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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. my wish really DID come true....
  2. well, you dog got his wings, he flew away, and never came back. you are also sent to hell because you wished for three wishes instead of one i wish there was no more wishing after this last wish of mine (let's see if it's granted )
  3. i am glad you asked you you WANT to win, not we we think will win. i really want the saints. they beat out the vikings in what was one of the best games i have ever seen and i wanted the vikings to go all the way. i think saints are worthy, and they got my vote. unfortunately, i think they are going to lose
  4. i am a little confused. did you buy the domain from a private party, a reseller or a registrar?when you do a whois on the domain, does it list you as the admistrative contact or someone else?when you originally bought your domain, how did you initially set up your dns settings to point to your website? did they do it for you? was the domain and hosting bought at the same place?i wouldn't tell anyone your domain...especially publically right now to further protect yourself. you also might want to consider a trademark this also may help you protect your domain namea domain is like real estate. you wouldn't buy a house and not change the locks, right? by not doing so would allow the previous owner to possibly enter anytime they wish with a copy of the original key. you should have accessed your domain control panel as soon as you purchased it and protect yourself. also, printing out your whois information is a good idea too as well as signing up for a service that monitors whois information changes. this will be a learning experience and i am sorry for your struggles.i would DEFINATELY talk with the registrar unless they are the ones that went out of business. it really makes me wonder how we really OWN a domain when things like this can happen....and it happens all the time....
  5. hmmm....no. i think i explained it wrong. i have a wordpress blog. on the MAIN page of the blog, it will list all my blog posts. this is fine. i don't want to add a page or create a random script. what i want to do is EDIT the main page below the header, but above the recent posts that are automatically displayed on the main page. i want to add text(not a post) JUST to the main page.i want to do this for seo purposes. now would editing the index.php file do the trick for just the main page? or is that wrong to do. what are my options. is there a plugin for that?one option i was thinking about was creating a post and having that post always on top of the main page where all the recent posts would go below it 10 posts deep(on the main page) but the top post will ALWAYS remain there. but i don't know how i would do that either.so my intention for this is to always have the same text at the top(below the header) for seo purposes and to explain in more detail about the site on the main page only.
  6. awesome game. i solved it a few times. i hate the side quests though. i only did those if i was stuck somewhere else more important. the next one after ocarina of time is majoras mask. that one is tougher than ocarina of time but still needs about the same skill level and thinking process. two of the best games i have ever played. it's also fun if you have someone playing another characer along with you where you can compete or help eachother out when one is stuck somewhere. i am against giving away the solutions but i did always like giving hints to solutions. it's fun watching people get stuck and then they have to try and figure out my hints
  7. you get your billion and 1 cent. unfortunately, the billion is in monopoly money and you can't spend it. the penny is real though. happy shopping! I WISH i could live forever!
  8. above the recent blog posts, i want to add fixed text to the top of the main page. how would i go about doing this? is the solution to edit the index.php file or is there another solution? where are the wordpress gurus?
  9. well, you get your big box of chocolates that you can't wait to eat. the next moring you wake up to find your face infested with zits I WISH ucla won today! they lost to california!
  10. when you get your wish, you are old enough to vote. you vote for the wrong president who pushes the button. world war III. everyone dies. thanks alot! I WISH deadmad could do something with his banners so they didn't take up so much space
  11. yea, unfortunately, one of the older elephants died in mid air and came hurling down to earth at 100mph and landed on you. who wishes for flying elephants anyway?!? I WISH...i could time travel. either to the past OR the future....
  12. yea, and if you got your wish, your dog probably wouldn't stop humping your leg. don't know if this was turning it around. you may like that....
  13. well, i am never been there, but good call! their copyright even says 2006. i don't know why this person is claiming that it's a new website. other the obvious lie, i don't see a problem with a a review of the website except this topic would be in the wrong place.... as far as the site itself, just another template site. some free, most for a price. nothing really stands out to me....
