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Everything posted by farsiscript

  1. Hi dear skter4938You can use "vb portal" or "vbindex" or "vb advanced" they are vbulletins portalfor more info search at google or go and search in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ can find many portal at vbulletin.org
  2. Hi all i write this code i want when you see download.php (this code) my file goes for download for user sorry my english is not very good its a file database project for my university but when i browse this code my soruce file (.zip) echo in my page and dont goes for download my next querstion about safe mode i saw (php.net and zend) when safemode is on file databaseing and header() is not working . is it true ? if is it true i save my file at hosting and no (database) i want write standard script . plz help me thanks more and more include("config.php");$kind = "id";$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM file WHERE $kind LIKE '$id'");while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)){$software=$r["software"];$how=$r["how"];$text=$r["text"];$subject=$r["subject"];$size=$r["size"];$type=$r["type"];$name=$r["name"];$cat=$r["cat"];$content=$r["content"];}header("Content-length: $size");header("Content-type: $type");header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$name.zip");echo $Content
  3. Hi dear snlildude87Yes your are right but i want make one blog script like wordpress and mt in some case ( monthly archive ) i can not find any way to write this part of blogthanks u plz share your idea for this part of blog script and database
  4. Hi alli have one querstion about Blog ScriptsHow blog Script make monthly archive ? so example wordpress or mt or .....i want make one blog script and i want to know how can make blog archivefor example monthly archive like this :Monthly ArchiveJune (1)March (2)September(14)its show monthly archive(and post count in month)thanks all
  5. sorry dear serverphi opeining post at other part of forumi miss this post so thanks about your help
  6. hi all My site is working with sql and know i want to view my site it show me : My sms Portal desont work : My mambo dosent work : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ My template system desent work : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ But when i look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ My Mysql server is up and thants problem ? thanks Oh , My Msql are not in my cpanel i can not view Mysql account at Site (Management Tools / MySQL Databases) what's problem
  7. thanks dear BuffaloHELPi want write sig maker ( random text , visit ip address and more ) how can i do that ?This is my questions for example do you have GD image soruce or tutorials ?i must user GD image ?thanks
  8. Hi alliam sorry posting here but i think here admins read my post i write some script like famp3 , fanewsletter , famail and ....and i submit my script at hotscriptsi want to know how can send my script in Fantastic at cpanelfor example phpbb it show in Fantastic or wordpress it show at Fantastic and users can install script by 1 click i want my script locate at Fantastic with cpanel ?cpanel admin or developers must add my script or server admin can add my script in Fantastic !thanks
  9. If you can see your site with proxy your site is up some times server has downtime ( trap server is 99% uptime ) for check your server status click at here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Some times some ISP filters the sites so many peoples can not view that site but if your isp block your site you can see your site with proxy ( phpproxy , cgiproxy) and .... if your site is filter you must change your domain name or browse your site by ip ISP filters the site by url for example when i type http://yahoo.com/ this string at my isp check and then my isp show me http://yahoo.com/ if http://yahoo.com/ is in filter database i can not view site
  10. Hi If You want Make install.php for your Script do this : at first make config.php file with this codes : <?php mysql_connect("localhost","Database Username","Database Password") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("Database Name") or die(mysql_error());?>and then For Create tables in your database paste this code in install.php file : include ("config.php"); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE news (id tinyint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,text text NOT NULL,sub text NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id)) TYPE=MyISAM; "); With this code You create news tables in your Database Tables news has 2 column ( Text and sub) if you want make more column look at this query : include ("config.php"); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE news (id tinyint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,text text NOT NULL,sub text NOT NULL,time text NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id)) TYPE=MyISAM; ");at this query we add new column (time) to tabel at end save install.php file and when you browse install.php in your browser your databse and tables are creat
  11. Hiyou can use google search form or you can use site directoryif you want show google result in your site put iframe at your site and config the google form to show result at iframe
  12. thanks imacul8 its my question too ,how can i make time for example convert year,month,day to asian format ro arabic caledndar ?
  13. Hi, Realy nice post you can find many free script at http://www.hotscripts.com/ http://www.popscript.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://www.phpnuke.org/ https://wordpress.org/ i write 3 free script free php newsletter : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ free contact mail: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ free music portal : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i hope you enjoy my script , if you had any comment about my script plz email to me . and dont post here , becuase i think its not about this topic thanks a lot
  14. i think at first read file with fopen or some function http://ir.php.net/manual/en/function.fopen.php then write in file with fwrite http://ir.php.net/manual/en/function.fwrite.php i think you can do that with fopen and fwrite thanks
  15. mail header with attachment is different , You can send many email with mail() so example : mail ("mail1@mail.com,mail2@mail.com,mail3@mail.com","Text subject" ,"body text"); i think if you want send attachment you must know file type and more if you dont find source for attach file you can paste file address in email body its easy , some users dont like open mail attachment but if you type some tip in body and then type url of file users download it better Sorry my en is not ver well
  16. Hi my first project is mp3 portal http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but i publish new project I complete this project (fanewsletter) this script is a mailing list system , you can send a html email (editor :HTMLArea) to your member for more info : You can find this script at http://www.hotscripts.com/category/scripts/php/scripts-programs/mailing-list-managers/ plz rate us and post your comment for any preview. Xisto member is prof in php so i need your comment for next version or my project (i want make good script) and users can help me so example member group for send an email ( users can selete group and admin for sending email select group ) thanks.
  17. hi alli write famp3 in hotscripts.i want continue next version of this script or an otherbut i have one questionHow do Scripts Select To be placed in fantastic ?cpanel search in scripts website and Select ?or cpanel choise top rate scripts ?some scripts is new and they are not popular !if my script take top rate or popular cpanel choise it for fantastic or not ?my next Question is fantastic 2 is true or not ?somewhere i heard fantastic 2 or hot fantastic !is it true ?thanks all
  18. thanks dears Spectre and Lyon2 and rvalkass and beeseven i think better way to change password in forget part of script is generate a random password . i think i can write this code $NewPass = RAND (1,100);$NewPass= Md5($NewPass); plz tell me my way to generate a new password is true ? thanks all
  19. hi alli write login and register system , my password is convert to md5 and then save in sql . but i want to write c password for this script !but i can not convert md5 password to text password for example my user register at my script but can not recover his password in forget password ap ,i search at php.net but i can not find any sample or function if you know about that plz help me to complete thi script, thanks all
  20. thanks dear BOAWso sorry iam late in posting because i had travelI learing php with looking at script code and tutorials i learn many thinks in Xisto forums . its really good programming forums .thanks
  21. no body loves my logos (why if you like one of them plz tell me . i want make 100 logos for Xisto site visitors can see logos :lol:if admin wants i can send psd to admin
  22. hi allif you are http://php.net/ admin ?if i http://php.net/ admin i try to make flash php tutorials and make good manual with examplesome functions in php manual doesnt have examplei try to complete that examples .then make one forum for developers and make nice websitei hate php.net skin , make one search engine for functions and examplesopen club for sources Show top books about phpadd officer to manage website (news, tutorials , forum ,and more ...)but i am not php.net admin how about you if you are admin ?
  23. nice tut 5 method greati think method 2 and 5 is better
  24. thanks dear biscuitratyes Sitemeter is popular counter service , i think Sitemeter is better than webstats4u.com but if you know free counter service tell me , thankx
  25. i can not use google talk when i try to login with my google account after 30 Sec tell me connection failed i try with an other isp but i can not login what is problem , if i must change config tell me to do that !i have low speed internet connection but at first time i login at my google talk but now i can not plz help me and post your comment aboyt my problem .! thanks
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