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Everything posted by BooZker

  1. midnightvamp your right. First off though me and my current girlfriend, not the one that broke up twice with me, have been doing great and have lots of fun. I just wish my best friend thats a guy liked her. Oh well another problem another subject. She is a great and beautiful person. My two time X asked my girlfriend the other day if we could be friends and she said no haha.Also i have fallen in love with her, so it's no lying. I really actually love her. She has stuck through so much of my *BLEEP*.
  2. Me and Truefusion agree that Atheism IS a religion. Religion is a set of beliefs. I bet me and you are both religious on murder. So, in this case, Atheism is a religion. If you have your own definition then i dont know. Some poeple mistake religion as a belief in a higher power. This is true, but it is not only this. Just as Albert Einstein used it. And people actually thought he was a believer in a higher power haha. Awesome. The world would be a better place based on the votes from the 101 people so far. It came back! It was worse for awhile.
  3. Hmmm... alright. Maybe a horizontal one... Yeah i'll make a CSS horizontal menu. Thanks SM. Your pretty much the CSS master on Trap 17. You should get an award.
  4. I will look into PHP RSS Channels. Maybe write a tutorial on that also. I'm glad this was useful to someone haha. I would like to see some of the people who used this tutorial's RSS channels.
  5. Design wise it looks great. It looks professional and if i were just someone who found you on google i would think you had lots of information. Your site looks like it will do great. I don't know about the next geek.com yet, just because they have been around and it will take you awhile to catch up to them.
  6. Not even a book. I mean at least a brain. Most people, i would say majority, know what HURTS to look at. I mean it would be like me making a site with ALL BRIGHT green colors on everything with bright orange and purple. It's just not pretty.
  7. To be honest, i think they hide some things, but remember the government is people like you and me. If they are all like George Bush there is no way. They would be to dumb to keep a a secret.
  8. I'm an Atheist and these are my views. Remember my views, since its based on science proof, may seem uncaring or not thoughtful, but i will be straight up: [1] There is no possible way something can be created from nothing. Let's say there was some sort of power that COULD make something from nothing, then he would have to be created. There was nothing, then god just BOOM appeared? You have to have something to create something. Even if you did have magical powers your still here to create something. Here is an experiment you can do to prove my point! Get a glass box, keep it in a place that the tempature wont change, and leave it for as long as you like. When you come back there wont be anything in it except the possibility of mold or condensation, but that would only happen if you put something in it to begin with. [2] This is to the people who say you should not question it. Why not? If no one questioned anything women wouldnt be able to vote, people would still be slaves, and lets not even get into the Greek gods and how the world is flat. [3] If something created God, wouldn't he be the God since he would have to be MORE powerful then God to create a God? [4] If he is then how do we have a God? You have to imagine a God to believe in a God. To me religion is more about proving a point with no science or proof rather then even thinking logical. To me it's like stories like Little Red Riding Hood or The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Its just so you can learn what good and bad. Seems like you would grow out of it.
  9. OK sorry about that. It was a directory so i forgot to end it with a "/" Link is updated.
  10. SM this is a totally new site and i wrote and made all the graphics from scratch this time haha. This is a site for my girlfriend. She wanted a site to put pictures and scrap book stuff. I was almost done except that in Opera and IE the footer comes off the body. If you have Opera or IE go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Firefox and Safari works fine.
  11. How could you find this insulting? You can huge discounts in college if you want to learn. I mean massive deductions off of admissions. Not only that let's say you got that, you could get a scholarship. one of my best friends in my design classes is always broke and lives by himself. He only pays a few hundred a month rahter then a 1000 like me. You do know you dont have to major in anything right? You also know that you can take simple math, English, and science if you want? You dont have to take Graphic Design 122 you can take the exact same math and science and english you did in high school and not major in anything until you know what you want to major in. I still dont understand why you cant have basic classes in college? Please explain. You want to know the difference? One, you dont have a teacher saying no you can't go to the bathroom jimmy. You dont have a teacher calling your parents, umm jimmy isn't doing his work. You can pick the times you want to go and fits your schedule. You dont usually go for 6-7 hrs a day 5 days a week THEN have homework. You go maybe a max of 10 hrs go two days a week if you want and get the same education if not better. You aren't treated like a 5 year old even when your 17. I mean even at the age of 17 you are not allowed to leave the school in a lot of schools and the schools that let you leave are only for lunch. I mean come on, you have to have a fricken PASS to go to the bathroom. Where is the respect? There are classes that you would like. Even if you dont want to major in video production, you could take a video production class, while at high school you have about 4 required classes and 1 free class to take. Why not give kids something they want to learn and something they can use ater on. There is a class in my old high school called focus, which was required. In that class, which was 30 mins, you sat there and did homework. You had a fricken class to do homework. Why not get out 30 mins earlier to do HOMEwork. Let say it even takes a whole entire YEAR. Thats still three years shorter. There are classes you can take for the GED and if you do well in the class you dont even have to take the GED. People that require more time take easier classes. I mean there are some really basic classes.
