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Posts posted by no9t9

  1. i don't see this as a bad idea. There are a ton of people out there that incurr debt of 100's of thousands of dollars and then simply claim bankruptcy to get rid of that debt. After 7 years they do it all over again. If they are forced to pay it back, then they might think twice about what they are doing and it also teaches them to manage their money so they can make the payments. And when you say "what is the point, I can negotiate payback myself" it is not always that easy. Bankruptcy will help you negotiate with them and probably get better (lower) payments. A lot of creditors may demand payment by taking your house, car, etc. and you would be left on the street. This is not good and creates poverty. You must leave people with the means to make a living.And finally, you said that "they didn't have the money to pay it off so what is the point". Yes, it would seem to defeat the purpose of bankruptcy but I'm sure it actually DOES help. I am not familiar with PERSONAL bankruptcy but I'm sure they would have made it like Chapter 11 for corporate bankruptcy. You can negotiate with creditors to pay only a percentage of what you owe. For example, you might only have to pay 25 cents on the dollar.

  2. i don't know why you people always have problem with MS stuff. I have NEVER had MS Word crash on me and I am probably a power user of all MS applications (I do VB scripting and macros). And another thing, don't think open office and linux NEVER crashes... cause it DOES.Just like MAC's are advertised as the most friendly computer, it is actually not as easy to use as Windows. I'll admit, most of my Mac experience is with the outdated OS9 but even then they were saying OS9 doesn't crash. I hate to say it but it crashed ALL the time. Probably 3 times more likely to crash than Win2k. There is no contest between OS9 and XP though.

  3. highschool and college girls are EASY. most don't have boyfriends and are at the age where they WANT a boyfriend or even never had a boyfriend. True test for someone who is good with women is if they can STEAL a girl from a stable relationship. And I'm not talking highschool type relationships. I am talking real relationships of like 5 years+ where those people are more mature.

  4. i have a dell axim and I would recommend against buying this. It is a little bit more convenient than palm os because it links easier to pc's. With my wireless card for my dell axim, I can get online easily and also connect to my home network and transfer files as if it were another computer. I am not sure palm os can do this. They have to transferr through the sync program. There is many other features that pocket pc has but I think it isn't worth it.My dell axim crashes quite a bit, especially if you try to browse the web with it. Plus, the battery doesn't last very long. I would buy a palm os based pda because they are more stable and the extra features that are possible with pocket pc are not really that useful. Palm OS can also go online through wireless as well btw..

  5. i have never used that program either but you can setup php on your own computer so you can view the output in internet explorer. Basically, you need to install IIS (comes with windows XP PRO). Under control panel choose add/remove programs, then install/remove windows components and pick IIS. Next, you need to download the php files (windows install) and run the install program. It will set everything up for you. After that, if you view php files in IE it will display properly.


    php download is here


  6. the code works. you must have done something wrong. But the only thing it will not do is center it. do you have a link I can see where you want to use this? And what is in your table? That would be easier. Cause in order to center it you might have to do it with padding.

  7. I don't want to debate whether evolution or creation theory is correct because there is absolutely no proof for either. Getting back to the original topic, I don't see the problem with calling it evolution. It is implied that it is evolution THEORY.I don't know why you believe that people think evolution theory only refers to evolution of man. That has never been the meaning. Just as someone mentioned earlier, creationism isn't just about God creating the earth or people, it is about God creating EVERYTHING. This is the same with evolution theory. Everything in the univerise has evolved over time to exist as we know it today.

  8. if you asked Xisto - Web Hosting to setup your account with the domain name you bought, then you can't park it because it is associated with the "root" account. If you had a subdomain of Xisto - Web Hosting or some OTHER domain that isn't the one you are trying to setup, then parking it will work. If you didn't do the name servers, then it is 99% because of that.

  9. the problem with survey sites is that you ahve to qualify in order to recieve the money. If you live in the USA, then chances are you will qualify for most of the surveys. But, if you don't live in the USA many surveys you take will not get you any money because the company who is doing the market research doesn't care about international survey results. Even if the survey site says that they alow international people to join and do the surveys, it all depends on the companies that are paying this survey site to administer the surveys. In short, if you are outside the US, don't expect too much.

