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Everything posted by trace-uk

  1. trap 17 is good as you can get almost free hosting (you do need to make regular posts and spend your own time to keep the service up and running) and there's no banner ads or pop ups.Also, you can get mysql databases and scripts.
  2. I contacted them and they have qucikly refunded the money. Said it would take 48-72 hours. Overall they do have very good customer service, but this was the first time they've done anything like that. I only hope no one else was caught out by this.
  3. One of my webhosts just charged my card $29.95 for an upgrade I did not request. http://www.globat.com/ . I thinkthey just sent every customer an email awhile back saying "hey, if you don't follow these steps we're goign to charge you for this promotions package". Shouldn't they only charge you when you order stuff? It sounds to me like they know a certain percentage of customers will not check teir card statements or their email and not notice the charge.The promotions pack you're being charged for is awful. It includes meta-tag generator, link checker, website submitter and website analyser. I ca get all of that stuff for free online, and it won't significanty increase your website's ranking!What a joke. Are there any other globat.com customers out there?
  4. yeah. always keep in mind why the visitor is on your site to begin with. if it is purly for information then keep the page simple black and white text with maybe a simple html design so tis quick loading. if its a personal webpage then add all the things that are like your personalitiy. if its a business site then focus on gettng the customer to canontact you - ad copy, email address.
  5. HI,I'm looking for a few directories that allow free non-recip submissions so i can submit my 8 sites to them. Do you have a directory?Can you recommend one? I'd rather submit to a newer dircetory and get my links up qucikly than wait 8 months to get a link on a more esteemed directory.Thanks,Andy
  6. where are you from? I think I was one of those guys!... just joking.. it'd be funny if you met that greek guy again on this forum lol
  7. I don't think google should be held responsible for hackers doing their usual stuff. at the end of the day its the hacker's fault not google's. it does worry me that google has soo much useful info that it is appealing to hackers, and these people see google as a target to get our info.
  8. I think that the only people who are goign to work for $0.75 /hr are those poor people in iraq. with 75c in iraq you could buy one of old sadam's palaces. U.S. bomb-damage and all...
  9. the best way to make money on ebay is to spend time developing your product resources - where to get these products cheaply and finding out which products are well paid for.
  10. while mata tags aren't used to rank the pages, they are still used by the crawlers to spot wha keywords you think you're site should be ranked in. That and it will take keyword density of your pages into consideration when determining your keywords.
  11. watch out. google workers often surf webmaster forums like this. if they really are evil all our sites will be banned lol
  12. providing you've got linsk to your site out there on well-used and well-crawled websites and submitted your new url to google, it usually is done very qucikly. Though, expect google to only crawlt he idnex page of the new site. expect a 8 wekk wait for ti to have all the website's pages. you'd then need to wait utnilt he next google update to even think about getting it in the serps. usually it takes 2 updates, as by the first google update the search engines doesn't know about all the links to your site and rates it poorly.
  13. ipods are good, infact its aboyut the oly thing apple has done right market-wise. the applemacs are a waste of time. they can't be use dwith lots of games and other software. I hink apple shoudl give up trying to become the standard of the internet, coz microsoft so obviously has won that battle. applemacs have to be intergratable with all the other software out there to stand a chance.
  14. how about "peaches" by the american presidents. Its from the 90s and sounds very much like nirvana / punk rock. very good tune tot he song but all it is about is "moving to the country, gonna eat alot of peaches". "Peaches come from a can, they were put there by a man in a factory down town"... :)great tune, bad lyrics.
  15. not really. what can you do in 0.023 of a second? You can't even blink. lol That's just journalists trying to get paid by writing an article they think magasine editors will publish
  16. dude, if you don't make a move don't be sad when another guy does. he who dares wins. if ti was up to you, you's quite ahpply muddle along not tellign her your feelings and haign her not having a social life or a boyfriend coz you're too weak to stand up and ask.you can't have it both ways.
  17. that's interesting! I know lycos did somethign like this awhile back. generally its of little improtance though as they change so rapidly every week depending what's in the papers and on the TV.
  18. be wary of making a site just to get a top position, as it will most likly look like a spam website. remember to build a website about soemthing and THEN optimise it for the search engines. choose your keyword carefully and use it in the <title> tags and in the content on the page of the site.
  19. This layout is better than the previous layout, which was changed a few weeks ago... beleive me lol.I know not alot of people care about PR, but it is a fact that the speed google indexes pages dependeds on the PR. googlebot goes to a page notes its stats and then lists t appropriatly to be indexed. So having a pr5 link to your site will help it get indexed faster and share PR to you helping your site get a better PR and indexed fatser. (than a pr1-4 link).
  20. actually I'm one of the few people who know how bad IE is, but still likes it (has microsoft brain washed me?).My other browser of choice though is opera.
  21. use google sitemaps to speed up the process abit. https://www.google.com/webmasters/ I'd also have your index fle under your main root directory and not in the "shop" folder. simcards-r-us.co.uk/index.php not simcards-r-us.co.uk/Shop/index.php
  22. Hi, I run a learning martial arts website that is currently rated as a PR5 by google and has an average of 400-500 visitors a month (from search engines, martial arts based). I'm trying to get some funds together so that I can promote my forum and website online and help other to learn martial arts! I'm not going to pocket this money (that happens later when I get 10,000 visitors to my site, ) If you'd like to have a text link on a PR5 webpage (index page) for $12 for 6 months (that's at least one google update, possibly two) then contact me through the website's email form or PM me here. I can accept payment online debit/credit cards using paypal.com or nochex.co.uk . The site - http://ww39.learnmartialartsonline.net/ Thanks, Andy (I think this is the correct place to post this ad, and I'm not aware of it being against trap17s rules. If it is wrong, please feel free to move it or delete it).
  23. search engnines hate frames and redirects, they actually like PHP.what you've got to do is pick a keyword and stick to it. use it int he title tags, and mention in in <h1> and for gods sake have the keyword in all linsk to your site. havign a url witht he keyword in it is really useful.
  24. no its not "site:" that will show you how many pages the search negine has indexed in your site.Use the "links:" command for google or "link:" for msn and yahoo.
  25. there's a similar site to this one, except its about employees bad mouthing custoemrs and their bosses. very entertainign once it takes off. you're bound to get alot of content.
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