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Everything posted by keri-j

  1. Something I've known for quite some time, I think about it everytime I see a car. And the Ph level of this "acid rain" is only 6, which is only slightly acidic, so it won't exactly burn you. Although any limestone statues are doomed lol, over time the acidic rain will wear away stone, it gives a very cool gothic effect on stone gargoyles though! Edit: Did I mention that I live in England? It can be ridiculously hot when it is, but when it rains.... oh how it rains!!!!!
  2. Blu ray discs mean better capacity, wich means more games in better quality!! Or.... you could fit a whole TV series on one discs, maybe even a few series!! And has anyone noticed that the title says DISCS, but the description says DISKS. Is this a case of American-English? God I hate that stuff.
  3. No matter what happens, i will get a sony playstation 3 whenever it comes out. mostly because sony kicks butt!!
  4. Ahhh, the fun of logging in to stupid fansites using things like "hi' or 1=1--" For the previous person who didn't know why it was "1=1", 1=positive, yes. it's 1=1 because it's saying that the input is the same as the password/username or other field. It's a shame you can't write tutorials on this kinda thing here in Xisto, you can on totse.com
  5. WOW! 750GB? couldn't you use that as a server? You could run a few different operating systems on that! It's amazing to think that they can make mass storage devices that big, imagine what they'll be able to make in a decade. and cos of reductions in file sizes, in 10 years you may be able to store the internet on a usbpen in your pocket!
  6. I would, but I really hate advertisements. Seriously, you have no idea the degree to which I detest online ads. I HATE THEM!!! Thanks for the advice though.
  7. I'm thinking about getting hosted on Xisto, there's one problem.... Posting! The big question is could I be bothered/would I have the time to post consistently? I have school and loads of other SH*T going on in my life, also, i'm only 13... could I actually think of something to post? I can only write HTML, and have basic understanding of javascript and css (i can just about recognise some php), so is it worth it? And to all the hosted members out there, surely the posting is at least a little inconvienient at times? Any replies would be appriciated.
  8. Dude, you just described a goth. Wearing black rules. Anyway I like the whole war thing... *IF* it's at least partially combined with Hack and slash. Ooooh, the walking in to homes is especially good with the whole hack and slash thing. As you can tell, I think horror es bueno.
  9. Even if you did have Broadband, you'd have to make sure your upload speed is ver fast. And some ISPs block all outgoing traffic for port 80 (internet).
  10. Myself, I am 1/2 Irish 1/4 English 1/4 Welsh and there maybe a little German in there. So I am supposed to drink guiness, love football, interfere with sheep and eat sour kraut. Although I do none of these things.
  11. Nooooo! I loved that guy. He crashed doing the thing he loved most, driving. I hope he gets better.
  12. Hmmm.... Nice. Although you could have made one for PSP, or you could resize the current one to fit the screen. 480x272, a great resolution to remember!
  13. My laptop (my only computer) has only 248MB RAM, so think yourself lucky! I can barely run 3 programs without slowing down or even crashing!
  14. Morosophos's second paragraph was kinda what i was going for. And did i mention i go to an all boys school? By the time you get to the school you'reround about hitting puberty.
  15. I agree with google!!! Anyone else?
  16. I go to a very good (all boys) catholic state school in London, England, and I think that different Sexualitys are helping the people with ever so slightly open minds to become more open minded. Those whose minds are too closed to save are still affected, although they take a negative reaction. I am Bisexual although I'm probably more inclined to go for guys, an I'm proud of my sexuality. Being a secondary school, you get boys from ages 11-16, myself being 13 (I'm also fed up of people who think I can't be Bisexual at 13, as they seem to think that people can be straight at 13, which is messed up). Getting back to the subject, I'm rather openly Bi, although am often classed as Gay, which means I proclaim my sexuality and openly flirt with other gay/bi guys in school as well as outside of it. I do get bullied for this, but ignore the people who do this. The best things that happen are (exactly why I started this topic) when people come up to me and have a serious question about my sexuality, this makes it all worth it. For instance, A first-former (11) came up to me, against the wishes of his friends, and asked what I find attractive in guys, and if I find males and females just as attractive or am BIased (pun intended). I answered truthfully and smiled. That first-former is a more open person for asking that question, and shows that he doesn't just do what other people say, and isn't affraid to be different. This gives me hope for the world, that some day race and gender and sexuality will no longer be victim to discrimination, and everybody can see that we are all equal! Opinions?
  17. "For e.g. when I was walking with my girlfriend, a group of young kids said something like 'A black and a white'." I get kinda the same thing, we get a lot of dirty looks from other teenagers and sometimes some comments, all of which aren't so nice. but i focus on how happy i am out with my (rather queer) friends, just like you should focus on how much you love this person! and i totally agree with the person that said you should smile back at the people who stare, i do. defy racism, smile at the world, cos sometime it won't be so bad. Personally, i've only had any form of relationship with white males and females, mostly males. it's not a preference, it's not that i'm not attracted to other races, i've just never had the opportunity, although i have no problem with people who just aren't attracted to other races. i think the internet helps as well, spreading information about each others cultures and bringing us all together. Smile!
  18. Personally, i think he's great! he always helps when i have a problem. Although the saying goes "There's no smoke without fire." Then again, who says that being evil is bad? Go SM
  19. The one all my straight friends use is "Girl, your feet must be tired, cos you've been running through my mind all day." Personally, i hate it, and my friends use it to no end, but to no avail... so far.
  20. I'd be happy that there is an interracial couple in front of me, it would give me hope that racial equality may some day be. Although, i live in london, england, it's nice here, and there are a lot of interracial couples, of various sexualitys! it's all good. anyway, good luck in your relationship, persevere, don't let the stares get to you. i sometimes go out with my not-so-straight mates, and we often get a lot of looks, especially when i'm all over them lol. good luck
  21. In other words, you'll be having fun. Drink in moderation. Get happy drunk, not i-just-punched-that-fool-cos-i'm-not-happy drunk
  22. Although i'd go for sony everytime, i do have a gamecube, and i love it. But when it comes down to it, sony's better. the design of sony's machines are superior to all, the configuration of the buttons on the controlers is always great, and memorable, so i always know where each button is when i need to use it. I see the gamecube as more of a little bit of fun, not really for the hardcore gamer. and for your information, there are more games on gamecube than mario.
  23. I have a dell inspiron laptop which has an internal wireless card, the "Dell Wireless 1370 WLAN Mini-PCI Card", manufactured by Broadcom. I am thinking of investing in an external wireless card by a different manufacturer, as Broadcom's cards aren't compatible with a lot of things (namely Linux distros) and an external card with a directional aerial would have a better signal range and possibly quality of signal (recuced noise). Although, external wireless cards would be a hinderence if you travel/use your laptop in your car, not that i use wireless features on my laptop in cars What are your thoughts on this? yes, you!
  24. So far, both of your posts have been (in my opinion) advertising, although they are in the right forum so they, apparently, aren't. Getting back to the topic, i've checked out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and you don't put any money in to it, and you don't have to do any thing illegal or imoral. Personally, i don't understand the system, but it doesn't seem to scam you in any way. Although it does bombard you with pop-ups. Try to post in a different forum
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