  14. i guess your beliefs will always be weak too since you are always questioning. you know some people have a problem with christianity or other religions forcing their beliefs on others in a disrespectfull way, but the point of this thread is doing the exact same thing as what was originally being complained about. personally, i have been told i wouldn't be with god or be saved....blah blah blah. so what. although i really don't believe in what shadow is saying or the original poster for that matter, i agree that just because someone believes in something doesn't make it real....or the "truth". but rather than question everything that cannot be proved by facts, i rather believe in what i know and maybe incorporating little bits of what i don't know and be open to possibilities. funny story: i remember one night, i drove to my local bar to hang out with my friends. i didn't have my tags and a cop followed me in the small parking lot. it later got towed. well, i got TRASHED that night. although i had many offers to drive me back home, i thought i would walk home after closing(about 15 miles). anyway, i was so trashed, i didn't make it. so half way there, i decided to take a little nap on someone's front lawn....heheheheh. i was awoken by some homeless lady preaching to me. she stood there in front of me yelling the word of god and also stating how i am damned and going to hell. she wouldn't stop. i just continued to pretend i was asleep until she left. it had to be 15 minutes of non stop preaching. after she stopped, i walked the rest of the way home. even one of my best friends got "born again". when he would preach to me, i would listen to him. he would listen to me. we would smile from time to time. maybe we were both right. when people preach and even preach in a disrespectfull way, it's not really good to be offended but rather to see part of the truth in what they are saying because i just will never believe that people are 100% ignorant. the title of this topic is "religious people aren't fair" yet it specifically singles out christians in the post. is that fair? is it even fair to lump all religious people in to one group? if people have a problem with the preaching, don't go places where you have to hear it, or maybe hang around them to possibly learn something new rather than be annoyed in what you don't agree with.
  15. don't even bother. sky's credibility is is not there if in fact he has an entity controlling his thoughts and what he does. i've been piecing things together and most everything sky has said has been contradictory to previous posts and vica versa. it is true that when possessed, you don't remember. the fact that sky says he has only been possessed 2 times is a joke since he wont even remember. all he will remember is if he is NOT possessed and he's hearing voices. or other things that may seem strange. my point is, sky has no credibility either way right now. if sky has really been possessed or experiencing things, his family would be well aware. if they are, and doing nothing, then that is strange in itself. sky saying he doesn't want whatever is inside him to leave is strange in itself. sky said he has done research so sky should already know what he's dealing with without any further comments in this thread. he also mentioned that his intention of the post was to tell a real life story AND get some help. but WHAT HELP if he wants whatever is inside him to stay? now it's after the 3rd when sky stated that is the date when whatever is inside him will leave. personally, i think sky is full of it after trying to piece things together here. maybe a typical prank that a teenager will pull just to get attention and see reactions. there is a way to find out, but i won't be the one to find it out....
  16. yup! there is a blank page alright. why don't you try removing the code you put up before the page went blank and see what happens. also, i hope you have backed up your public_html folder. refresh my memory. were you using wordpress?
  17. well i guess zozo has a friend. and i guess sky is ALL man when he can demand something from someone that possesses him. his parents and family don't care about him because they will leave family members possessed....oh......but i forgot....the demon will allow others to keep the demon in check. hahahahaha! i love it!!!!!!!! one day sky........one day........karma
  18. hey MRA....be cool ok? stop postin' nonsense posts, ok? you know....some of us actually know when you post quality posts. nice job, tramp!
  19. well i guess you were off topic as usual since this thread was about a cz.cc domain.....
  20. oh god. you want to contribute, MRA? then contibute to something you KNOW...not what you DONT KNOW!
  21. yea, and making assumptions could be dangerous too. that's why i think it's important to ask this entity questions and feel out it's energy more. although this could be dangerous too as calling a spirit or wanting it around you can not only make it more difficult when you don't want it around, there was a portal open somewhere where others can easily come in to play. i do believe that a ouija board is more than just a game. but like anything else, it's how much you believe. i don't think it just has to do with the subconscious, but i do question why people need to lay their hands on it to work. the subconscious would be one explaination... i also think there are some sick people out there that claim things that aren't real. sometimes they obviously profit by exposing certain things, and sometimes their profit is less known to others. personally, i will believe sky until i have a reason not to. unless this is for a school psychology project or what not, i don't see why he would lie. i would NOT however believe any demon or evil spirit that is inside me. they tend to gain trust, then hurt their victim. they gain trust by telling lies and semi truths also, a victim is most vulnerable when they are weak. so i am wondering where sky's vulnerability to this entity is and why it's being so easy to possess. possessions are VERY rare, but they do happen.....and just hearing voices doesn't mean he's possessed either. i do believe in mind control and sharing thoughts telepathically. another option is if he has any enemies or even "friends" who study black magick or knows anyone in a coven or circle who could practice such things and call upon others...
