. You only have $.15 because you only get payed per <- snipped -> and not per view of the page, i have been using adsence for about 1 month, and have had about 9,000 visits and only $4.50 or so from ads!}
  10. Why so small, Tsunami, very nice, especially because of how tiny it is, i would change the flames around the V though because it makes it look like a b.Ps Garbage, i dont know if you know but your hosting account is suspended
  11. Cool so what brand and model is that and how is the battery time?Ps Loving the sig rotation and he sigs them selfs
  12. I have used those before, im pretty good with them, the only problem is space, i have alot of books + laptop in my bag, with a tablet aswell im not sure it will fit how small do they come, my sketches are usuly only about 300 X 200 Pixels, so i guess i dont need one too big.
  13. Ok so i use my laptop at school for all my notes in physics and biology but for my diagrams i am currently using either paint or Microsoft onenote's built in drawing tool, what i want is a digital pen for the diagrams, i have seen this one http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ But it seems to me that you do your writing/diagramms then download it, but what i need is as i write the diagram comes up on the screen on Microsoft Onenote which is what i use for my notes. What can i use?
  14. Or someone on here could make you one, what are ya after?
  15. But with most free programms which dont let you save you can just take a screen shot and clipp it
  16. If he doesnt have any graphic experience he could just use a banner/logo creator like aaalogo which is at http://www.aaa-logo.com/ if you want to do a paint based logo (using a paint program i mean) and dont have paint shop pro, photo shop ..... you could use GIMP which is at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. I would not trust that site, it seems to be (to me atleast) a re do of surfjunky.com, offering you stuff, you sign up to spam, they get the money! You can however get a Xisto sub domain with hosting for free or a normal domain quite cheap (my .co.uk domains where ?2.95 per year!)
  18. I know it isnt smooth, this is just a concept, i wanted to try it and see how is worked thats why i used less frames, if i had used more frames and didnt like it i would have wasted more time.Jlhaslip: Hmm it is big, maybe i didnt use the optimise for gif, come to think of it, the last animation i did was 25 frames and was 107000 bytes i think so i dont think i shrunk the file down, it doesnt matter though because i am not going to use this logo, i dont like it.
  19. Ok that sounds good, but how would i do that with a gif logo, i would need to somehow convert a video into frames? is that how it works?
  20. Ok so i need to re do my logo on my forum becuase its background is currently not able to be scrolled so i have to have a nasty blue block. So with the suggestions, feedback and help from the very few members of my forum i did a preliminary sketch of a gif animated logo, i use gimp the GAP addon Anyway i dont think i like this concept that much so i need a new concept, and the background needs to be able to be scrolled (so it cant be a picture or somthing not horizontally symetrical) Here it is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Sorry i dont have it on loop and it is very jerky (i only used 27 frames) So please can i have your imput, i dont have a great imagination?
  21. I like google best, it can suit anyone with its new customisation feature, i have my ip address lookup, news from my favorite sites and it notifies me of new emails when ever i go to my home page!Long live google, long live google!
  22. I was searching for a free web host and found you! But i didnt start using trap 17 untill about 2 months after i found it because i went to another host first then thought "there was that other web host, with no ads and 150mb of space, what was it??? ohh Xisto!"
  23. I think sony are being very un professional, this is pathetic, they really need more organisation and need to start giving a $?%" about their customers, they lie cheat and are generaly up their own a$$es in my opinion. I used to be a sony fan and hate microsoft in the last generation of consoles, but now i have my xbox 360 and a year ago was awaiting the launch of the ps3 (whata dream) but since then i have been having the view i put forward more and more strongly.
  24. My site got listed in google very quickly (within a week) but now 1 month later and it still isnt in the top 1000 results for "rc forum" yet on msn my site is number 2!
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