  10. actually, I just realized where it says

    a.menu:hover {display:block;width:100%;background:blue}

    you sould change the BLUE to some other color because the link color is automatically BLUE and you won't see the link when you hover over it. Just letting you know in case you try the code and see it doesn't work.

    There are many things you can change using CSS. It is very powerful.

  11. While Opaque's solution will work, it is not ideal since it uses javascript and some people turn off javascript. I am assuming you are asking this because you are thinking of designing a menu system with a table. I would do it through CSS rather than javascript. CSS is better because all modern browsers will display this properly.

    <style>a.menu:link {display:block;width:100%;background:white}a.menu:visited {display:block;width:100%;background:white}a.menu:hover {display:block;width:100%;background:blue}a.menu:active {display:block;width:100%;background:white}</style><table border=1 width=100 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td><a href="link1.html" class=menu>1</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="link2.html" class=menu>2</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="link3.html" class=menu>3</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="link4.html" class=menu>4</a></td></tr></table>

    you can modify the CSS so that the colors and the look is right for you.

  12. yes, i agree with dexter. I use my credit card for EVERYTHING. If they take VISA, I use it. I use a credit card that earns me 1% cash back on every purchase I make. I don't see what the problem is. You just have to know how much you are charging. I know exactly what my bill is going to be at the end of the month and I NEVER have to worry that I don't have enough money.People who say they will end up spending more with a credit card, well that's just a discipline problem. The problem is you don't see the credit card as money. It is too easy to spend. You have to change your habits and not splurge.As for the security of online transactions. Don't use a credit card that has a $10000 limit!! For ALL my online transactions, I use a credit card with a $500 limit. So, my risk is MUCH LESS. I have credit cards with $10,000 and even $50,000 limits. But, I don't use them. They are for emergencies. Basically, get credit cards with LOWER LIMITS. when they raise it. Phone them and tell them to reduce it.

  13. even paid hosts can be crap sometimes. It all depends on who is running the host. Honestly, if I see a host is too cheap, I will not go for it because I know there will be a lot of noobs on there. It is usually better than free hosts, but it is probably going to have problems. I prefer hosts that have been around for a few years. You can't stay in this business if your service *BLEEP*.

  14. PHP scripts can't generate moving text. Atleast not to my knowledge. That's just not how it works. I think you are talking about javascript. I created a javascript scroller. Very easy to do. And also very easy to stop and start it on mouseover. Javascript is very useful (so is PHP). for this kind of stuff. I also think that marquee is very amatuer. I would not use it on any of my sites.

  15. you have to goto the place where you registered your domain name (your .com or whatever domain) and change the nameservers (it might be under dns servers). You have to change them to the Xisto - Web Hosting name servers (I think ns1.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com).Next, you also have to log into Xisto - Web Hosting cpanel and goto park domain. Enter your domain name, then wait a few hours and it should work.

  16. my brother plays World of Warcraft all day. Personally, I believe that it is a total rip off. First, it is not really that interesting. You do quests and all that to get experience, but what's the point? There isn't a main story behind the game. You are just seem to be aimlessly wandering around. You basically walk around and kill things. Second, there is a MONTHLY FEE to play the game!!! You have to buy the game for like $40-$50 and then you still have to pay $20 a month to play?!?!?! If they charge a monthly fee, they should give the game away for FREE.Anyway, I don't play so I don't have any characters. But my bro has a few lvl 60 guys. He has lvl 60 mage and hunter I think. I am not sure about the names of the type of characters... is there a mage type character in WOW??

  17. it takes an energy crisis like this one to change peoples minds about the environment and thier habits. Over the last 10 or so years, how many people have bought SUV's? The bigger the better. It was so cool to have a bling bling escalade...Reasons for high oil prices is not just instability in Iraq oil supplies, but because people have used more in general. Back in the 70's when the last oil crisis happened, it was the same thing. People used to drive around in their huge, heavy, V8 6L cars. the oil crisis came, and japanese cars took over the market. They were smaller and more fuel efficient with engines under 2L.The same thing is happening now. Smaller cars (which have long been in europe) are showing up in the US. Also, hybrid cars are making a strong showing because of the fuel prices.Supply and demand. It's really that simple. Supply is being pressured (Iraq), and demand is at an all time high. Fundamental economics tells us that fuel prices should be high.

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