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Everything posted by farsiscript

  1. Hi Dear quakesandI think Yes ,you can bind all domain to your hostingif your domain is free ( in domain panel you can forward domain to your hosting) if high Level Domain like (http://ww38.yoursite.com/ , you must change dns name ) and part your domain in your cpanel in your hosting (Xisto)Have good time
  2. Hi Dears i wankt make one php photo blogi need Calendar soruce . i search at google but i can not find really nice and free Calendar sample . if you have good Calendar sample plz post hereNext question : Are you like Calendar in your photo blog ?its really shoud in photoblog script or not ?i never see members use Calendar Calendar obj is important for one script or not ? Thanks Dear's
  3. Happy Birthday Dear Nigai! Here to You Have good Time , its very nice trap members make topic for Birthdaes
  4. Hi Dearsi want learn Ajax , i know PHP and mysql , i want include ajax interface into my php projects . but i can not find tutorial about ajax in pixel2life.com or google.i need good tut about begin ajax and how its work and more samples to useif you have good link about ajax plz post here And if you about ajax software kit plz post here thanks
  5. Dear jlhaslipPhpproxy its a php script and its do it like 3dpartysome isp filters some sites (url) with this script you can view sites , just put the web url and click . it show to you that site you can download form http://www.phpproxy.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t and search at googlewe have many script proxy like cgiproxy and phpproxy and fastproxy and .....but it use server b/w Dear tehyev Search At google.com . you can find many site with phpproxy and use itthis kind script dont save server b/w . and for browse the site goes to slow
  6. dear elrohir You must Use GD Fucn i agree mr shadowx , yes you can find info at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or search gd at php.net wbesite
  7. Hi Dear CrazyRobSorry i forgget the read me , some websites on some servers can login in . my question is why some sites in some servers can login and some's are notis it cpanel config ? ( my cpanel config (can i change it )) or its admin config ?i want to know , i know Read me dear CrazyRob thanks all for any replay
  8. Hi all i want to know we can login to cpanel by use this address : http://forums.xisto.com/cpanel and use (own username and password ) or we must use own domain name for login to cpanel and ftp thanks to all
  9. Hi Dear shadowxYes i use phpmyadmin , but i get export form database and i want import in to large database , but in phpmyadmin export page . we have 3 options (instert , update , Replace )i Read your note (i know i must use insert ) but if you have more info about this 3 Options please post hereReally thanks , your post is very nice
  10. Dear MaineFishing45 you can find your site ip with ping site url in cmd for this job type cmd in run in start menu and then type in cmd ping http://ww38.yoursite.com/ this code return to you ip address if your site in gama server , gama server ip address is have good time
  11. Dear chiclete i think your isp has problem check your ftp with an other isp some times isp cashe dont able us to login at ftp or cpanel at first check your account http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and then change your isp have good time
  12. Hi alli think Yahoo ! is popular message client :)becuase its work fast and easy , but gmail is working very hard and msn is not good message client ( for options) i think yahoo goes at top
  13. Dear gikid i love md5 too but md5 is not very secure , i think now all hackers can recode md5 , and its not good ( for designers you can make custom md5 and save in databasefor example vb (forum) save custom md5 password bind real password and real day signup and then md5 this stringhave good day
  14. nice code dear kvarnerexpressi need more info about 2 functions : amfrencrypt() and amfrdecrypt() i look at in php.net but i can understand this functions if you have tutorial or one good soruce like your soruce plz post here thanks all
  15. Dear rvalkasswhich one is better login form pop menu ( .htaccess ) or database ?i know in datbase we can use password in many format like (md5) and .... but i want to know which login is be in safe ?
  16. Hi Dears i have one question about mysql and table how can merge 2 table in mysql for example i have 2 table with this fields table 1 : Tabel 2 : In table 2 i have many (1200) records and row but in table 1 i have 200 row i want bind this 2 table and make one tabel with (1400) row , how can do this ? with command ? with script or with phpmyadmin ? thanks all
  17. Hi dear the_aggie10 install forntpage software and make your homepage design and save at index.html or index.htm and upload this file to www folder , when you see http://ww38.yoursite.com/ , your host show index.html or index.htm file
  18. Hi Dear the_aggie10 try to send email form your webbase account for example http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ by go at this url you can read and send emails form web base mail account or you can login at cpanel and read your mails or s end your emails
  19. Hi i agree Mr michaelper22 Yes i use https://sourceforge.net/projects/audacity/ and its very nice and good software for convert audio file
  20. Dear serverph and Plenoptic and -bLiNd- i see http://www.wincustomize.com/explore but this site use desktopx software and this software is not free i download many template form this site but i can not import this skin into windows but thanks for your help
  21. Hi Dear ProtoManYou must redirect Your dot.tk domain at your Xisto subdomain websiteif you pay for dot.tk domain you can park domain at Xisto hosting
  22. Hi alli tarid windows xp , and i want make one new skin for windows xp . i search at google and i find some software for windows skin . but i want to know how can make own skin for windows ?all skin in " skin software " are not free How can do that (make own skin ) ? or find free software ?thanks all
  23. hi , i Agree squeaky , xisto.com helpdesk is very good script , we use it . its very fast and show all servers info !why remove helpdesk ? what is that script name ! its really nice helpdesk script . we are use fast i hope admin return helpdeskthanks
  24. Hi Dear jlhaslip nice help ,what is this text "Format="TEXT/CSV" S-Label-Fields="TRUE" --> " ?if we have 3~n inputbox we must use javascript to overwrite name in hidden text input ?for example we compile form with echo in form.php or form.htmecho "form details with inputs "we must receive all input name in hidden input box ?thanks dear
  25. dear itssami You can find many php tutorial at http://www.pixel2life.com/ You must search at membership tutorial at php base like this : http://www.pixel2life.com/tutorials/count/membership_2_0/ have good time
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