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Posts posted by no9t9

  1. if you want a quiet computer the best thing to get is a LAPTOP. They make almost no noise (the good ones anyway). I am using an IBM laptop and even when the fan comes on, it is hardly noticeable.if you already have a desktop and looking to make it more quiet. The best thing is to get a new power supply because the fan makes a lot of noise. I believe there are already some suggestions about this. Look for power supplies with ball bearing fans. Runs smoother.

  2. $path = explode('/', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

    all you need is the above code. It is pretty simple.
    It will break down your URL into pieces using the "/" (Slash) as the divider.

    using your url as an example http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    You will get an array with elements
    [0] => http:
    [1] => blah.trap17.com
    [2] => blah
    [3] => blah1.php

    Using this method, you will realize that your filename will be the last element in the array no matter what your URL looks like. Note: unless you are using query strings. since the filename will always reside in the last element in the array, the filename is always under: $path[count($path)-1]

    using count($path)-1 ensures that even if your referring URL is under any number of directories, you will be able to identify the filename.

    I am not sure if you are familiar with arrays. If not, then just ignore the explanation and put the following code in your script

    $path = explode('/', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);$filename=$path[count($path)-1];

    $filename will hold the filename you are looking for.

  3. ok. i thought it was clear that my post is actually ON topic. I guess I'll spell it out. Question: How to raise rep?Answer: Don't say anything controversial and be a nice guy no matter what.Nils, if this is still off topic... feel free to give me negative rep.

  4. how many of you who say yahoo search sucks actually have used it lately? I would agree 1 year ago, yahoo search sucked balls compared to google. But, now is a different story. Google has become so popular that everyone tries to optimize for google. How many times have you searched for something in Google and came up with a page that was merely a directory of recycled search results? I don't know about you, but this happens WAY too often to me. Maybe you are unable to recognize directory sites and scraper sites... I don't know. But, Yahoo's results are much more accurate and have fewer crap sites at the top.I'll admit that whenever I search for something on the web, I still goto google first. But that's only because I've gotten used to it (plus I have the toolbar installed). The result of going to google? probably 25% of the time I get crap results. I end up going to yahoo.In terms of email though, I do prefer gmail because the interface is better and faster (simple). I think google search is going downhill. They have 2 things that are tops right now, and that's their email service and Adsense. But, yahoo is also coming out with their own version of adsense (publisher.yahoo.com).I find yahoo is winning because it is FULL SERVICE. It has RSS feeds, stock quotes, email, search engine, movies, yahoo groups, and much more. Google technically only has search, since their email, and groups are still in beta.

  5. Notice from NilsC:
    Stay on topic or you will get a warning. Watch the language, the filter does not abolish you from receiving a warning for bad language
    ya. many people here are always pretend to be goody two shoes. say something different and you are automatically an *BLEEP*, stupid, and generally of lower class.Please realize that this forum is not a place for intellectual conversations. If you are looking for that, it will be very one sided. People here prefer to talk about computer games, and making useless polls.Also, keep in mind that many of the people here are kids. Probably half the people here are under 18 and those that are older than 18 are not that much older either. Most of the "older" people here are still in university.so, knowing this...you can either join them in their mindless banter or post a more controversial opinion. If you post the opposite of what people "want" to hear, then you can get your post count up because people will try to argue with you. Just don't expect those responses to be very intelligent.

  6. your url does not have the ?load=whatever.html part. This means that the include($load); command is loading nothing which will give you an error. You need to load something.change the line <?php include($load); ?> to<?php if ($load!="") include($load); ?>this new line will basically only load content IF you have specified it in the URL. If there is no ?load=whatever.html, you will simply get a nothing in the content area.if you want you can add HTML code there instead of leaving it blank.<?php if($load!="") include($load);else { ?><YOUR OWN HTML CODE><?php } ?>With the above code, if $load is not specified in the URL, it will display <YOUR OWN HTML CODE>adding one more thing,<?php if($load!="" && file_exists($load)) include($load);else { ?><YOUR OWN HTML CODE><?php } ?>this checks that $load is specified in the URL and also checks to see if what you specified exists. If not, it displays <YOUR OWN HTML CODE>

  7. LOL. the case WAS important for everyone BECAUSE there was the possibility that it COULD set a precedence. If you read the rest of my post, you will see that I say the supreme court made the right decision and in the end NOTHING CHANGED besides the issue getting more media exposure. How can you say there is no big question? Obviously AFTER THE FACT, it is easy to say. But, I am explaining WHY it was in the news and WHY it is a big deal.

