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Status Updates posted by anwiii

  1. hey wd- there are cobwebs growing on your profile page. clean it up a bit will ya? :)

  2. happy birthday over there!

  3. happy birthday over there!

  4. the last two weeks seemed like two days!

  5. beta server down but they wont admit it!

    1. web_designer


      yeah and therefor i couldn't login the whole last week...the page is hardly loads...thanks god i could now...

  6. Tramposch- will you be my valentine?

  7. pakcers win! good job boys!

  8. black eyed peas at halftime....blah

    1. kobra500


      Thats because the superbowl sucks

    2. anwiii


      the most watched event every year sucks? :) hmmmm ok


  9. baniboy the birthday boy. i agree with philie. get crazy. you aren't accountable for your actions until your 18 so take advantage of it :D happy birthday buddy!

  10. *BLEEP* it!

    1. Baniboy
    2. web_designer


      hmmm i can imagine... :) he stuck with codes just like me...

  11. i like snow....but not THIS much! i walked outside in it earlier...2 hours later, i looked out the window and couldn't even see my footprints, when it stops snowing i thnk my dog and i will go play in it though :)

    1. anwiii


      oh- and my dog is lucky that he has somewhat long legs because in some parts where he was at, you could only see his face. i tried to take a picture of him but my camera was dead. i think i should have gone shopping last week. i only have soup. now i have to wait til it's safe to drive 30 miles...the blizzard type whether is over now though. was amazing

    2. web_designer


      oh what a lose i wanted to see your dog swimming in snow...it could be a cool picture...

    3. Baniboy


      and if you lose your dog under the snow, you have the rare chance to try dog fishing! btw anwiii why isn't your email working?!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  12. Weird but true..... This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 ..... NOW go figure this out.... take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year and it WILL EQUAL TO 111. This is just too weird but it works.

    1. web_designer
    2. Baniboy
    3. anwiii


      i will be sure to pass that info on to anyone who is over 111 years old, bani. :)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  13. what's with the crotch grabbing in the gallery images? haha

    1. anwiii


      the blow horn or the crotch grabbing? personally, i wouldn't mind me a blow horn. i can greet a lot of people passing by with that thing!

    3. q9c9p


      sorry guys, for a moment there I forgot that out there there is people who might get disturbed by crotch grabbing images...:D

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. thanks man....it's a pleasure

  15. drunk guy in the chat room. who wants to join me? i ain't sharin' my "juice" though!

    1. anwiii


      you were the only one crazy enough to join me!

    2. Baniboy


      yea and you didn't even give me juice! cheating!

    3. chini13


      lol anwii ..i would like to join u in the chat lol

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  16. it's official! XISTO, the same company that hosts KNOWLEDGE SUTRA lies to their clients and customers! If you're looking for reliable hosting, you have come to the wrong place!

    1. kobra500


      How/Why what's come to your attention?

    2. Baniboy


      Why is it that every time you write an apocalyptic status update, you give no reason for it? you gotta stop talking mysteriously :D

    3. anwiii


      i am not talking mysterious. i wrote a post about it. you two are just too lazy to read on the forum anymore :)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  17. after struggling to work 8 hours a day EVERY day, it just might pay off when 1 day you can become the boss......working 12 hours a day...

    1. chini13
    2. Baniboy


      But then you can choose which donut flavor you want in the office! see, it does pay off!

  18. who's playing with the ks code? :)

    1. web_designer


      yeah...i want to know too...:angry:

  19. Happy Birthday bud!

  20. oh no! you picture is gone. i just noticed. how did you get wings? :)

  21. hey- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hope everything is looking up!

  22. thank you web_designer for your help with my photoshop project! you did an excellent job!

    1. web_designer


      hmmm you don't have to thank me in public...this is embarrassing :)...any way you helped me a lot before even when we weren't friends..so i am happy that i could do something for you my friend...even you didn't ask me in person...

    2. anwiii


      yes i did. i want everyone to know what a great job you did! i don't hand out compliments that easy either but you deserve it

    3. web_designer
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