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Everything posted by BooZker

  1. What do you mean time viewing? Do you mean seeing them like we can see sound waves or such?
  2. Well its not purely on the eye though. That is just one factor.
  3. As i was writing my bottomless drink topic i thought of a totally new idea! Ready? How about never using a mouse again and just using your brain? Now you might say how? You might also say, that is not possible because we can understand brain waves. This is a little different though. As in a lie detector tests it doesnt actually KNOW when you are lying it takes everything about you body into consideration. OK so how does this work if you want to move your mouse to the right and click on a folder named My Pictures?Everytime you think about going to the right you looking at where you want to go, well unless your blind, and so this software would pick up your brain signal that means right. It wouldnt be that hard for it to figure out right and left up and down. And then clicking on my pictures. You would go though a set up proces for the main folders on your computer. It would have you look, read, and, think about the folder. Not just the name, but the contents also. After it does this for some it starts to learn more about you. Then if you want to create a new folder you would create one as normal, but after you named it it would ask you to look, read, and think about that folder and the contents you want in it. After awhile this would become much faster then a mouse. Think about it... litteraly, as fast as you can think the mouse moves. Your guys's thoughts?
  4. OK OK, you all know about bottomless drinks at fast food places and restaurants, well what if you could get a soda you like and no matter how much you drink it never ends. Here are the three different ways this is possible the first is actually impossible right now, but the others could actually be done. Just not for awhile...1. A liquid that grows as soon as it is tipped up 45 degrees. This way when they go to drink it the water grows. The problem with this is mass can not be created and that is what is happening. Let's go on to one that might actually happen.2. A liquid that is SO thirst quenching that you only need to take a very small sip and it would be the same as drinking a can of soda. Problem with this though is that you wouldn't actually be able to intake enough liquid and could be hazardous to your health. Another is that you would actually run out, but it would take a very long time.3. Sort of like 2, but a little different. You take a gulp of this liquid and it SLOWLY breaks down. Hard to explain, but think of it as ice. Ice slowly melts and if you were to eat a huge piece of ice and it melted a a certain rate you would not get thirsty. MY idea is you take a gulp of what i would call, ICECECAL, pronouced Ie-sa-cole, and you wouldnt not have to drink anything for as long as two-three days. The problem is it would actually run out also, but for 2 and three you would buy big things of it like a water cooler and dispense small amounts for 2 or one big amount that lasts 2-3 days for 3.I think this idea is very original if i do say so myself
  5. Yah, we don't know each other is the main problem except for air fair. Maybe we could have a big conference using like some kind of software. Like Mac has some preinstalled software that's great, but useless most of the time since most people dont have a mac. I have best of both worlds!
  6. Thanks for writing the CSS in a separate document. It makes editing an entire site easier later on. Same as PHP includes. I only have to edit one page to have it show up on a million pages if i had that many. Paul on this forum, which i have not seen in awhile, is who told me about it and i love it. Everyone should use PHP includes so if you want to add something to, for example, your navigation bar you just edit that one PHP file and it will edit ALL of your pages.Like it thanks KuBi. Modding a few things. Check your PM's for more information.