  12. Awesome thanks so much. OK so just a couple questions about that. For stuff to add on, but it works great the way it is. I understand the if else statements now! It's a miracle. OK so here are my questions How could i put this? if($answer != "TRUE"){<center>Want to try again? <br /><br /> <a href="index.php">Yes</a> <a href="http://google.com">No</a></center>};?> obviously thats wrong, but how could i do that? OR how could i send them to another page, for example, you get the wrong answer you get sent to the retry.php and if you get it right you go on to the next page so page_2.php? Next question is what was the: $answer = $_GET['answer'; for? I put it in and it would never work, but when i didnt put it in it worked fine. Am i supposed to put it in? Thanks for all the help guys. I know know how to make multiple choice tests also.
  13. I need to clear up some things before this topic can go on. First: Im not that smart. Yes i got into high classes, but in college the have adding and subtracting classes for gods sake. You dont need to be a genius. Second: Yes you do need money and i was lucky that my parents are not pour. Also though, if we were to get rid of the high school system or at least shorten to maybe 1-2 years they could make college a lot cheaper. Most other countries in the first world college is free or very cheap. Third: I'm in college and never dropped out of college. I think SM got that impression. Also i almost did go back, but when i went to go back to high school they said because i dropped out i would have to go back to a freshman? What the hell? Did you know there is no testing out in high school? Amazing. You know why i think that is amazing? Because that PROVES high school is not about learning. It's about going through these specific steps and doing what they say or no diploma. Fourth: I'm not talking about a university. I will be going to one of those when im 18 and have my 2 year degree. Im simply talking about a community college until your mature/smart/have skills for a bigger and better school. Fifth: I'm not planning on stopping on my 4 year degree. I'm planning on my masters then starting a career. I would be about 21-22. So you guys think that im 16 who would hire me ect, but im not going to be 16 when i try to get hired somewhere. Wouldnt you want to hire a 22 year old master degree person over a 22 year 2 year degree holder? Sixth: Sothe kids who know what they want to do have to suffer? And in every neighboring school district they have nursing classes. But she can not get into the other districts. So here let me put it this way: "I want to get started on my nursing career, i know what i want to do, i'll work hard, but hey since they dont provide it i guess i'll wait 4 years to get started on something i want do and excel at." SM also. Yes it's the law and you could say that on so many topics here on trap. I would like an explanation other then "It's the law" I mean the suicide topic i could say no its the law, or gay rights topics, no its the law. That really isn't contributing. SM do you really think a high school diploma is that much better? Honestly. It's that much better that i should stop going to college for a 2 year degree just to get it? Let's say i'm going to apply at Mc D's next year. Let's say your the manager. Would you hire me? My application it says 18 (im 16 but not for long) in college, last grade completed was my 2 year, and still in college for a 4 year? BUT WAIT! He has a GED. So let's not hire him. That doesn't make any sense. Maybe i just don't understand you post. It makes no sense to stop going for my 2 year degree so i can get a high school diploma. I have talked to managers before, i have worked SM, and they even said they dont even look at the grades or anything people had in high school if they are in college. Everyone said that.
  14. Thanks so much shadowx for saying that. Makes me understand it a lot more. Thanks. Now i just got to keep on learning, but that made me understand a lot better.Also Shining, if im not wrong isn't that script simply just a java script alert, and not a True | False? Is so how do i implement putting the word true or false?Example would be:1+1=2True | FalseAnd i want to know how to make a question that is false also. I dont want the script to always be True answers. Remember this is for a short true false quiz. I test that out though thanks. The alert is exactly what i wanted and i didnt even know you could put java script inside php thanks!
