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Everything posted by Slay

  1. I'm telling you its #201820, my program doesn't lie. For anyone who wants to know what program I used its called "Fast Color Codes".
  2. I'm an american and love where I love the country I live in. However if I could go to another country it would diffently be Japan, I never really was fascinated or understood what people liked so much about Japan but a few nights ago I was looking up stuff on it and started to like it. They have good bands, cool places, and suchs. Heh, only thing I don't like is their food, lol.
  3. I like country the best, I grew up listening to it and still do. I just don't listen to it as often now. I'm starting to like all kinds of rock from the early stuff to the newest thats out now. However I can always listen to country, so yeah I picked country.
  4. I wish I could meet somebody famous, I've never even seen anybody famous before. I should go to a concert or something so I can say I atleast saw somebody famous, lol.
  5. Nice tutorial, simple and easy to follow. This would come in handy at times, I'll have to try out this tutorial some time.
  6. Heck, I can't even dance little less break dance.
  7. I'm usually always online, I wake up and turn the computer on and stay on for a few hours. I might stray away from it for an hour or so but then I'm right back on it and maybe stray away once again fro another hour but then I'm online until late into the night. I'm guessing about 13 hours total each day.
  8. Hmm, I made my first site about 3 years ago, I had to take a class on web designs and learn all the HTML codes and so I did and thought it was pretty easy to make websites. That was all basic stuff though, after school finished that year I made a site on geocities mainly because its easy to make and it has all the drag and drop options. It was a website about absolutely whatever I liked, lol.
  9. I like pretty much anything as long as it isn't diet, I'll drink energy drinks ones in a while (Rockstar and sometimes Full Throttle), otherwise the rest of the time its mostly pop like mountain dew, mello yellow, and coke.
  10. I live in a trailer house so there's now stair's in my house. Unless you count the ones outside leading to the house, lol.
  11. Good job on the tutorial, it should help lots of beginners.
  12. lol, I think I had a few drinks of Old Milwaukee when I was like six or seven. Heh, at the time I didn't like the taste of it but now its like drinking water for me.
  13. Well its a tough call between firing squad and lethal injection. I'd choose firing squad in the end though, like everyone else said it would be quick and painless. Sure it would suck having lots of guns pointed at you and you just standing waitiing for them to shoot but in the end I'd choose it over the others.
  14. Well this might sound wierd but I'd get the Jedi logo on my left arm and maybe the Galactic Empire's logo on my right arm, just small one's like 5 inches high and 3-4 wide. Just to show my love for Star Wars and to always remind me off it incase I start getting bored.
  15. Yeah it does look pretty difficult but the result looks really good. I'm going to have to try this out next time I open up adobe and it should improve the text on my images....atleast I hope so.
  16. Hey there Shadow Knight! Welcome to Xisto and be sure to read the rules so you know what you can't do here on Xisto. Nice introduction, better then some that I've seen posted, lol. I've been to the graphics chamber before, nice to meet you. I've seen some of your graphics, your really good and should post some in the graphics section. If you want to meet some friends theres lots of people here, I'm sure you'll meet some, lol. Well I'm Slay on most forums but can also be known as ZeroIce and ?corpion at times. I'm a Star Wars and Harry Potter fanatic and I just started doing graphics about three months ago, well three months this coming August. You should post some of the tutorials you made, once again welcome to Xisto. Hope to see you posting around the forums.
  17. Very nice effect, usually people just put this on their signatures. I've never seen it done on an actual image before, it looks really cool.
  18. Yeah, your images aren't working. :)Anyways its a very simple tutorial that has a cool ending result. Good job on it, I'll have to make one tonight.
  19. Very nice tutorial, I've always been fond of these types of signatures and have never been able to find a good tutorial for making one. Your tutorial seems to be easy to understand and I like that you added pictures, lol. I'm diffently going to try this tutorial out and hopefully I get a good outcome. Nice tutorial and thanks for posting it.
  20. Hey there! Welcome to Xisto toykoldkilla! You've come to a great site if you want webhosting. Be sure to read the rules and I hope to see you posting around on the forums.
  21. Slay


    I use msn messenger 7.5 as well, I once downloaded live but it messed up my phone line. Also I've heard to many bad things about msn messenger live, some people lose all their contacts, and some just don't work.
  22. w00t! Congrats to Xisto and all of its members for reaching this landmark in member count. Its quite a landmark even if a lot of them don't have hosting.
  23. lol, thats quite a few posts that you missed out on.
  24. Sorry to hear about your leaving and good luck in school. Good luck with your studies and hope to see you back on Xisto soon.
  25. Yeah thats a good choice on leave netscape. Sure it was a good security center but like you said its to slow and crashes to much. Have you tried Opera before? Its a really good browser if you want it to load pages fast and go without lots of crashes. Then again I hear Firefox is pretty good, I myself stick with using my Internet Explorer. lol
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