  7. It's conan he is really weird. I mean who would think of something like this.
  8. Well depends on how you put this. SOME of them signed up to kill. Some signed up to be chefs or computer people for example. Then the *BLEEP* president runs out of people because they are all dying then sends the people who have only gone through boot camp over there. Nothing? Hmm thats interesting. What about one of the only countries that is powerful and still executes? Wait a minuet that's killing innocent people. WAIT A MINUET. What about the people in Iraq that accidentally got killed, like the thousands, they were innocent? So you tell me who is the innocent. I think a 16 year old has nothing to say in a subject matter such as war. What about a country who kicked a whole island of people of the island just so they could test missiles and then when the people didnt leave they tested them anyways and the people got infected from the bio waste. Sorry to say that would not speed up the process, because the people of America cannot slow it down in the first place. How the hell are we slowing down the process? Good choice of words by the way. Stupid people quit being stupid? How about this, your working for a fast food restaurant and they are spitting in the food, would you let them do their job because the manager said it's ok if you spit on the food if the customers are being "stupid"? I wouldn't and hopefully you wouldn'. Just because someone says something is right or true, doesn't make it right or true. I think they taught me this in like 4th grade. What The *BLEEP*? No *BLEEP*. Peace is the opposite of war. So if i were to promote Peace would i go to the middle of the desert where there is no one or where they are people KILLING EACH OTHER. To get peace there has to be no war. I dont even know what the *BLEEP* your trying to say. If there was peace then we would not have to be talking about peace. We would not be protesting it. OK answer this. Would you be out protesting if there was no war? Would you go out there and protest that we should fight some random country like we did to Iraq? Seriously? You really truly believe this. Seriously? You really think that Iran would bomb America? They would be stopped like the Germans were twice. You think a country would put everything on the line like that after they saw the effects of it in the past in the world wars? You really think that? Grow up. Its a thing called propaganda. Look it up. Yah like voting in a President, with a bunch of errors on the voting machines, and a 51- 50 vote. In which that president now has what a 30% rating. The lowest ever in US history? I mean i don't even think those president ratings are right, but when he gets the absolute worse EVER then that's a small sign. So is the other sign that he is the only president to attack a country. The only president who lied like he did. We have never had a president lie to all our faces about weapons that were potentially dangerous to the ENTIRE world and then just like that, OOPS, none were found. We DO NOT NEED TO FIGHT! Yah it sounds like some hippy thing, but it has been done before. Black rights in America, but the main one that we should all look to is Ghandi . He fought a war and won by not fighting. If let's just say hypothetically, all of America was not going to fight and murder then just like Ghandi the attackers army would only be able to go up and kill so many people before they feel bad. It takes a lot of evil to go up to people who are just sitting there and kill them. Could you? Honestly, if there was a family and you were in the US army and your captain said you have to kill them, and they are just sitting there looking at you straight in the eyes, could you kill them? If so how many? Millions? don't think so. If you could your evil. No one can just kill people who are not attacking them and not showing any violence towards you. It's up to us not to promote violence and killing people to show who is "boss" but to show who is the boss, by saying, you know what? Fighting is what 13 year old kids do. I'm a 20-30 year old man/women. What is the need to kill people? OK make up your mind. You say you don't like war, but hey, it's there so i might as well. If you didnt like the taste of beer, but HEY it's there i guess i'll drink it would you? No, well maybe depends on your IQ. War will never end with people like you who think killing people is heroic. I DO NOT think that if i were to kill people i would have fulfilled my life. I think i would have taken that dream from the people i killed, because well you have no reason other then, It's war and there will always be war. I would rather die standing in the street run over by a tank then standing there killing people. What ever floats your boat. God bless of course. Don't forget that! God loves it when you kill people...
  9. I know. I have so many credits. If i just stopped typing now i wouldnt have to come back to trap 17 until april. Since i will be posting here regularly i dont need credits until april.
  10. I saw this on conan o brian. Check it out. It's kinda funny and you can send pictures in. Some one in the GFX should make a pic and send it in! sorry, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. Fine be that way... haha. I have a ford expedition and it gets about 1 mpg haha. i spent 62 bucks on it today. I wish i just got money for my B-Day
  12. I'm in college right now and i don't have way to much time. The free time i have i spend on trap, play my drums, make movies for my other site, and hang out with friends. Although i love HTML, CSS, PHP and all that coding i just don't have enough time to build, design, and test a website. This is where someone here on trap comes in. I will give someone, depending on how they meet my requirements and such hosting credits. If you meet them ALL i will give you 40 credits. That's over a months worth. You can also put a logo/banner on the bottom of the page with something saying designed by who ever or something like that. Heres how. I want a design like my current one at http://boozkerstweaks.blogspot.de/ , but not to much the same to infringe on copyright of Blogger. I want the same banner and i want the site to match my banner. I only want colors of, gray, black, blue, and white, maybe orange in some places. I will design any icons or images if you want. I am majoring graphic design, so it's easy for me, so if you are not good, or don't have software to make graphics that's totally fine and wont count against my credits i give you. It will however if you use colors i don't want. Most of all the design needs to be SIMPLE like my current one. Now the actual coding i want something that will be easy for me to edit in the future. I want a seperate CSS document for my style tags. No style tags in the actual files. I also want all navigation to be in a PHP include. This includes everything that will be on multiple pages. So on my current site the "Popular Tweaks" would be a include. I want those includes in a separate folder and not in the main index. Most of all i want something clean and easy to get around. I am talking about how the actual files are located. I want images in an images folder, php includes in a , inc folder, and ect. I would also like some comments in the HTML to help me out to find things haha. On the right side remember i want everything that is there now to go over to the new one. -- If you do all that I and i choose you i'll give you 20 credits. If you want the full 40 add these things: A nice, matching forum dont care if its a free one or anything just something that matches. - 5 credits A good search for my site, dont care if it's free or even has a banner ad with it as long as it works - 5 credits The last thing is worth 10 credits.The last thing is this if you DO NOT put a banner or logo or any text stating you designed this on my website i will give you an extra 10 credits. I WILL put a link in the Links section which is on the right hand side right now of my site, but i just don't want a big thing saying site made by... Send this as a zip if anyone wants to help. It wont take that long considering that there wont be many images, and i have the basic layout i just want someone to write the code. thanks in advance!
