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Everything posted by elrohir

  1. I am against paying for closed-source software in the first place - but that doesnt mean I have to crack at all. There are so many great programs out there that are both free and open source - that way you can get them for free and check that there is nothing in there that you dont want... if you're a pro - which I am definitely not Also, the belief that cracking is wrong because then companies who make the programs would not exist is false. Just look at the open source community. I personally think that it is monopolies - like Microsoft - who stiffle the sprit of freedom, just to make themselves a fat pocket... Like the theory about the everlasting lightbulb... seriously, cracking may be wrong, but there is no need for it. Though I have, I must admit, used a couple keys... got so pissed with Adobe buying out Macromedia that... well... yeh... But people, Open Source is worth something!
  2. THANK YOU, anwiii!... In my opinion, anybody who does not have basic javascript enabled does not deserve the print feature... they can bliddy well copy & paste the whole feaking page
  3. I know very well that PHP would not print the page, lol. I was only saying that the reaon I would put it in PHP is that you can thereby use it in a logic operation or whatever. Obviously PHP wont print to the user's printer. The only way I know of doing that with PHP is via echoing a javascript command to have the page printed when it makes it to the user's browser. Again, it would not be php creating the print request, but javascript. That would be in the body onLoad event, and would look like <html><head><title></title></head><body onload="java script:window.print()">and so on... but that would not be all that user friendly, would it... I do not want to seem rude, but it would be nice if you could read and understand posts before trying to prove them wrong. I never said PHP would assign the actual printing - PHP was just meant to write the html/javascript and have that fix things for us. There was no real point in putting it in PHP, other that that .hack//GU specified PHP, so I reckoned that this was because he had it in a logic construct in PHP. //elrohir ar-feiniel
  4. you are making a calendar right? so if you make a row per month and a table for every year, and make the HTML table just wide enough to get seven days, all you need to do is make the table so that you have ID in one col year in another, month in another, date in a fourth and events in the last. Then the php script should be simple enough - so long as you define width before looping, you should be fine. If you have the variables stored in the URL as GET strings, you can have different years, months and days. <?php//script for one month extraction// Connect to MySQL$table = $_GET['year'];$month = $_GET['month'];echo '<p align="center"> \n '.ucfirst($month).'$nbsp'.$table.'</p> \n \n';echo '<table width="whateverwidthyouneed" border="1"> \n ';echo '<tr> \n ';$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE month = $month") or die(mysql_error());while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { echo '<td> \n'; echo '<table> \n '; echo '<tr> \n '; echo '</td> \n '; echo $row['date'].' \n '; echo '</td> \n '; echo '</tr> \n '; echo '<tr> \n '; echo '<td> \n '; echo $row['event'].' \n '; echo '</td> \n'; echo '</tr> \n '; echo '</table> \n '; echo '</td> \n';}?> That should do it for the 'month' part.... The only thing is that the page has to be wide enough so that even in 800*600 screen resolution, people can have seven boxes in a row. Hope that helped Good luck!
  5. there you are, the most powerful nation in the Earth's history (almost) and you are saying that you need to strengthen your borders and defence? from what? if you want to talk about strengthening your borders, you might want to add a little note about stopping blowing up other peoples borders, mainlands, lives, civilians... That is the kind of comment that gets the US stereotyped as an egocentric nation - which seems to be true for certain of its inhabitants. I will not say all, as that would be like saying all arabs are terrorists - yet another unfair stereotype. And are you saying that China is not economic? Obviously, they are going to have some problems with oil comsuption, yet the US is still the nation that uses the most energ yper person - and then you go and talk about strengthening economy? something is wrong with your logic, I think... Someone should make a vent about the US... What happened to the car discussion, anyways? this can not even be called a digression of the water-car subject...
  6. srry, srry, just checking... seems rather strange... do you get an error meassage or just no data?
  7. Yeh, sticking with FF and Opera myself - Opera cause its quick and cool, FF cause its open source
  8. Governments all over the place are messed up - some just more than others what I really dont understand about the US, however, is how they claim to be the most profitable nation in the world, yet on the streets of washington DC - the capital of the "most profitable nation in the world", people die of hypothermia every night. And at the same time, we fund stupid projects. F*** capitalism.
  9. can you get data out of your database normally, as in SELECT and all that stuff?
  10. I take that as wanting the user to be able to print - with a printer - the page he is viewing. Perhaps .hack//GU would like to correct me? The reason I would do it in PHP is that then you can have it inside a logic syntax, which is rather handy... but then I am probably just too noobish to understand your advanced methods of thinking, arn't I? Also about escaping in PHP - dont use heredoc syntax, even if it is easier...
  11. well, yeah... As I said, I did not change the source, and suddenly it started giving funky error messages... I think I would have figured out if I had not set $file... but thanks for checking
  12. That is why I mentioned escaping into PHP... as in <?phpecho "<a href=\"java script:window.print()\">Print</a>;?> or what ever way of returning you happen to want to use...