  8. the way i understood your request was that you are trying to use one page something like a template and load the content into an iframe. Except that you don't want to use iframes but instead you want to use the php include function.


    so, what I told you to do is exactly that.


    basically if you use URLs with variables like this


    you can get the same effect.


    in your index.php file you create the template for your site. basically everything that doesn't change on your site, like navigation, backgorund, etc. then you create your content (the stuff that would go in an iframe) in a file called contentpage.html (or whatever you want).


    the structure of the index.php file will look something like this.


    <banner HTML Code>

    <Navigation HTML Code>

    <?php include($load); ?>

    <footer HTML Code>


    now when you want to change the content, you simply change the $load variable.


    so for example if in your navigation you want to link to a CONTACT page, you would use :

    <a href="http://ww38.yoursite.com/index.php?load=contact.html">Contact</a>


    this will not change any of your banner, navigation, footer HTML but will update the CONTENT area with your contact page.


    BTW, using javascript for loading page content is not a good idea because some people disable javascript and if they do, your page will be completely useless.

    PHP is the way to go.

  9. the big question is not how she got in that state. The big question is how to deal with people in similar situations. The reason why this case is so important is because it could set precedence from a legal standpoint.The are a few fundamental issues here. First, is that if you allow her husband to "let her die", is he committing a crime? By the letter of the law, correct me if I'm wrong, manslaughter is the killing of a person without malice. Murder is killing WITH malice.Second, if one is allowed to perform "mercy killings"... where will it stop? there are people who would like to take their own lives because they lost their job, or their wives, children, whatever the reason. If you allow the right to die, does that mean these people will be allowed to? They are suffering. If they choose to die, should they be allowed? I believe, currently... it is illegal to commit suicide. The right to die would change this law.I believe that the supreme court did the right thing. They stayed out of the case, instead of ordering the feeding tube be put back in. I believe this is the right decision for this case. By staying out of the case, the supreme court essentially made the decision to allow her to die without actually coming out and saying they supported it. In this case, I believe that the victim was suffering for the past 15 years and it was the humane thing to do.I believe that euthanasia should be considered on a case by case basis. I know this is subjective, but this is exactly why law makers are having such a hard time with this subject.

  10. the include FUNCTION is not an HTML tag and cannot be changed once it is downloaded by the browser. This is because the include function is a SERVER SIDE script meaning it is run by the server and replaced with whatever file you put in the include function. That include function is replaced and the browser (user) never sees the code.

    The only way to change the file included in the function is to load another page. You can do this with URL variables.

    example: http://ww38.yoursite.com/index.php?load=page1.html

    in your index.php file you have the code: <?php include($load); "> This will load whatever page you put after the load= in your url. So when you create a link, just use the above url and it will update.

  11. no edit button...you might have to add the directory in front of the $temp variable for your include statement.include ("shoutbox_v1.2/".$temp);this depends on where you call this script. IF it is within the shoutbox_v1.2 directory, you don't need it. If it is in the root (which your original post suggests), you will need it.

  12. $dh = opendir("shoutbox_v1.2");while ($temp=readdir($dh)) { if ($temp!="." && $temp!="..") { include($temp); }}this will include all files in your "shoutbox_v1.2" directory. IF you want to skip certain files, just add them in the IF condition. Right now, the if condition skips "." and ".." because those are not files.You also might want to add $temp!=".htaccess" as well...you can also exclude (or include) files using string functions like eregi and strstr. For example, if you only want to include .php files you only need 1 condition in the if statement. example: if (eregi("\.php",$temp)) will only include php files from the directory "shoutbox_v1.2" another example: if (eregi("\.php",$temp) || eregi("\.html",$temp)) will include all .php files and .html filesanyway, modify the if condition to do what you want it to.

