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Everything posted by elrohir

  1. democrats seem to be winning (or at least that's the last I heard), so that issue should be sorted in short order---
  2. I'm not sure if Damn Small linux will work on that at all... Though it is worth giving it a try! It ran lag-less on 92MB ram, but I don't know how little it can go down to.
  3. that sounds like us, though I'm sure there's a small problem with drugs, it's nothing compared to other places :)Long may it last!
  4. like all advertising, adwords needs a large userbase, so to make much money, you have to have a LOT of users - how many people per thousand visitors will click an add? In that sense it is better to get a deal if you get something direct where somebody pays you for having something on your site at all, though they will only bother with that if you have lots of visitors anyways... For me, just setting up sites is a better source of income at the moment, as there are quite a few people I know who want sites for their companies and stuff. It's nice :)Did what you made even out what you had to pay just to get the adwords thing going?The thing I like about adwords is that they don't normally have banners. (though I have seen them!!) Just plain text and customisable (am I right there?). So they look best
  5. looks the kind of thing I want... what operating system did you use it on? I'm on linux...
  6. played RS for several months before i realised that I had wasted several hours of my life. Now I am wasting them on programming instead
  7. well, of course it wouldn't have to be free if they had a trial download... It's just a once off anyways
  8. and we couldn't have THAT! For good ones get an acer or whitebox. But the good ones are not really all that cheap. For cheap ones, go with Dell. And btw, the $100 ones don't have a hard drive...
  9. In school we have this system that lets the teacher monitor all the screens, and he can control our computers and stuff. He can also give us little pop up messages, like stop playing that game, and lock our screens. Is there anyone who knows what kind of program that would be? All I want to do is scare the hell outta my little bro once in a while when he really pisses me off, since we have the network all set up and all. I'm not going to use it for anything bad, just toying with my little bro :)So, is there anyone who has an idea what kind of software might do this kind of thing?-E
  10. 1) Somehow get a live Linux distro, Knoppix is awesome, on a CD, start your comp with it2) Get the data out3) install a usable operating system. That means not Windows.
  11. you should consider expanding your knowledge of linux! knoppix is a great live distro, probably one of the best, but it's just that - a live distro. I'd say try ubuntu for a start, or perhaps mepis. Ubuntu is nice cause they send you free cds and have a great community. The installs are relatively short, or you could do live like Knoppix, though of course they will be a lot slower. I guess that was off topic, though. It was just a question, not a "convert people to linux" thread... -E
  12. I was just wondering how to make an image that uses stuff given to it by php, yet remains only an image - say I want the site's title in an image. I believe it has something to do with putting an index.php inside a folder called image.png or whatever. Am I right?thanks
  13. well, after reading that, I must say: whereever you live must be a very, very, VERY screwed up place. I think there have been three people beaten up since I came to this school last year. Nothing serious, no broken bones or anything.We don't have alcohol in school, and the worst signs of it you can find of it are people on the bus who claim to have a headache. Drugs - well, there must be SOME, but i have never seen signs of them at all. Nothing gets set on fire. There is one place where there is some graphiti. There are a couple things that have been broken, but they are mostly by accident. There are no such things as gangs here - sure, we have people who hang out together, but the groups don't have rivalries. A couple personal greivances, but they stay personal. There have never been any weapons in school, other than that I once took a carpenter's knife with me, cause it was in my pocket, since we were doing some work in the house and I forgot it. Nobody knew, and I wasn't exactly gunna kill anybody with it, so nobody would have cared anyways. I only found it myself towards the end of the day. Guns? You must be joking!I presume from the fact that you talk about High School, that you are from the US. No offence meant, but keep far, far away from here. I don't see why people feel the need to ruin things for others. You can't hate somebody enough to harm them - let alone kill. I think that the people who have experienced someone being killed in front of them could agree with me. -.-
  14. I wouldn't say I HATE school. I just dislike it at times. It seems that all we do all year is walk aimlessly from class to class. I wish school was a bit harder, so that you really needed to work like hell, and so that you were to busy working to worry about the point of it all.