  13. haha i actually went to this site and then made my own. I went there got a the basics of my character then edited it to put my site URL on his shirt and have a joint and made his eyes red. I also had him have a bottle of Life Juuce (spelled correct, look it up on youtube.com or google.com, or ifilm.com)
  14. Do you have proof they have? I don't see them doing that. I mean it's Wal-Mart the greediest, slimiest, company i know of. They will do anything to get more money and pay the people who work for them less. The two reasons, if they do, they are saying this is1. They are doing this to get publicity which brings in MORE money2. The current CEO is a religious freak. By the way not all religious people are freaks haha. There are some who take certain religions way to far and thats what i am talking about.Personally i think it's fine if they do that and they should if they want, but come on, it's wal mart. They are doing it for a very specific reason.
  15. I have an answer. I do not believe in a high being or a god of any type, so i look at this from another stand point. My opinion on this is it is his body. He can choose. What, in America, can you do to your own body that's illegal? No, we can't expose ourselves, but in the privacy of our own homes what can we not do? Nothing, but suicide, and drugs, but that is another story.You also said however that it hurts other people? Think about very anti-gay families when there parents tell them that? What about when you say something very mean to them. What if you were to get in an argument and never talk to them again? These all hurt people, but these were all peoples own choices. Would you tell a gay person not to be gay because it will hurt his or her parents? These are just my opinions. What do you think of them.
  16. I do not think we would be. Even apes use tools. They might be sticks, but the still are smart enough to use them. I do not think we would ever get to be strong because we would all be dead. The reason we would be dead is because we would be dumber then apes. That's pretty dumb from a human typing computer code in a nice heated house! haha
  17. haha that is true. There is actually only one person on this forum i greatly dislike. I will not disclose who however, but this person is very annoying. Yah lets all go to rejected's house so i dont have to get all the damn snacks
  18. OK enough talking. Let's dig into my cake haha What did you get for your birthday?
  19. That might get kinda spendy for me to pay for everything. Can i change out my hosting credits for cash lol. Is it against the rules for me to sell my credits? That's not a bad idea. I think i will... I still think it would be cool, but you guys can be party poopers. haha
  20. Thats a horrible cake this is your cake.
  21. If you want to say happy birthday to him post it here.Happy sweet 16. I turned 16 in July. Got your license yet or getting it?
  22. Truefusion i was actually going to write and i bet Truefusion and i would be hanging out because i have got to know him the best out of everyone. And there will be brownies, cake, and uh what else? And the cost would be expensive to get there. That is true. Its just and idea haha Well not an open schedule haha. But like one day on a weekend or something. And i also didnt mean in the near future i meant in at least a year.Truefusion 10 more posts you hit the 1,000 mark. I still need to hit 500.
  23. I was thinking about it the other day. What if in a year or two the top posters all got together somewhere? It would be sort of neat to see everyone in person. Because some of you i have got to know your personalties fairly well on this forum. Do you think that possibility is even a actual possibility? Would anyone go if it were planned?
  24. OK ok i'll go jease people are so lazy around here haha I tried to get a good variety of people. I can't believe i actually got a vote, not including the one i gave myself haha.
  25. I actually went back from 7 to 6 with no problem. I just uninstalled 7 and it installed 6 back. I have had no problems with it. I uninstalled 7 from my desktop but it's on my laptop for testing my sites. I don't use it much, but it looks nicer then 6. Nothing that great other then tabs though.
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