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Posts posted by no9t9

  1. the reason it is doing this is not because you are using the PHP include. You probably have "CENTER" defined in your style sheets or tables somewhere. I am pretty sure because "center" is not the default. alignment left is the default.You can check your CSS file or your html pages for the "center" definition. You can just use a text editor and search for "center".One way to "fix" this is to put this around your include statement<p style="text-align:left"><?php include("page.html") ?></p>but this will not always work because if you have any </p> in your page.html, it will default back to center

  2. it works for me. I only included the Internet Explorer code for the picture part. Did you copy it correctly? Also, the code only displays one picture. there are more modifications needed in order to get more pictures.seriously, if you know absolutely nothing about javascript it will be very hard to provide you with exactly what you need. I think you should learn so you can modify it to suit your needs. Otherwise, you will always be back with changes.

  3. i also bought from yahoo and it was really quick as well. Once it was activated (when I could change nameservers), it was only a few minutes before I was able to access the site.Also, I prefer add-on domains rather than parked domains. They look the same on the surface but parked domains are actually redirects. If you want to host more than one site on your account you can't use parked domains. Parked domains are for people who buy all the variations of their site name and redirect it to one site. Example: site.com, site.org, site.net can all be parked and will be redirected to the correct website (although it will still show different addresses in the browser). Add-on domains on the other hand, are good for multiple sites on the same webspace. It creates a sub directory and associates that subdirectory with your domain. I prefer this method.

  4. you can make a php script to change all the file permissions. It is pretty easy, you just have to cycle through every file in a directory and use the chmod command. See http://us3.php.net/chmod/ for details on the codes for chmod.

    $dh = opendir($path);
    while ($temp = readdir($dh)) {
    if ($temp!='.' && $temp!='..' && $temp!='.htaccess')

    you can even make a php page that has a form so you can enter the directory name via a text input field. But, that might be a security risk though...

  5. actually I am mistaken as well. It is not URL masking but called PATH FORWARDING. This is where even subdirectories are cloaked in addition to the root.

    Example: yoursite.url.com/ shows up and also yoursite.url.com/images/ shows up in the browser address bar.

    I believe http://www.freedomain.pro/ has this service for free with no ads.

    so your site will be yourname.co.nr

  6. well first, to make it hidden you just switch the numbers on the height value. where you see 100px change it to 1px and where you see 1px change it to 100px. It's really easy. Do you have any idea how to program Javascript? You should learn if you are going to be developing webpages. That way you can edit code that you find to make it suitable for your needs.

    As for loading the images after clicking the button, the logic is in the first example I made. You have to use the innerHTML property. the innerHTML property physically alters the HTML dynamically. In this case, I would change the contents of the box with the innerHTML property to <img src="picture.jpg"> that would load the image.

    <script>function expand(divID) {var layer="document.all", style=".style";if (document.all) layer="document.all";else if (document.layers) { layer="document.layers"; style=""; }else layer="dom";if (layer=="dom") {if (document.getElementById(divID).style.height!="100px")document.getElementById(divID).style.height="100px";else document.getElementById(divID).style.height="1px"; }else {if (eval(layer+"[divID]"+style).height!="100px") {eval(layer+"[divID]"+style).height="100px";eval(layer+"[divID]").innerHTML="<img src='picture.jpg'>Your description"; }  //added this lineelseeval(layer+"[divID]"+style).height="1px"; } }</script><a href=# onclick="expand('box1');">expand/collapse</a><div id="box1" style="height:1px;border:1px solid #000000;overflow:auto">Your description 1.</div><a href=# onclick="expand('box2');">expand/collapse</a><div id="box2" style="height:1px;border:1px solid #000000;overflow:auto">Your description 2.</div>

  7. Well, easy, easy code, but I know I have forgot something. what?

    In the same folder, I have "contentpage.html". Trying to load index.php?load=contentpage.html don't work.

    Hehe as I said, I don't know anything about php, just trying it now :)


    the code looks right to me. what is your website and what is the problem? any error messages? is your file named index.php? are there other index files in the same directory? delete index.htm or index.html because they will get loaded before index.php (or you can rename them). Post your site so it will be easier to diagnose the problem.

  8. PHP is the way to go. I have never seen the code for the army system but I am 100% sure that is is driven by a database. The game is just a big database which keeps track of all the players stats. Then you create a bunch of forms so users can input what they want to do. Next, there are some rules which the game follows (like turns every 30 mins). I know it is a little bit more complicated than that but, it is the basics. It would probably be easy to create one. But it would take a lot of time.

  9. URL cloaking is really cheap. Most of the time, they create a framed page (which is why it only shows the top URL and no sub pages). The frame is setup to be like 1pixel and no scroll bars or borders so you can't see it. If you can, use one of those URL Masking services. They are better because they will actually redirect all the sub pages as well. That way people can bookmark specific pages, etc.

  10. Rape isn't good no matter the age. But it is just more disturbing to people when the victim is young. This is because most people feel that the young child/person has thier innocence stolen from them.One point to consider is that rape is not necessarily black and white. Statutory rape (according to the law) occurs when an adult has sex with a minor (under 18). But is this rape? So, if a 16 year old says yes you are still not allowed to do it if you are 18 and older. But how many 18 year olds are having sex with 16 year olds? Lots.Anyway, a rapist (especially a child rapist/molester) usually gets what they deserve. Many times, the child molester is killed in jail. Honour among theives I guess. So, many child molesters acutally ask for solitary confinement. Even then, they sometimes get killed.