  15. oh yeh, sorry about that. I solved it all ages ago and forgot I had posted... Thanks for checking back in the old posts, though! There are many people who have unanswered posts weeks back, and we do like to know that someone does actually feel like helping out :)What I did was completely remove all the source I had installed (make and gcc gotten from synaptic), installed the apt-get version, failed to set anything up with that, and then found out about xamp when googling... Many people will probably call me a heathen for using it, but it worked like hell, so why not? Thanks, Apachefriends, for the wonder of xamp! I could probably install it from source with the experience I have gained from then (ain't the web amazing?), but there is obviously no point now that I have apache, mySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin, Webalizer and a whole lot more running perfectly together! Now there is the matter that my server machine just crashed, but that is an entirely different story... for the vents, maybe?elrohir
  16. This was not XML, which you can do in any old WYSIWYG editor. This was WML. For mobile phones. Am I so far behind the times that dreamweaver has WML support without me knowing it!?! And I seriously doubt that frontpage has WML WYSIWYG editing for wml.
  17. There was actually an artice on the bbc site about that. in the latest updates, there was some crap called "windows genuine advantage" or something, which checks if your version is legal. According to the bbc article, about 15% of the cases when people get told do actually have legal copies. The sales manager in the UK says that people have been "crying to know if their copy of windows was legal or not". Yeah, right. not only does this thing send data to Microsoft once, it does it every time you boot. That�s what I call privacy deprivation. Also, people who upgrade their system get these messages. So say your processor died, you send it to the shop, who fit a new one, and then you supposedly have an illegal copy. the sad thing about this technique is that the "non-savvy" people go ahead and buy a new copy of windows, even though the original one was probably not illegal. the more Windows-savvy people, who might actually have an illegal copy *cough not me cough* just ignore it and download a patch... Or dump windows. That is my strongest advice. Dump windows. There is nothing you can do on windows that you can't do on a MAC or on linux - you just have to know how. I know of several people from the US who are really scared of this "foriegn software", but seriously, I think M$ has more issues concerning security that all of the linux distobutions put together. If you want, I reccomend Ubuntu for beginners, as they ship free CDs, so you don't have to worry about downloading your own, and the hardware support is rather good. Haven't had a problem so far. overview here: https://www.ubuntu.com/desktop free shipping (you need to make and account - also free): https://blog.canonical.com/2011/04/05/shipit-comes-to-an-end/ or download: https://www.ubuntu.com/download installing is easy, whether you want to overwrite you entire hard drive (!!) or crate a new partition for it. I never used the 6.06 installer, but I think it comes with a partitioner. It might be wise to partition with PartitionMagic first. Ill send it to you if you need it you don't have to install it at once, if fact you don't have to install it at all. The CD is a LiveCD, meaning that you just pop it in the drive and it starts Ubuntu straight from the CD. If you like it, you can then click the "install" icon, and it will help you through. Welcome to the community!
  18. I have tried it, and it looks a little advanced for stupid little me. Sticking to 'buntus, and I quite like MEPIS, as well. I agree with what you say about ease of use, though I tend to preferr things that 'just work'. Not Windows.
  19. Ubuntu does come with an instant messenger program. System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager, search for "gaim", install it and it will appear in the Applications -> Internet menu. It does all sorts of protocolls, including Jabber, MSN Messenger, AIM, IRC, IRQ and a buch of others. I like the simple UI
  20. except, of course that now you can get it for free, while the official release is not going to be free, is it?
  21. does it now? I guess you have experience with writing operating systems then? Think about it, mate, the first version of Linux was written when Thorvalds was at university, and though it was not all that great at the time, it has become pretty dam awesome. And I don't think it has cost billions of dollars, either. Then again, Google would probably not release it open source, cause of course M$ would copy it...
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