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Everything posted by garbage

  1. Man that is nasty.. and that sucks.. especially the fact that it was visible.. most of the time you dont even know what goes into your food.. but here is somethign that youmight not like..Howw many people here like Meat...Ground Beef.. to be exact..well if you go to the FDA website.. there is a link about the rgulations on how it gets packed and all the other details on how it needs to be maintained and allthat crap that we really dont care about..but somewhere in there I dont know exactly as it was shown to me.. it talks about the amount of rat or bird crap that is allowed to go into our meat..yeah thats pretty sick huh.well unfortunately they cannot controll rats and other crap that gets intot hese factories.. so they figure they woul djust regulate the amount that can be in the meat..so next time you eat some ground beef or a nice burger think about that.. suck if i ruined it for you.. but to be exact if this is real or not lookit up.. I assumed it was as they showed it to me.. but I have yet to go look for it on that exact website..So I guess I can say that cannot confirm nor deny if ive eaten crap...also on the taco bell thing.. I few months ago.. I was eating there and some guy walked in pissed off because the drive thru people got his order all wrong.. this dude was pissed and he was funny.. of course he wanted his money back and he wanted his order right..then he busted out with jokes.. started asking everyone there how long they have been working htere and then he asked if this Certain taco Bell was the training center..Why/ some guy asked.. hes like cause everytime he goes there they seem to screw it all up.. thats the clean version.. He siad that they should but a sign outside in glowing neon that this was the Taco Bell Training Center..pretty funny..I thouhgt.
  2. Great stuff there on your first few paragraphs, cause its true in real life this crap will happen alot and more often than what we would like.. and im sorry the term in real life is retard.. why cause it is real life what happened to you.. but i mean in a corporate world in everyday life.. in school sports, work, even in the family.. crap like this happens alot.. whether you got it this time or not then you just have to keep doing what you like and move on.. this is not going to be the only opportunity for something like this.. besides there are better thing sout there to comepete for.. just wait till you get into politics if thats your thing.. so dont get shut down by these keep the head up and just keep doing waht it is you do best..
  3. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ sorry I assumed I posted the link
  4. This may be the wrong place to post this message if it is please direct it correctlyIm currently looking for someone who is looking to do freelance work with me/for me.I am a graphic desinger but lacking in the coding skills. First of all im looking for someone who would like to trade off services. I have a template design that I would like to have coded for use with joomla. In return I would like to help you advertise your services thru my site, and I would hope to be able to build a working relationship with this individual, for future projects that will generate income. I have a few other designs that I have designed for a few clients, and they are seeking to have them coded.I am looking to begin a small business and if anyone out ther is looking for an opportunity and would like to take this chance please send me an email at the following msabas@sabasdesign.com For any other questions regarding this post. or you may just simply reply to this thread post.So please : If you would like to code a template for me for use with joomla and exchange advertising services please email me. If you would like to possible help me build a online business coding design that I create or possible we both create, please email me.Thank you for your time if you spent it reading my post.
  5. I feel teh same way. I dont ever really plan on buying a license if i can get just the same from opens source programs, yeah the support thing might be an issue but the thing is look how many other people are using what you are using... There is always help out there if you need it you just have to know where to go and ask the right questions.. dont just go in there my site isnt working tand expect to get help.. be specific.. on the other hand, I also believe that you dont need to have the expensive forums and softwares to runa succesfull and professional sites.. Some say well no one will take you serious, and your business wont gain much,, but that is garbage.. i say pure garbage.. my site.. estudio9designs is and has always been a free opensource running site.. ive gone thru invisonfree, joomla now and a few others, and i feel that it is one of the most succesfull sites around. atleast for me it is.. so keep a search out there for those OS items, cause there is a lot to gain from
  6. well it sucks to hear that you didnt get what ypou wanted, after reading the stuff you do or your qualifications well it seemes as if you would be a good person for a position like thta.. but all you have to do is continue to show those leadership skills, and justkeep shinning thru..
  7. garbage