  11. I don't know what microsoft is doing but I think that windows long horn will be another hit. How can microsoft lose with its current customer base? Also with the deals at Dell, IBM, HP, etc. how can they not make money? When you say that windows longhorn won't let you run potentially dangerous software, I'm assuming there will probably be a setting for ADVANCED users and NORMAL users. I highly doubt that microsoft would make an OS that doesn't give Administrators the option of installing certain programs.

  12. I think the most fascinating country is Thailand. Atleast I think so. I have never been to Thailand, but there are so many different exotic places in that area it is unreal. Scuba diving in Thailand is supposed to be one of the most spectacular in the world. And then there are the exotic jungles and wildlife. Not to mention, Thailand probably has some of the best beaches and tropical type islands in the world. All of this in one place. That just amazes me.

  13. the problem is that there are so many people here who can speak different languages. How do you accomodate them all? I would say that with english, atleast most people here know some. If you were to speak russian, I would not know any russian words (except maybe "yes").I know it is probably hard for some people who's first language is not english, but that's life. In fact, my english is my second language as well, so I know where you are coming from.

  14. i get a lot of those emails. Personally, I don't see why people would fall for this kind of thing. There are so many signs that point to phishing. They don't just do it for paypal, they do the same thing for ebay, banks, and other things that most people have an account for.It's really simple to see the warning signs. A company will NEVER ask you to submit confidential information through email. And, if you see numbers instead of a web address, it is usually fake. Always type into your browser any address for you bank, paypal etc.

  15. Forgot the code tags. Oh well, no edit button.Also want to note that it should work for all popular browsers like firefox, IE, netscape, opera. but i didn't test the code.just copy it and save it as an html and run it in your browser to see the results.

  16. how about this script. I think this is closer to what you want.Basically, you can create as many boxes as you like and put the descriptions in the boxes (DIV tags). <script>function expand(divID) {var layer="document.all", style=".style";if (document.all) layer="document.all";else if (document.layers) { layer="document.layers"; style=""; }else layer="dom";if (layer=="dom") { if (document.getElementById(divID).style.height!="1px") document.getElementById(divID).style.height="1px"; else document.getElementById(divID).style.height="100px"; }else { if (eval(layer+"[divID]"+style).height!="1px") eval(layer+"[divID]"+style).height="1px"; else eval(layer+"[divID]"+style).height="100px"; } }</script><a href=# onclick="expand('box1');">expand/collapse</a><div id="box1" style="height:100px;border:1px solid #000000;overflow:auto">Your description 1.</div><a href=# onclick="expand('box2');">expand/collapse</a><div id="box2" style="height:100px;border:1px solid #000000;overflow:auto">Your description 2.</div>I put expand/collapse there but you can make it look better by putting an up/down image there instead. You can also change the image to up or down depending on whether the box is expanded or collapsed.

  17. if i understand correctly, you are trying to offer more information in something like an information box when the user clicks the link.

    you can do this in many different ways.

    Javascript method.

    <script>function display(idx) {var text=new Array;text[1]="link 1 description";text[2]="link 2 description";if (document.all) document.all['linktext'].innerHTML=text[idx];else if (document.layers) document.layers['linktext'].innerHTML=text[idx];else document.getElementById('linktext').innerHTML=text[idx]; }</script><a href=# onclick="display(1);">link1</a><a href=# onclick="display(2);">link2</a><span id=linktext>Link Description</span>

    modify the descriptions or add more depending on the number of links you want. example: text[3]="another description"; and so on.

    the if statement is there so that your code will work for all popular browsers.

    document.all = IE
    document.layers = Netscape/Opera
    document.getElementId = Firefox

    when calling the display function, you pass the text number. In this case, when you pick display(1); you are asking to display text[1] or the message "link 1 description".

    the message will show up in between the <span> tags. Whatever you put between the <span> tags will show up when the page is loaded.

  18. yes hacking is an issue and I also have used code to check for slashes, etc.I made a webpage using similar method. BAsically one template file which loads content a conent file. I find that this is not the best way to layout a site. I find it is better to include the layout from a file rather than the content.basically like thisinclude banner.html;include navigation.html;<content code here>include footer.html;I think this method is actually better because each page is easier to customize.

  19. max-height or max-width exist but are not supported by many browsers. I think only opera supports those (don't quote me on that though).anyway, the way I see your post is this... You are asking 2 things.1. you have an image that you dont want to scroll (image is in a table cell).2. You want your text in your news section to scroll but not the page.answers1. if you have an image inside a table and you don't want scrollbars, put everything in the table cell inside a div.Example:<table><tr><td><div style="overflow:hidden;width:10px;height:10px"><img src="yourpic.jpg"></div></td></tr></table>Change the width and height to the size of the picture. The overflow:hidden removes scroll bars (just in that area and not the whole page).2. To get a scroll bar just for your news section, you use DIV's again.Example:<div style="overflow:auto;height:400px;width:400px">Your news and junk</div>This will make a box with width 400 and height 400 pixels. The scroll bar shows up only if the text is longer than 400 pixels.

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