  15. No it was updated yesterday. He fixed a div tag which moved the door over. Before you couldnt see the door it was off the screen on the left.
  16. to me it looks great. Isn't that a skin? I think you should make your own template or change the colors or images to really make it your own site. Just my opinion and many sites do great using templates.The idea is also great. I really like the idea and i would actually join if they had some PHP scripts! Really, i think you could make money off the site. If you could hook people in using your idea, then have some advertising space, you could really make some money.If you ever get PHP scripts tell me! I will also be sure to check back in.If you ever need help with anything email me. I have some good experience in CSS/HTML/XML(RSS). Saint_Michael is great for CSS problems and BuffaloHelp is also a great help. rvalkass has helped me the most on my site also. Me and him are working on a comment and rating system!
  17. This is not a rant. This is not a complaint. This is a question. Why do we have a school system like high school. High school is a waste of your money and time. I'm 16 years old. I'm not a "badass" I'm not a criminal, F student, drinker, smoker, father, or anything like that. What i am is a college student at 16 majoring in graphic design with a 3.5 GPA. Most people do not know you can go directly from middle school to college. I went for my freshman year at a high school and hated it. I was failing algebra, had a D in science, and had bad grades like this the whole time. Was it because i am stupid? No. When i tested out at the college i maxed out the reading, so i do not have to take ANY reading classes, i got the highest english you can get, and math i got into algebra II. But wait i failed algebra I. Just in case you don't know, high school math goes like this now, Algebra I, Geometry, then Algebra II. So i skipped an entire year of math? In washington state to get into college you need a high school diploma or GED. Since i didnt have a high school diploma i decided, what the hell, i'll get a GED then go to college. I passed every test on my first try after going to high school one year and failing math and science. Now that i am in college i got a B in math, A in typography , B in graphic design, and an A in integrated media (this is like a graphic design appreciation class). So 2 Bs and 2 As pretty good for a 16 year old high school drop out. The point of this post is to ask why do you go to high school? Why would you waste your time? If your my age, by the time you graduate high school i will be on my way to California to go to the best know graphic design college in the country, Art Center in Pasadena, California. You'll have wasted 4 years of your life that i completed in a week. WAIT! What about friends, what about prom, dances, drama, ect. I'm not a nerdy person, im not considered ugly, fat, geeky, or anything. If anything popular. I would rather spend my time going to the dances with my girlfriend that are not at high school. People assume normally that i'm some super smart geeky dude and thats why i dont like school and did so good in college. Just for purpose of proving m point go to https://myspace.com/browser That is me. Do i look like the type of person you would think of when you say "he is a 16 year old college student"? Why do you have to do these things? Why not spend the extra time you have, about 3-4 years, doing things just like that. They dont have to be at a school you know. You would make friends in college just as i have. I have friends who range from 19-30 yrs of age. You say employers dont hire people who are GED holders. False also. My first job ever was at Target as a cashier. They saw me motivated since i dropped high school to just go to college. I just want to know these questions: 1. What is the point of the high school system? 2. Why would you want to spend that kind of tax money on an extra system we do not need? 3. Why make high school 4 years when i clearly have been able to do it in a week? 4. Why would you want to get a high school diploma over a bachlores degree? That's all. Now i get my credits and my answers, hopefully my answers. Remember i think education is a great thing. My girlfriend wants to be a nurse. At her high school though they have no programs for medical fields at all. Her parents wont let her drop and go to college until she is 18 either. So now after she is done with high school it will take her twice as long just because the high school can't provide the stuff we need for career options. This is based on the United States of America's school system by the way. You know, the one who has worse scores then some of the most pour third world countries.
  18. What about God or abortion? What about drugs or the president? I'm sure you have strong opinions on something. Instead of saying, yes thats what i think also, say why you think the same and explain in depth why. Just as i am typing all this for a small topic. Find something that really makes you mad and then just let go... without breaking the rules though. I have written massive replies. These replies usually have to do with the fact i like to argue and even if you dont just state every single reason you do/don't like something. For example someone says i hate water. You could say:I also hate it because:1. It has no taste2. Doesnt quench my thirs3... blah blah.For each one of those numbers write at least a few sentences about the item.I hope this helps you or even helps someone else with the same problem.
