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Status Updates posted by anwiii

  1. velma is the new buffalohelp of the forum.....and we all know he was never liked...

  2. we can never stop doing what is in our nature :D

  3. we left him alone on his birthday! now i feel guilty! happy birthday! btw- don't be fooled by unwanted flower haha

  4. we're all having a sleep over at deadmad's house on thursday! be there, or be square! i'm bringing the pizza!

    1. web_designer


      oh no..then we will bring milk...:)

    2. chini13


      :P party hats are ready for the orange watermelon
    3. web_designer


      i want a pink one please...or green...:)

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  5. web designer did it. she didn't like the other picture someone did haha anyway, i wont be mod for that long. just need to wrap some things up first :)

  6. Weird but true..... This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 ..... NOW go figure this out.... take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year and it WILL EQUAL TO 111. This is just too weird but it works.

    1. web_designer
    2. Baniboy
    3. anwiii


      i will be sure to pass that info on to anyone who is over 111 years old, bani. :)

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  7. well you all know where to find me..... i know i was lied to

    1. dfrost


      who lied to you?

    2. Hurt4love


      What goes around comes around anwiii...Karma will take care of it...Believe me!

  8. welp- the single most deadliest tornado to hit the u.s. in almost 60 years just swept through part of missouri here yesterday

    1. anwiii


      welp- they are saying it was an ef5 and the 8th most deadliest tornado on record

    2. Indego_Media


      Take Care Anwiii, try and stay out of harms way will you :) this place wouldnt be the same with out you :)

  9. what do you call two mexicans playing basketball? .......................................................................................................................... juan on juan

  10. what happened to you??? where did you go???

  11. what happened to your FB account???

  12. what?!?!? a new pic?!?!? what's the occassion! :)

  13. what's with the crotch grabbing in the gallery images? haha

    1. anwiii


      the blow horn or the crotch grabbing? personally, i wouldn't mind me a blow horn. i can greet a lot of people passing by with that thing!

    3. q9c9p


      sorry guys, for a moment there I forgot that out there there is people who might get disturbed by crotch grabbing images...:D

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  14. when life gives you lemons.......you know you really screwed it up!

    1. web_designer


      hahaa, i really love lemon, so when life gives me lemon i will make a delicious lemonade...

    2. anwiii


      mmmmm....home made lemonade! i was thinking about that the other day.....just buying a big bag of lemons. sounds GREAT!

  15. when people open themselves up to see, sometimes they see things they don't want to...

    1. web_designer


      we all don't like everything we see inside us...but we should deal with them in somehow...

  16. where is my sister chini cutee :( i haven't seen her in a week!

  17. where the hell are ya? happy birthday man!

  18. who in the world is giving eza wisdom flags for her spam?????

    1. anwiii


      good call. someone might be misinterpreting the "wisdom" flag...

    2. sheepdog


      I didn't do it! Honest! I didn't even know you could do that.

    3. anwiii


      last i recall, you liked eza's posts because she was talking about dogs :)

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  19. who wants trouble? i'm bored! :D

  20. who's playing with the ks code? :)

    1. web_designer


      yeah...i want to know too...:angry:

  21. why are you always online but don't post or say anything. even in the chat room.... :)

  22. why doesn't it allow me to send you a pm here? this sucks.... :( btw- i hold a lot of respect for you....i just wanted to talk.....

  23. why wait til he turns 30 to make fun of him? wehn litle arnold sets himself up to be the blunt of all jokes now? haha wether he's around or behind his back hahaha!

  24. woulda wished ya a happy birthday but i was outta commission. happy belated b-day though!

  25. xisto has done it again. instead of fantastico, they are installing a software installer called installatron. with fantastico, they made it easy to uninstall your sotware. with installatron now on the xisto servers, you will have to do everything manually including deleting the database manually. way to go xisto! i knew you could come up with other ways to screw over your members

    1. anwiii


      spreading the truth about xisto.... following their motto "honesty rocks, truth rules"

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