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Everything posted by farsiscript

  1. farsiscript


    Dear AlternativeNick do you want make channel in irc on your site ? orYou want make irc script library at your site ?
  2. oh my god 38 page its really Popular Topic , i think 70% Xisto posting here and browser i use opera and firefox and ie my usage is : 70% operan version 10 - 20 % IE version 6 - 10% firefox I think opera is good browser but this browser has problem with <div> and tabels i can not view some site in opera for this problem . its very bad . but opera has many options like voice , mail , bookmart , notes , history , links , transfer i think opera skins is very nice , did you see this skin : meguiddo 1.4 version for opera ? for download this skin visit http://www.opera.com/o/news-portal i like this skin IE and some browser dosent support skin type , I use Ie when i have problem with <div> in opera . What is this problem details , i am designer i want to know how to make one site with <div> with out this problem
  3. oh, i think vb is better , vb has easy manager for skin and template but for edit ipb skin you must know css file ! its very hard VB Licence is 80$ for one year and 160$ for unlimit year :rolleyes:its very high ! but i think vb has very bad portal like vbindex or vbportal or vbadvancet i hate vb portal ,when you installing ipb it has portal and installed
  4. 1024 X 768TFT LCD32bit Colormy laptop doesnt show high Resolution My laptop is A2 Asus ! with 32MB VGA i dont know ASUS laptop websitei want upgrade my driver , plz if you know source of asus laptop website tell me thanks
  5. i think you can not open port in linux hosting ! if you want transfer data with form to url use this : http://forums.xisto.com/ numport like cpanel : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ site.com:2082
  6. thanks dear Dragonfly and MaineFishing45 i know cpanel has many skin , i use green skin in Xisto hosting , its very nice , but i want make special skin for Xisto . ! Its not Wasting my time becuase Xisto take me hosting and then i give A number in my exam for my site if you think better i design logo for Xisto tell me i love Xisto becuase i learn many php code in this forum and find many good friends Thanks all
  7. hi allI want create counter for my site but i dont know what counter system is better ?http://www.sitemeter.com/ ---- > it show me More resultor http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ---> its easysome counter system make site slow ( Javascript code dont run or hard run )if you know url of free website counter plz paste here and then tell me why this site is better ?thanks
  8. Hi alliam so sorry i posting here but i dont know where can i posting ( in php forum or graphic forum ) ?i want make tempalte for cpanel for example i want create Cpanel Skin But i dont know where can i find result or more info about cpanel and variables !or i want to know how can i test cpanel , i dont have server or cpanel Licence !Can i install cpanel at local host ? ( i think know )My next question is :Cpanel is a 3rdParti or not ?some scripts like phpmyadmin are 3rdparti ?I want make one special skin for Xisto membersplz help me ,
  9. hi alli can not view my site http://www.fascript.com/ it show me blank pageand i can not login to cpanelwhen i browse http://www.fascript.com/ cpanel i can not view anythinkplz help us . thx
  10. i thanks for your help my code is : <?phpinclude "class/config.php";$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `member` ORDER BY `rate` DESC LIMIT 0 , 30');while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)){$userid=$r["userid"];$rate=$r["rate"];echo " $userid : $rate <br> ";}?>I want show top rate user rates are save in rate column But when my user rate are 1000 my code dosent show at top plz help me thanks
  11. thanks dear Spectrei have one problem i need sort database in ascendant formatfor example my table has many row and i want show big value in rowfor example 2 : like rankingshow and sorting big ranks on top of page i dont know how can i show this search resultplz help methanks
  12. Hi all I need php script to read file like this : file.txt : farsi1 farsi2 farsi3 farsi4 farsi5 farsi6 farsi7 and then put one line at 1 row sql i know i can read all data in file by this code : $fd = fopen ($urladd, "r");while (!feof ($fd)) {$sou = fgets($fd, 4096);}fclose ($fd);But this code read all file and put in $sou string after while is finish $sou is null I Dont Want $sou string is null i want save $sou at Sql i want line by line can input in another row to sql thanks sorry my en is not very good
  13. Hi all how can i bank my Credit ? i search at https://support.xisto.com/ but i can not find any result my 2nd question is : what is https://support.xisto.com/ ? how can i use it ? thanks all
  14. What is winrar website url ?always i download winrar at download.com but never i can find winrar websiteplz tell me what is winrar website ?thanks
  15. Hi alli need software to lock my folderi need to protect my folder .this software must have password for password this software must have small size for transfer . some softwares convert the folder to file and for open file you must enter password !do you know this software ?where can i download it ?