  19. I have looked up just about every PHP tutorial. I just dont get the if else statements. I am still very new and understand HTML, CSS, XML, but this is so hard for me for some reason. I want a basic if else statement. What i want is something like:"My name on trap 17 is BooZkerTrue | False"When you click true it gives a alert saying congrats and brings you to the next page and if its wrong then it will start ALL over from the beginning after a alert box comes up saying sorry, try again.Sorry about how easy this is, but i'm just not understanding PHP. I just need someone to write ONE question with that PHP and then i can figure it out from there. I just need have have an idea of how to even accomplish it.
  20. Some of you want to know how i found this?I'm a graphic design major at college and i go to graphic design forums all the time for tips and things and i found someone else post a link to this site about what not to do.I really wanted to get a about 10 links and then vote for the worst one, then i would personally email them giving them a reward for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Would anyone want to help me make an award image?By the way they updated there site. That thing that was hidden on the side of the screen is a door! and when you hover on it it open!!! that's insane! So they are actually updating this site at the moment. To bad they don't get rid of that horrible background.That forum that was posted on here, was by far, the worst looking forum layout i have ever seen. The colors do not work at all together.
  21. It's a horrid thing isn't it? What is that thing on the bottom left of the screen? It's also weird you can scroll right for a long ways and there is a dog running somewhere in the middle lol. I have seen some really bad sites to, but none like this.
  22. I stumbled upon this website today: http://www.dokimos.org/ajff/ I believe strongly this is the ugliest website on the earth. This is uglier then the websites that tell you examples of what an ugly website looks like. Please, if you see a worse website post it here. I would love to see some ugly websites!
  23. I think this is a dumb study. First off 5 points. That's such a small margin when you do thousands. Next off there are studies for every view point. There are studies that say weed will kill you and others that its good for you. The cigarette companies tried to tell people for years they did now harm. If you could show us maybe 10 studies along with who did them and where, maybe i could believe it more.
  24. Have you ever wanted to know how to make a RSS channel for you site? I'll teach you how. If you know HTML it's not much different. The stuff in the code that has [] around them is what you change. Get rid of the brackets though! There are not a lot variables either. Here is what you need to copy and paste first: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="2.0"> Paste this at the top of your new document. we used utf-8 for a more freedom as to how we write it. Here is the next piece we paste into your document: <channel><title>[Put your RSS Feeds title]</title><link>[Put the link to your site]</link><description>[Put the description of what material is in your RSS feed here]</description><lastBuildDate>[Put the date you are doing this here the syntax should be like this: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 14:26:00 GMT]</lastBuildDate><language>en-us</language> If this is a english RSS feed in the US then keep the language the same. Onto the next step. The next piece is the item. The item is what each topic you see in an RSS feed is. For each new topic/post you put a new item down. Here is our example item: <item> <title>[Title of the topic/post]</title> <guid>[Link of where the feed is directed to]</guid> <link>[Same as guid in most cases. Just put the same link here. More information below]</link> <pubDate>[Date you published this feed. An example is: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 14:26:00 GMT]</pubDate> <description>[Put the description of what this feed will be about here. Each item should be a new description]</description></item> For more information on guids go here: https://cyber.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html For each new rss post put a new item. I suggest just copying from the <item> to the </item> then just filling them in. Now to close everything. Almost finished.Copy and paste this at the end of your document: </channel></rss> --- So you made the file you need to save the file. I named mine feed.rss But you can name it anything as long as you make it .rss . After you name and save it and upload it you need to show everyone you have a feed. Do this by posting this at the <head> of all your websites documents: <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="[Put the title you want people to see when they subscribe to the RSS feed here]" href="[Put the link to your feed. An example: feed://website.com/feed.rss]"> Sometimes it works as a http:// link but not always. feed:// seems to work all the time. After you save and upload your websites documents with that in the head upload them. Depending on what browser your using, when you go to your site now you should see something new on the right side of the URL box. For firefox it is a little blue square that says RSS it is the same for Safari and in Opera you should see an small orange square with the RSS logo. IE doesnt show anything. Hope this helps. If you want an example here is my sites feed: feed://boozkerstweaks.trap17.com/feed.rss
  25. Now i just need a program to make a ICO file. Thanks though.
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