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Everything posted by farsiscript

  1. Thanks.how can i find more info about google statics ?
  2. woooow what is that ?private camera ? oh my god , google in house iam in hang thanks dear Lyon2its url searching nice tec
  3. hiif you want use beautiful image gallery use ImageVue version 1.6its work with flash and xml with admin panel and more optionsthis script isnot free , and you must buy this scriptbut if you want install free script you can use 4image gallery its free and you can install in cpanel fantas...its good gallery with many file format (jpb , flash , gif , mov , mpg , mp3 , mpeg , and moare ......)but its not flash gallery .
  4. Hi all at this topic we want website template list like : its my Bookmarks share your site about web templates thanks all Notice from BuffaloHELP: When listing many URLs please use QUOTE tag
  5. I use notepad for develop php code and for html and css i use frontpage , but my friend tell me one software with name zend studio is very good to develop php source ?i look at http://www.zend.com/ and i find it but its not free . did you work with zend studio ? My friend Tell me : Last version of zend Studio : 5.2File size : 40MB Huh, if you used this software and if you like it tell me to payid for this software .thanks all
  6. Microsoft Bill Gates edition ? Linux Bill Gates edition ? Sun Bill Gates edition ? I dont have any idea for this subject but Its really fun are you sure mr Bill Gates use windows for os at office or home ? i think no ! but mr Bill Gates is really good man , but windows is popular operation system . for this problem windows has many bugs and virus did you think windows is open source format ?
  7. i have not any info about hardwarebut when i want buy cpu , i buy intel cpu . i think intel cpu is better i saw intel make dualcpu in one cpu its work faster and ontime for example config 2 cpu at one and they work parallel , for example add 2 , 4H CPU at one = 8MHZ its very new technologic it make cpus faster and high power is it true ?
  8. i hate megauploadtoday i upload logo for Xisto on megaupload , but mu dosenot show me and dont upload my image . i think this site use many javascript source and some browsers dont load Javascript ( like opera)but rapidshare service is better . i can see all javascripts at rapidshare and i can do anythink ( upload , download ) at rapidsharemegaupload skin is very nice but this skin make site to slow . and its very bad for this kind of site . this kind of site must be fast and have easy template like yahoo like msn .I deny Megaupload
  9. Put Your files at www folder ,www folder is shortcut at phublic_html , you can upload files with filemanager at cpanel or with ftp . or zip your file then upload with file manager then unziped at hostat cpanel you can add ftp account for subdomains and ....for use ftp i recommend to you Use flashfxp software its very easy ftp clint , you can download it form http://download.cnet.com/windows/ , but this software is not free .Ftp login :for url of site use this format :ftp.yoursite.comexample : ftp.myaccount.trap17.comusername : cpanel usernamepassword : cpanel passwordthis is master ftp account for your hostingand you can add many ftp account at ftp in cpanel
  10. i think one programs do that i think thats name is lock folder , 2 years ago i download it form http://download.cnet.com/windows/ website . but its not free software .this software allow to you put password on folders . when you want to view folder you must enter password .
  11. hi all this tutorial is about php get variable and url forwarding you can move variable in url with php with out html form make one page with this code : <?php$what = $_GET['what'];$Xisto = $_POST['Xisto'];echo "Your name is : " . "$what" . "and Your Trap username is : " . "$Xisto";?> save this file with name "name.php" then upload name.php at your hosting ,then turn your browser at this url : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ when page is displayed it show this text : Your name is : farsi and Your Trap username is : farsiscript With $_GET tag in php you can take variable form url when you write search engine for your site this script can help you to get variable form url for example do you see music web site ? music website has this part : A B C D E F G H I ................................................. Z if you click at one of alphabet it show you albums with alphabet name you can Get variable form url for example for musc web site name.php : <?php$alfa = $_GET['alfa'];echo "$alfa";?>then You must link A at your page to name.php with this action <a href="name.php?alfa=A">A</a> when visitors click at A in page name.php write A at page you can make Mysql Search engine I hope This tutorial Help you to get variable form url
  12. thanks dear AnGeL KiSSGood tutI use Flashfxp , at 2 years ago i used SmartFTP and i think SmartFTP is very hard but know i read your tutorial and i think SmartFTP is very easy .. thanks
  13. Hi i find this tutorials for you : http://codingforums.net/?showtopic=53 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I hope with this tutorials you can make one upload system ,
  14. what is Fantasy.Vhost.lt ?its advertisement post Your design is ver good but its load very slow , i think you use large and big image . i think if you use small image your site load better and faster .thanks!
  15. For Give Members1 - add your site at google or search engines2 - Join your friends3 - add your site at toplist websites4 - take/give banner exchange5 - make news for website and post hot news about your job ( like design , like sport , ....)6 - make invite system for your site ( like gmail)7 - tell users to invite 10 friends8 - make sig in forums with your site address9 - make send to friends system for your site to your visitors send your page to another 10 - after that you must active in your site ( forum , news , .....)thats all
  16. hi dear peo Thanks for your help (post) yes iam hosted in Xisto but for propagation i need counter out of my hosting some sponsors dont accept hosting counters i dont need counter for my hosting my friend want take sponsors to his site , i dont need counter . my friend website address is : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ thanks for you help
  17. i hate windows vista gui it take many part of ram and cpu source i have 256Mb ram How can i rum windows vista ! bill geates dont think we are dont have money !I like windows 95 GUI it very fastWindows vista gui have more effects like shadow and ... but in windows vista i think stand in office
  18. I know 50% of html but for more learing i find this result (resource) I hope we can learn html 100% with this resource : http://www.htmlgoodies.com/ http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/ http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.volition.com/htmlguid.html http://geotags.com/geo/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for more : https://www.google.com/search?q=html+resour=&start=20&sa=N
  19. use this code for redirect : <?phpheader('www.yoursite.com;;?>but its not a javascript , its php code if you can use this all browser and all people support this code Have good time
  20. i dont have information about ASP plz Write how to use this code
  21. hi i think phpmyadmin is nice script (3rdparti) to learn php and mysql , you can add database and then make tabel with rows and columns then you can customise (search , show rows , show columns , add rows , delete rows) tabel in phpmyadmin when you are customise phpmyadmin , this script show you php code . you can use this code for browse in database . for example : showing tabel : SELECT * FROM `tabelname` LIMIT 0 , 30 searching : SELECT `columns` FROM `tabel` LIMIT 0 , 30you can use with while loop showing Ascending: SELECT * FROM `tabelname` ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 0 , 30 Showing Descending : SELECT * FROM `tabelname` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0 , 30 write in tabel : mysql_query("INSERT INTO tabelname (columns1,columns2) VALUES ('Your text you want to put in columns1','Your text you want to put in columns2')");
  22. Yes Dear Spectre i use this code for show top rating : mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `member` ORDER BY `rate` DESC LIMIT 0 , 30'); thanks to You and an other friend i finding this code here and in phpmyadmin
  23. You can do that with change language , i did not work with phpnuke but you can open language and search Name, File Link, Author's Name, Author's Email, Filesize: and then replace with your idea for example Artist - Title, or perhaps , phpnuke has module for music box , you can install this module for upload and play music on your phpnuke website for more information phpnuke.org website and download music module and install on your sitei hope this text helping to you
  24. Hii design 6 logo for Xistoi know my logo is not beautiful but i love Xisto sorry my english is not very wellsend your comment if Xisto admin love this logos tell me i build more logo for Xisto thanks all
  25. i think if you want use image for Signatures in outlook you must send email in html format ,at outlook make email template in html format and then upload your image at your hosting and then in html source use image tag with image url ( on hosting )
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