  13. is ebookers.com your site? if you have a copy of the website, then you simply need to create a subdomain called "ebookers".Do this through cpanel by clicking subdomains after you login and just fill in the information (very simple). Cpanel will do all the work for you. If your domain is mysite.com then the subdomain you have just created will be accessible using "ebookers.mysite.com".Next use FTP to log into your account. You will find a new directory called ebookers. Upload the copy of your ebookers.com website into this directory. Now, when you goto your browser and type in ebookers.mysite.com, you will be taken to the website you just uploaded.I hope you own ebookers.com because it would not be a good idea to steal an entire website and try to make it your own.

  14. is your card maxed out so that you can't put even $10 more dollars on there? You know that you can transfer money to a credit card at anytime. If you've got the $10 bux now (that you were gonna give your brother), you can simply put it on the credit card. Then you can buy it yourself.I don't really see the problem. unless you are a compulsive buyer and max your credit cards all the time. then, maybe you should stop using credit cards all together.

  15. probably one of the most popular right now is Initial D. What I take issue with is the hordes of little kids that now think an 86 Corolla is the best damn car in the world and that it can beat EVO's and STi's. People are actually getting good prices for 20 year old cars though. Who would have thought my friend's 88 corolla would have sold for 4k?? My oh my... kids are stupid.

  16. again. that is overboard!! twin turbo 5 liter will eat more gas than a 5.0L with no forced induction. Seriously, a twin turbo 5.0L isn't even a street car anymore. With that kinda setup, you should be getting atleast 600hp. This is basically a super car. Don't get me wrong. Power is nice. But so is having money in my pocket. I can't be filling up after every red light!

  17. 4 cylinder!! I can't afford to pay for the freaking gas. I honestly don't like 8 cylinder engines. Too overboard. Don't even talk about the retarded 10 cylinder engines.I much prefer turbos rather than big engines. A turbo car can be a decent daily driver. You can adjust the compression on the turbo for track days and regular daily driving. Much more flexible. With a huge engine and a displacement of like 5.0L, it just uses way to much gas. And, you can't "tune it down" like on a turbo for regular driving.Plus, big engines add a lot of excess weight to the car. This again, screws up your gas mileage. And it's not like the stang is that fast anyway. They are in general pretty slow until you get up to the stang cobra (and obivously saleen)

  18. CPM for small sites is useless. You will not be able to make enough money to get a payout. The current rates for CPM ads are as little as 0.15 (mentioned in an earlier post). With traffic of only 3000 a month, you are looking at 0.45 a month. Even with a payout of $20 (this is low, most payout at $25 or $50), it will take over 3 years just to make $20. Definately not worth it.The best CPM ads are pop unders, basically the annoying ads. These will pay like $2-$3 but they usually only allow you to show 1 or 2 per visitor. This means you need at least 1500 uniques a month to get the same 3000 views. This does not inlcude people who block pop ups or have javascript disabled. So, even with this $2-$3 CPM, you will only make $6-$9 a month taking about 3-4 months to get a payout.If you have that many visitors (1500 a month), PPC (Adsense) is the way to go. Typical CTR for adsense is probably around 3%. 3000 views and 3% CTR means 90 clicks. At an average of about 0.15 per click you are making $13.50 a month. Beats CPM anyday. Some people report average earnings per click above $1. So it depends on your website subject. If you got EPC of $1, your 90 clicks suddenly becomes $90.You can also think about using both CPM and PPC advertising. But, for small sites, CPM just isn't worth the hassle. And with less ads, your visitors will be more happy anyway.

  19. i don't think it is that convenient to use gmail as hard drive anyway. I am quite certain that they limit the upload speeds. I max out my DSL connection (about 330k/s) but my upload is nowhere near my maximum (my max is 100k/s).Also, they have limited the attachments to 10mb only. But, I think you can get around this if you have an email provider (like your own domain email) that allows unlimited attachments. Use that email to send to gmail. Gmail allows messages RECIEVED to be more than 10mb.What I usually save on Gmail is stuff like passwords (encrypted though), and other stuff that I don't want to back up. So, if my computer goes down, I will have my stuff accessible.

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