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Everything posted by keri-j

  1. Another way is, (this does involve a bit of spending, but is free in the end), use google adsense to make some money, which you too can spend on advertising. and because of googles pay-per-click advertising, the more you earn from the ads, the more you spend on ads, the more people <- snipped -> .... and so on. }}}}}}
  2. It's exactly the same for me too. It's interrupting my school life so much. i think i might have mild ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). If you wanna learn more about ADD, or anything in general, i find it's best to search the bbc (British Broadcasting Corporation) website, as the info is very reliable. and for the lazy people....... a link! (i could only find a link to ADHD, which is the same, but with hyperness).......... Right Here!
  3. ........... isn't this just blatant advertising. i'm sure that's against the rules. and this is the member's first post, could this account been set up just to advertise this website?
  4. How do you get this money? is it paid in to an account? I'd like to somehow put it in my paypal account, is this possible?
  5. keri-j


    I have to deal with that kind of treatment all the time at school! It doesn't help that i'm not straight, in a catholic school. But mostly it's the constant dirty looks, and people calling me "goth" or "grunger" in a disgusted tone of voice. And it's all because of the music i listen to and the clothes i wear out of school. I listen to musical artists like Nirvana, Metalica, Slipknot and Linkin Park, and i dress almost totally in black, because it's my favourite color, and brings out my blue eyes
  6. That makes me feel sick, there are some really SICK people in this world.I think for something so disgusting as that crime, there should be a severe punishment.This may sound a little harsh, but i wish we had the death penalty in England.
  7. hmmmmm.........it depends.most stuff i'm v.cheap with, although if it's either of the clothing brands: Vans, or DC, i'll splash out (not with my pocket money, with my mum's money lol ) so i supose, generally, i'm cheap!
  8. Sorry, i'm rather new. but i wanted to know, can you write your own html code for your page(s) or do you have to use template based programs?
  9. The best thing about my school is my mates.i recently came out as bi-sexual in a catholic school (a big no-no), there was some bad stuff but i made some new friends as well, and discovered my school's hidden gay/bi community.life's very cool!
  10. keri-j

    I Hate Parents. _

    I hate my parents because they just don't understand me.And they don't like my girlfriend so they stop me seeing her (i'm younger than most on here).i think it's messed up (really refraining from swearing now). anyone else got overbearing parents?
  11. I can't post a picture of my desktop because:A.I don't have a photobucket accountB.I'm too much of a lazy n00b.But mine is a very cool white windows logo background COVERED in shortcuts for things like telnet, cmd.exe, nslookup and other things of that nature.
  12. I'm on about 7 hours a week. I wish i could be on more but i have homework etc. keeping me back.ugh, the joys of life
  13. I only get like 2-5 hours sleep, but i'm on msn messenger too much.to add to my sleep depravation why not add me and talk to a nerdy metal fan, who flirts ridiculously. lol messenger:keri-j@hotmail.co.ukYahoo! messenger (i'm not on that much): pichu_of_death
  14. keri-j

    I Hate School!

    I hate school as well. i get 1 an a half hours of homework a day, which means i have no social life!! i often jus don't do my homework and after school go buy some sweets with my mates and hang around their estate (up to no good lol). music is the only thing that stops me from going crazy, i listen to it on the way to an from school. as well as that i have to get up early to be on time. i go to an all boys school, at least when i get to school there are some cute boys to cheer me up lol. EQUAL RIGHTS AND PAY FOR WOMEN AND GAY PEOPLE!
  15. It helped win the Vietnam war because it was against the american M-16 rifle. the M16 was more accurate but the AK-47 was more powerful. seeing as the battle was mostly around trees and other confined spaces the AK-47 won because it just shot through the trees and killed the american soldiers. a tv documentary showed a concrete block being shot by an m16 and an AK-47. the m16 put a whole in it, but the AK-47 destroyed it!
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