  13. You have actually tried IE7, right? Cause as soon as I finnished fixing all the bugs on my site in IE 6, I downloaded IE7 and had to start all over again. Seriously, that kind of thing sucks.
  14. returns the error Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /path/file.php on line Xas well as the previous errors... I have contacted the support - hopes up high - as it I do not seem to have any permissions whatsoever, which really is freaking me out ... We will se...
  15. you have a point Shouldn't be critisising the teachers behind their backs... thanks for the comment
  16. Yes, I did mean security bugs . And CSS does suck in IE - what is the point of trying to make sites look good in IE? CSS in IE7 is worse that 6 - if that is possible, so shouldnt we just post a little sign on websites only visible to IE saying that this website is against IE and therefore codes accordingly? People say that we should not force people to stop using IE - then they should stop forcing webdesigners to make IE compatible sites...
  17. If you have a car that can go underwater, think of all the damage this would do to the lake, sea, whatever you are in! There are a couple other things to note: as someone said earlier in the thread, you have to have oxygen for internal combustion, so you would need something to the surface anyways. There are already engines that run on "water" - more precisely, they run on hydrogen, use oxygen (O2 prob again) and the only waste is pure water. The only thing wron with them is that you have to get the hydrogen from somewhere, usually from the electrosysis of water, which takes energy - more energy than you get back in electrical force from the "fuel-cell" engine. comecially available sub-marine vehicles would be able to go places they shouldn't, something the american government would not like at all - and these vehicles would therefore probably never come into existance in the first place humans are too arrogant about their technology.
  18. I had a script that was working just fine untill yesterday, when something freaked out with an fopen() I used in a login process (to add the user to the active users list). I think my host must have upgraded version and has not changed the permissions in php.ini to allow normal users to access such simple functions. The code I am using is really as basic as you can get: if (!file_exists($file)){ $fh = fopen($file, 'w') or die("can't open file"); $write = $username.':'.$remote; fwrite($fh, $write); fclose($fh); } it returns: - Warning: fopen(file.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /path/file.txt on line X Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /path/file.txt on line X Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /path/file.txt on line X - Any ideas how to get round this? I do not have all that much experience with other methods - only ever needed 'w' - but it worked before. Thanks in advance /elrohir/
  19. isnt is easier to have it in javascript? (you can always escape it into a PHP echo if you really insist).. <a href="java script:window.print()">Print</a> nothing wrong with simple stuff
  20. Yeh - but at least you have competent teachers Or do you mean just normal classes? I have some real good teachers, no complaints, its just that one guy that annoys me. It may of course be that he knows more than I see, but still, he was talking about exel as if it had somehow done something special... strange person... I think he actually must know something, come to think of it... he was talking about Microsoft Access or whatever their noob db system is, and however bad it probably is, there but be some scripting involved? Never used it myself, so I guess I shouldn't be saying anything about it... Sticking true to mySQL - note, I did not say MSSQL...
  21. There have actually been researches - do you think that nobody has bothered, with all this kind of stuff going on? Opera came out top on all but one category (cold-boot downloads) where it was on average 2.7 seconds behind Firefox. Remember that we are not just talking IE vs. FF here - we are saying that IE sucks in general. And what are those "pretty perks" you are talking about? Plug-ins? You obviously use bandwidth when downloading plug-ins, but that is one download. Seriously, have you used FF for more than five minutes? It would be so much simpler if all US citizens converted to AOL... by the way, does anyone know why it is called [/i]america online? havent they noticed that america is more than the US? An interesting thought just struck me... Why are we bothering to get people to stop using IE? The main reason there are so many bugs is that it is targeted due to high user ratings, and if FF or other good things go up, then they might become larger targets... so why dont we let idiots use IE (or USOL, for that matter), and keep FF and Opera for the people who actually care?
  22. yeh school computers usually suck, though the ones at mine have awesome resolution... still... MS server, MS programs - THAT is what I hate about school. That must be why Gates is making money, kids are beigh taught that MS rocks all - there is no other explaination. I wonder what would happen it Linux was distributed everywhere... they would think it was part of some terrorist attack... "What, ur giving me this great 'software' for free? That cant be right!" lol. Stupid people at school... Newbish classmates... school isnt that bad, its just the ppl there that suck - I have great teachers, though - other than the tech teach - you guys may wanna read through the I hate My Computer Teacher thread
  23. Military never gets you anywhere, in my opinion. Especially the american government has a tendency to congratulate you on blowing up unarmed civilians, which is mostly what Iraq has been about... well, they were not all unarmed, but compared to the US forces they had sticks and stones... well, not really. The only good thing is to joing NATO or something and get posted to somewhere boring. Norway is great. No taxes, which are real high there. You earn nice, do nothing (unless you are in the Army, in which case prepare for very wet camping) and listen in on crazy stories about norwegians. The only disadvantage is that you have to stay away from home, but then the same goes for Iraq...
  24. worst show on the planet. Amazing how people like the story of a sponge that plays with an octppus or whatever it is
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