  16. You can shoutdown with remote desktopat first login with remote desktop at pc then at start menu you can find Taskmanager then click at security options ,at taskmanager go at shoutdown menu then you can turn off pc with remote .after click at turn off your remote connection was disconnect
  17. hi all, good job i write this script at hotscript :: http://www.hotscripts.com/category/scripts/php/scripts-programs/email-systems/email-utilities/ * thi script has 4 file : config.php : <?php$email="admin@fascript.com"; // Type Your email address here$thxemial="Thank Your for Sending Email to Us";//Your thanks Note?> mail.php: <?phpinclude ("config.php"); $sub = $_POST['sub'];$text = $_POST['text'];$memail = $_POST['memail'];mail($email, $sub, $text ,"From: $memail \nReply-To: $memail"); mail($memail, $sub, $thxemial,"From: $email \nReply-To: $email"); ?> Send.htm <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><title>Your Email Address</title></head><body><form method="POST" name="mail" action="mail.php"> <p><font face="Verdana" style="font-size: 8pt">Your Email Address </font></p> <p><input type="text" name="memail" size="20"></p> <p><font face="Verdana"><span style="font-size: 8pt">Your Mail Subject</span></font></p> <p><input type="text" name="sub" size="20"></p> <p><font face="Verdana" style="font-size: 8pt">Your Mail Body</font></p> <p><textarea rows="2" name="text" cols="20"></textarea></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Send Email" name="Submit"></p></form></body></html> Readme and install : install :: 1 - open config.php by notepad and wirte your email address at line 2 2 - write your thanks note at line 4 3 - Save config.php and close 4 - Make one form by this code :: <form method="POST" name="mail" action="mail.php"> <p><font face="Verdana" style="font-size: 8pt">Your Email Address </font></p> <p><input type="text" name="memail" size="20"></p> <p><font face="Verdana"><span style="font-size: 8pt">Your Mail Subject</span></font></p> <p><input type="text" name="sub" size="20"></p> <p><font face="Verdana" style="font-size: 8pt">Your Mail Body</font></p> <p><textarea rows="2" name="text" cols="20"></textarea></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Send Email" name="Submit"></p> </form> 5 - and enjoy it Copyright :: http://www.fascript.com/ You can find next version of this script at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ if you have question about this script you can send email I Hope Xisto Members enjoy this script
  18. At first take host form Xisto.comand then make one site with one cms like mambo , phpnuke or .... you can find many script at http://www.hotscripts.com/ it's really bad question . if you want make one site for your job take tour with host provider
  19. good job ,its really nice script its link category or web directory ?i have one question : can i buy this script and make one search engine ?
  20. Cpanel is not slowyour connection is slow , cpanel has ssl , ssl make site slow but secure , if you look at address bar you can find one yellow lock at address bar or status bar
  21. 1 - first register at google and search engine2 - send invite to members to join 2 friend3 - make tutorial or serivce for members4 - make firendly forum5 - search in google and find topsite script then register your site at topsites6 - take free email or free pages to members7 - try to make services for webmasters like counter or poll8 - select your active member and talk about your site with them9 - make softwares like ( wallpapers , mobile ring , or .... )10 - post news befor bbc
  22. no body loves me i find this code for get html page soruce and save in sql : <?php$fd = fopen ("http://http://ww38.yoursite.com/index.htm&%2334;, "r");while (!feof ($fd)) { $buffer = fgets($fd, 4096); echo $buffer;}fclose ($fd);?>you can use this code to get page source , i write this code for sale template script you can send $buffer to sql or print at page or ....
  23. oh, i never see this message at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, i click at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, and see folders and file like : chat.PNG disconnect_5.html and more ...! i think your ISP must reset cashe try to view http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ with proxy server ISP reset cashes at 24H
  24. hi , i think you can find many result here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  25. hi i search with google and i find this code : function mkcookie($cookiename,$cookievalue,$cookietime){setcookie( "membership", "farsiscript");echo $_COOKIE["membership"];echo $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["membership"]; }but my problem is : i can not check cookie in test.php file , i use this code : <?phpif (isset($_COOKIE['membership'])) { echo"in"; exit; } else {echo" out"; exit; }?>what code i must use to check my cookie ? thanks , i need your help
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