    Stale Cigarettes

    unfortunately, Im not a smker,, so i have no advice on this, but, i know that the folks i know who smoke, well most of them have gotten into the roll your own smoke, and a few just carry a pipe now.. and some of the blends they have man they are sweet..
  8. As you stated on the back side as a solid, I have decided to use a solid color on it.. I might just keep it as white being the background, or possibly doing a blue from the front side, but maybe loering the opacity so that it is not so dark and still the font will be readble and clear.
  9. I think you will find it to be a really good site, glad yu looked over it, also i think the idea of you building a freelance site would be great, id love to join something up like that..
  10. try making the nav table a bit smaller
  11. They look good only suggestion is bring the glow down just a little bit.. but they still look great.
  12. it just looks like one of the content boxes size might be off and it looks like it might be the one on the banner area..check all widths and heigths, also it could be the table for the nav that might be throwing it off.
  13. ive already looked into the printing options and I went with this color scheme because it will be printied using process colors and not spot colors.. and most spot color printers can aonly do four and some can do a few more i think up to like 6 colors.. but as far as the hat logo from the text.. i looked at that as well but im pretty happy witht he result especially on a business card it will look good plus it gives it enough room for the thumb and therefore it passes the thumb test...
  14. you should really look into https://www.sitepoint.com/ its one of the best places to find work. as a freelance artist. Notice from jlhaslip: corrected url to 'sitepoint', reparing a perceived typo
  15. Well most of you do not know but im looking forward to begining my professional site. Im looking to just having a small content site with my contact info and just a portfolio of my designs. My current site ESTUDIO9 will still be around but it has evolved into something else, so this is why im begining a new site, so back to the main subject. I have been working on a few designs, and I wanted something that was my signature style. so i began drawing a few things and ive always worn a blue hat, my fav. so i decided to sketch up something. in that sort and then redrew in Illustrator. Then I just transfered the vector to photoshop and I began working with some vector brushes from Deviant art.. some good stuff i found.. So I began to work and decided i would start with a nice business card and then go from there.. so i decided to go with a vertical design with a two sided card the side im showing you is the front, the back side im not yet complete with it.. but i have my ideas for and the back side will carry all my information. but here is the preview at a large scale so you can see what it will look like..
  16. if you guys with more experience are looking to take on some small jobs but good paying stuff there is a site called https://www.sitepoint.com/, you need to register its free, and there is always people there looking for designers for custom logos, business cards, flyers websites.. and they pay good money.. I go there daily and see who needs what and I try to respond ans much as possible. They also do alot of design contest, but they are mainly the companys looking to find the best logo.. and for those of you looking to expand on your portfolios this isa great way to do so.. plus, you can also sell your custom designs thru them..
  17. I agree with that you judt need to let him learn his lesson and when the time comes for the I told you so, you better make sure and rubbit in his face ...and let him know I tild you so mofo...
  18. Id check out your local, Home and Lawn store, if your in the Us try like Home Depot, Ive seen that they offer some of both, gopher traps, and also some Gopher Kill bait.. and im sure that they eat the kill bait and just eventually die and stay under ground.. but id call someone who whould know about lawn care and that sort of issue or you can try calling a pset control company and see what they suggest,, but im sure they are just going to tell you they need to come out and do it..
  19. not a bad looking site, I really like th ebanner it is nice and attractive. the dark theme to the rest of the template is ok, the glow makes it stand out very nice.. So how do you plan on coding the site, are you just going to do some html or is this going to be a temp for a cms site..
  20. the scroll look is very nice. its differnt and makes it stand out.. but for some reason the bg behinf the scroll doesn show up for me it shows up a grayish box..
  21. thanks for those comments I and suggestions, I will see what i can do about the banner images.. and also about the links bar under neath the banner..quick edit.on the banner part I was actually thinking of making a banner that displayed icons of the resources that the site provides.. also im going to be purchasing a custom template from joomlajunkie soon. so maybe the new look and style will look more professional and appealing.. and im sure the banner will fit as well..
  22. Alright fellas it has been a few months now and Id like to say that im happy witht he final outcome of what my site is about and what its overall look is.. I have been working a bit hard here and there and trying to fill it up with good content..some which is stuff found here at the trap and others just from other folks and sites.. but either way id like an honest opinnion on your thoughts of my site, what ado you like what do you not like.. tell me some of the things youd like to see or any suggestions you might have.. Thanks.. site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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