  22. well i went to their website. i couldn't find any terms of service there so i am wondering where you are getting your information from. they have the free accounts which are free for a lifetime. you just have to renew the domain when it's about to expire(still free) and there are the premium domains that run about $5 on average. they also have a link on top of their website leading to http://www.host-ed.net/ which offers free webhosting. i don't know if they own that site or not or how they are affiliated. but again, i couldn't see any terms of service. i just found a few pages with limited information and saw nothing about how a free domain name will become premium if used for commercial purposes. anyway, sounds good to me. i personally like to stay away from those domain extentions because people are going to be less likely to remember them, but they would be good for branding and as a parked domain as opaque pointed out. the search engines should treat them just the same as any .com or .net, etc if people were wondering about seo purposes.
  23. i am not interested in him....but i am a suspicious person by nature like i said, i already believe in these types of experiences. zozo can easily be related to all the other people who have said they experienced a zozo....100's. also, the other name you gave is somewhat similar, but is actually the demon depicted in the exorsist. you know that movie everone has watched. most of the people who have had an experience with zozo have experienced his presence through a ouija board. there are also a statistic that 4/10 people who have experienced entities did so by opening a portal through a ouija board. even if you didn't think you experienced anything from it, a portal can still be open where you are affected at a later time. also, in regards to zozo, everyone who has experienced him says he's nice at first, but over time will present himself as not so nice and his true colors will come out eventually has he has the ability to hurt you and others close to you.....and will. http://zozotheouijaspirit.blogspot.de/ that site is probably the biggest one with details of the most experiences with zozo. the blog creator has also stated that anyone who has had any contact with zozo, to contact him. this guy said he even took a picture of zozo. if you research it, you might be able to find this picture. i think it's on his site. he also posted a youtube video which will have the picture he took.
  24. what visions is he showing you? can you be specific? also, i am curious why you put the names in quotes "ZOZO" and "Pazuzu" one name is in ALL caps. why is that? has he spelled the names? or has he written them for you?interesting. both names can be googled. wether this is the entity or not, remains a secret....
  25. unlike others, i believe in situations like this. you say it got worse? is that after you openly talked about it? because entities like this don't really want to be known. they control by fear, but they also have fear themselves. i personally don't see any good about one entity taking control of another. for any "good" or "bad" reason. before getting any help with your situation, i would start asking it questions. find out it's name, where it came from, why it's here, etc...for situations like yours, you will not only be able to hear his voice and sense his presence, but also smell the energy. when did you first experience this entity? have you, your family, or any of your friends ever practiced any so-called magick? or tried to call upon anything that would be unknown to you in the past? possession will be tiring. it will make you more sleepy. you need to be strong during those times. there could be different reasons why this entity wants to give it's energy to you during times like this, but nothing good can come about it. it is strange how it will come and go. almost like a game or a single purpose to control you at certain times. this to me can be more dangerous because whatever this entity is, it probably has more patience and time to complete it's agenda than you do. i wouldn't never try to talk to it or call it when it's not already inside you as that is just inviting whatever it is, to be close. be carefull what information you read on the internet and the people you talk to because you are on shaky ground as it is and you really don't need the wrong information or to be talking to the wrong people right now that attract themselves to your situation to where they might just try and help your entity fullfill it's purpose. you don't want that. people can be disguised in many ways. so can these entities or "demons" as you would like to call it. whatever you do, it's important not to give whatever this thing wants. this is also inviting. some people believe there are entities or demons out there that are interested in a person's soul. i don't know about that, but you can never be too carefull. so my point is, don't ever give yourself freely. i would try to figure out the answers to the important questions about this thing, and then take it to a new level to get some help in trying to remove it. which no, it wont like, but it's better than the alternative in the long run.
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