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Everything posted by BooZker

  1. Well i want another domain name. I don't want to connect it with ojproductions.net. I use boozker.ojproductions.net now for testing, but i want it to be boozkersplace.com with 150MBs of space and 5 GBs of bandwidth. OK that's fine i find another host like astra host... wait isn't that paid hosting?
  2. I can help also. Me, you, and truefusion can get anything done! haha PM me anytime. I will get on this in the morning, but it's 1:43 AM here so i'm tired. Not to mention i have http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and i'm making another site from scratch, but i love helping out and making graphics and websites.
  3. I know your not supposed to have 2 and i don't, but i really want one. Is there anyway i can do that? What if i were to have someone else sign up, but then i were to take over after they signed up? Can i give some credits? I just want to have my own site and right now your hosting my http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ site which is Me, Jake, and Oliver's site, but i do the editing and stuff. The only thing they do for the site is make the movies and i even help with that. I want my site, which will be boozkersplace.com, all to myself. Is there anyway at all?
  4. My point was that no matter how good of a person you are he will send you to hell if your gay. OK and i read the rest of your post. I seriously thought Jesus forgave everyone if you went to confession. My bad. (by the way i'm not saying this sarcasticly. I really thought that) The only thing that doesn't makes sence to me is why, no matter what, even if your the best person on the planet, you will go to hell if you don't believe in Jesus? I don't know seems a bit harsh. How would you feel if when you died Jesus wasn't real and you really thought that and the of Jimmy (fake god) was the real one and said,"You have been a great person, but you have heard of me before and you didn't follow me. This means you will have to go to hell." Let's just say you heard of Jimmy haha. It's kinda nice not being religious though. I don't have to worry about going to hell. I am a good person because when i die i'm dead and that's it, so i try to make the best of it. That's my belief anyways.
  5. omg haha i feel like an idiot. Thanks Yah i see what you mean. I knew what i typed so it didn't look weird to me. I think i will change the text. Maybe the same as nav bar text. I know. I can't find a good color. I actually was going to make them dark blue at first, but it is hard to see on the right table. Got an ideas for that? I can make the footer and main links white and dark blue, but on the other place it is really hard to read. Really... i'm going to download Opera and probably get rid of that bit of code because it's not that hard for me to just push shift. I just tried to make it easier haha. Well i have been making sites for over a year now and have been learning. I have made a total of uhh... 5 sites with help of graphics and templates. I decided though it's time for a challenge haha. So for my first site i even used some php which most do not use and i would suggest everyone use for nav bars and headers and footers at least. Lastly, truefusion i got rid of that code, but it is still centered. Some help? Please... haha Maybe you meant somewhere else? Look at the code and tell me.
  6. Yah you could use WYSIWYG editors, but in the long run they will slow you down. You won't have as much control as with let's say notepad or dreamweaver. I suggest just making simple web pages such as a webpage with a title a heading and some text and links until you get the hang of basic HTML.
  7. OK well i have my main site which is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but that's not "my" site it's my video group's site. So I decided i'm going to make my own site. Can you guys just tell me what you think i should change. I made all the graphics and stuff, but myself (this is the first time) Be nice though haha it's my first site i made without help with images and website templates. So what do you think? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (this will change later, but for now this is my testing server)
  8. I can help. I just need to know how much you know. I learned just from reading. I never really used the internet for help. I am still learning everyday, but what do you need help with? PM me and i can help get you at least started.
  9. Before After Nothing fancy, but i like the way i made the character look like its popping out. Sort of 3D thing.
  10. haha. Im a really light sleeper. It is really weird how you will start to remember your dreams. The first night i tried this i remembered 3 dreams that night. Oh yah make sure not to drink caffeinated pop before bed either.
  11. Simple can be good. Look at my site its all plain, but it works haha. I really like your sig a lot. The design is really nice. Keep making sigs!
  12. Hmmm very interesting. No one has said that yet. That is very true though. I don't want to and have never said i was going to do that. I just said what if religion was never around. It was just never though up. It never existed at all.
  13. Actually for people who have your problem and want to remember your dreams do these steps: 1. Get book and a pen to write stuff in 2. Set your alarm for about 4-6 hrs after you think you'll be asleep. In other words if you fall asleep fast set it for 4-6 hrs of the current time. If it takes you 30 mins to go to bed set it 4-6 from the time in 30 mins. 3. When you wake up you'll have an 80% chance of remembering at least one dream that night. Write it down and every detail you can remember. Once done you can just go back to bed. When you wake you might remember more details. Make sure to write them down. After doing this for awhile you'll end up remembering your dreams a lot better.
  14. No i checked that, but everything is all good now. Thanks
  15. I have been thinking about this since forever. Well the idea is you plug something into your brain. A microchip kind of deal. You then install special software on your PC along with a wireless card (the wireless would be the same as a laptop connecting to your PC through a network.) Then that night when you have a dream it sends the wireless dream signal or WDS (haha sounds real) to your computer. You computer reads it and makes it into a dream file or .df (haha sounds real also) You then can watch your deams the next day in color and all the same as watching any other type DVD or VHS movie. Fast-forward or pause and more! If they are any good you can burn them onto a VCD or DVD just like any other video file.What do you guys think of it? It would be hella expensive, but would you buy it? And if so how much is the max you would pay all of it including the brain chip, wireless card, and software? I would page probably $1,000 for it.
  16. Today it was weird because i have been trying to lucid dream for about 3 days now and i had a dream about me lucid dreaming. I knew i wasn't lucid dreaming though because like it said in one lucid dreaming book,"See if you can walk through walls" And i couldnt i kept bumping into this one then like it also said i tried to make an apple appear in my hand using all the techniques of how to make stuff appear and i couldn't. I can't wait till i have my first REAL lucid dream.
  17. I think we should make this a dissing fight or something haha. It could be fun and we could all "learn" Like someone say something to me about my sig, site, name whatever and ill come back with something. And then the person who got dissed disses back the person and picks someone new and disses them. Here is my myspace if you want to diss me on my looks: https://myspace.com/browser
  18. That i my friend is a amazing sig. One of my favorites ever. Keep making them for sure.
  19. You guys really are the best hosting site. I mean this layout is so much easier then the others. You guys have much better service. I can post something and usualy get an answer within minutes to hours never more then a day. You guys allow just about every type of file. You have 5 GBs of BW. I have never even seen close to that anywhere else. All i can say is WOW and two thumbs up on this entire site. Everyone that ever asks for free hosting i always say Trap 17. Do you think you will ever have more webspace and BW? I don't mean as a package, but like you can buy lets say 1 GB of BW for 10 credits or something?
  20. I actually have a few people i want to nominate (3 to be exact) how many is the max? The three people are all for different reasons. The first is for how much and in depth he replies. The other is how much he has helped me. The last is someone i always see around and always posting. So can i nominate all three?
  21. oh ok thanks, but it only showed one persons myspace page. I know for a fact its on more sites then that. I know of at least 10.
  22. Don't cheat ever... EVER. Not because she will tell her friends, but because that's *BLEEP*ed up move seriously. If you really care about the person, but you find someone else just break up with them and wait a little while then date the other one. Never cheat though.
  23. Come on now, you know what i mean. Jesus will send Gays to hell. I have heard that so many times. I disagree because if Jesus was loving and forgiving why wouldn't he forgive people when they are dead? So the way this works is if your alive and you have no real proof and you don't follow him you will go to hell EVEN if you were a great person and loved everyone. So i guess Jesus really doesn't forgive everyone, does he? No, because if he did there wouldn't be a discussion about it ever. It would be, no matter what, Jesus will forgive you. There should be no ifs', but's, or, ors' about it. If Jesus loves everyone and forgives everyone why should that change when you are dead? Why should it change ever? Because my belief is they want you to believe in him and they will make you feel guilty if not. I think Jesus would be the person to forgive everyone and would be disgusted in people who tell people otherwise.
  24. Well seems like most people would like it. So... is it going to happen or not? Also what will people be judged on or should be judged on is a good question or should be at least brought up before the actual real deal. I was thinking on these things:People who have been helpfulPeople who have not been warned. You cannot win if you have been warned. (just for that month)Someone who posts a lot, but a lot of good, long, topics.Someone who is active a lot.And maybe more or less, but just a suggestion.
  25. I have to try this out. I have almost read the whole book from wikipedia. This looks amazing. I can't wait till i have my first lucid dream... wow it will be great. How many have you had them like the way they describe them? Like where you can make things appear and just be able to walk through things and know your dreaming? I think i have had only 1 i can remember and it was so much fun.
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